Integral Yoga in New York City

Integral Yoga

Intergal Yoga Uptown Center at 200 West 72nd Street.

(IYUC) Established over thirty years ago, with the most prominent well-versed instructors; Integral Yoga offers Hatha Yoga classes, group meditations, and a splendid array of workshops to nurture the body, mind and spirit.

The practices and principles of Integral Yoga® are the foundation of Dr. Dean Ornish’s landmark work in reversing heart disease and Dr. Michael Lerner’s noted Commonweal Cancer Help program.

“Sri Swami Satchidananda (Sri Gurudev), our spiritual teacher, has often remarked that all people share a common desire–to be happy–but attempt to fulfill that desire in myriad ways. One way of expressing that goal from a spiritual point of view would be that we want to be at peace with ourselves and the world around us. Such a profound goal seems to require great effort. Many of us pursue our spiritual happiness with the same “just do it” mentality with which we’ve learned to pursue school, jobs and recreation. We end up struggling with ourselves and trying to force change…”

Classes are offered on a drop-in basis, seven days a week.

For more information, please visit

Channeling Session With Asandra

| by Merryn Jose'

“A few years ago I was introduced to Asandra’s channelling skills through a friend. As I was always on the lookout for genuine readers, she came highly recommended.”

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International Day of Peace

Merryn encourages participation on the international Day of Peace and recommends the work of James Twyman.

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Chords of the Cosmos

| by Merryn Jose

Merryn recommends one of her favorite meditation CD’s – “Cords of the Cosmos” by Deborah Van Dyke.

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Chords of the Cosmos: Harmonies of the Zodiac

| by Our music reviewer

“Chords of the Cosmos” fine tunes our entire body to the musical order of the universe with a deeply healing sound journey around the zodiac wheel.

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Speaking for Myself by Tim Shea

| by Tim Shea

The author, Tim Shea, describes his own personal awakening after having read Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”.

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Whole Health Shiatsu with Rochelle Hood

| by Rochelle Hood

Shiatsu practitioner, Rochelle Hood, gives an overview on the art of Shiatsu (acupressure)and Tibetan medicine.

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Change Your Life in Seven Days: An Excerpt From a New Bestseller by Paul McKenna

| by Book Reviewer

Excerpt from new bestselling book written by well known hypnotist and author, Paul McKenna. “Change Your Life in Seven Days” examines the thinking process and explains the mental perspective of successful individuals. It lists mental exercises for the reader to do that will help facilitate foundations of change within his or her life in seven days.

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Monthly Channeled Essay by Asandra: Your Highest Fulfillment

“Your Highest Fulfillment” is part of an ongoing series of channeled essays about the souls’ journey by Asandra.

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