Asking the Big Questions

A dear friend of mine, Nick Borrell, writes that when you ask the BIG questions, you open a window into the Universe. As he puts it, “It creates the opportunity for fresh air to flow in and for a fresh answer to emerge.” It invites the enormous energy of creativity to pour in, and you must be very careful to leave the window open long enough to get the answers you seek — you must be patient. Now, in the beginning of the New Year, is the time that we traditionally ask the big questions: what do we want in our lives? What do we want in our world?

The following is an excerpt from Jill Mara’s extraordinary channeled book, Keys to Soul Evolution, A Gateway to the Next Dimension:

“The Imagination is your most amazing tool and yet it has been the least used to any great effect. Those in your culture who have managed to free their imaginations and follow the paths that they have been led to with their visions, have seen greatness in many capacities. All creativity begins with the imagination. One can only get beyond the standard way of viewing anything by stretching his or her imagination. This is easier said than done for most human beings, as they have been terribly programmed to see reality with limitations.”

What I have learned is that we can’t have what we want in our lives unless we can first imagine it. And that means being creative — thinking in bigger ways, overcoming limitations and thinking “outside the box” as the saying goes. As Nick puts it, “Solutions to the problems we face will come from creative spirit, creative intentions, and creative actions. Focusing our thoughts and desires to build a positive outcome will create that outcome. It is a question of attraction.”

So this New Year, ask yourselves the big questions, open the big windows and then wait for this extraordinary Universe to blow through fresh air and fresh answers — and be patient, for you know that anything good is worth waiting for.

Check out Nicholas Borrell’s work at