Stephen Thomson Psychic/Teacher

If you are interested in finding an excellent psychic and teacher, Stephen Thomson is the person for you. It is Stephen’s deep spirituality combined with his accuracy that make him a truly special psychic. Stephen is the author of the book, “The Secret Key” which we will be reviewing in our magazine section.

It is his extensive knowledge coupled with meditation that enables Stephen to guide people to self-mastery. In addition to being an author, Stephen also conducts sacred site tours which help people along their spiritual path. For more information please visit: Let me be. Let me see. By Stephen Thomson

“The Past is in Front of You” by Stephen Thomson

Be a Co-creator in the New Year by Stephen Thomson

The Evolving Complexity of Being by Stephen Thomson

The Evolving Complexity of Being: Part II By Stephen Thomson

Becoming a Self-Master in Your Own Life By Stephen Thomson

The Secret Key by Stephen Thomson

Spiritual Journeys with Stephen Thomson

Thank you Sahar

The very last thing on my mind was the creation of a website…My friend and former student Sahar Huneidi, who lives in London, suggested setting up a website for me with the help of her webmaster. This website has opened up a vast new world for me and I want to say a huge Thank You to Sahar.

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Mali Music

“Mali Music” is CD I love, a blend of Malian music with western technology created by Damon Albarn. In case you have yet to go to Mali it is poor country on the southern edge of the Sahara, landlocked and difficult to get to. It has recently become well know as a source of “World Music”.

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How to Love and Be Loved – Dr. Paul Hauck

| by Sahar Huneidi

An amazing book about the nature of relationships. If I could walk around with tens of copies of this book, and hand them out to people I know and care about, I would! Once you read this book, you wonder how you managed your relationships prior to reading it.

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Myths & Magic of A Spiritual Life – Part 2

Article by Psychic Sahar on the role of a psychic, and how does one benefit from having a psychic reading. It follows her thoughts from previous article on developing a more aware state of living: The Myths and Magic of A Spiritual Life Part 1.

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The Eternal Om by Robert Plast

| by Erica Mazzeo

Here at Merlian News, we have started to recommend a selection of music for relaxation and meditation. We hope that this music will help you to find your inner-peace and calm. In many cases the music also has a powerful healing effect.

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Good Life, Good Death, Tibetan Wisdom on Reincarnation — Rimpoche Nawang Geklek

A summary of the teachings found in “Good Life, Good Death”. The book also details the physical process of death, the stages we go though as we die. It also explains how we should react when we are dead and how we return in a new life. “…For Gehlek Rimpoche the beginning of freedom is through recognizing that we have anger, attachment, hatred and jealousy – “We have to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions.” Gehlek Rimpoche argues that we have the opportunity to achieve enlightenment — and that we should seize the chance now.”

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Myths & Magic Of Spiritual Life – Part 1

Sahar’s personal thoughts on Spirituality and daily living. “So you seek enlightenment? You keep trying, but life seems to be about lessons to be learned – albeit one after another- and yet: Has anything really changed?…Are you finding it difficult to keep up with the latest (fashionable) New Age therapy? The big question remains: what is the purpose of it all?”

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