The World’s Message in a Tiny Water Crystal: The Work of Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru EmotoDid you ever stop to think just what exactly you were drinking when you poured yourself a glass of water? Any high school science teacher will say water is a composition of two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen. However, Japan’s Dr. Masaru Emoto may have something else to add.

Recently, Dr. Emoto’s work has gained international recognition, as it has presented to the world a new interpretationof how waterinteracts with us, and the dynamics of our modern world. He writes, “I was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. I undertook research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher but as an original thinker, as a human being. At length I realized that it was in the water crystal that water showed us its true nature.”

Water crystal reacting to Thank you in JapaneseDr. Emoto’s experimentation with water crystals is ingenious even by its own simplicity. By taking high speed photographs of water crystals as they are exposed to various stimuli such as music, photographs and even words, Dr. Emoto has been able to document anoticeable patternregarding the structure of the crystals.

Water crystals exposed to such stimuli as classical music including Beethoven’s Pastoral, photographsof picturesque scenes and positive words and phrases such as “you’re beautiful” or “love and gratitude” exemplified a brilliant, brightly colored, crystallized structure of beauty and harmony, similar to an intricate snowflake pattern. In contrast, water crystals exposed to such stimuli such as rock and roll music and negative words and verses such as “Satan” or “You Fool” displayed a dull colored, discordant and asymmetrical structure.

Water crystal reacting to You fool! in EnglishHow we serve water reflects on how water serves us.Dr. Emoto writes that we start out our livesin a pre-natal state,with a water composition of 99% and continue to carry out a large and necessary water composition within out bodies throughout our existence.The world is blanketed with oceans, seas, rivers and streams that all play an important role in our existence in this world.

Yet, Dr. Emoto’s work shows that water which is within us, as well as around us, can not only be polluted by environmental factors such as chemicals and litter, but can also be polluted by psychological factors such as discordant musical harmonies and negative thoughts. These factors stagnate the water, making it unable to flow or move freely, thus disabling it in its support of the life process.

The doctor’s work is documented evidence of the living consciousness and spirit of the earth as well as nature’s delicate balance which nourishes life and well being in every living body. Currently, Dr. Emoto continues his research on water and also travels around the world giving lectures on his findings. He is the author of Messages in Water 1 & 2 and Hidden Message in Water. Dr. Emoto is also the head of the I.H.M.General Research Institute Inc., the President of I.H.M.Inc., and the chief representative of I.H.M.’s HADO Fellowship in Tokyo.

Water crystals reacting to Thank you in Italian

For further in formation on Dr. Masaru Emoto and his work, please visit:

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