Newsweek’s Feature on Mind & Body Connection

***image1***When I picked up this magazine, I was happy to see concepts professed by the new age movement are now entering into the mainstream.

The feature article in the Sept 27, 2004 edition of Newsweek Magazine looks at the new direction in American healthcare which is now making the connection between body and mind — much of the research is based on studies conducted at Harvard University.

The next time you visit a news stand look for Newsweek’s feature article entitled, “The New Science of Mind and Body” in its Sept 27th edition.

A New Goal for Tibet: An Institute for Science and Technology

| by Sogan Rinpoche

Author, Sogan Rinpoche, writes about Tibet’s educational plight and the campaign to create a new institute for science and technology in his native land.

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Who Heals The Healer? Review Of Caroline Myss Workshop

A captivating speaker, Caroline Myss, looked the audience ‘in the eye’ asking: How many of you call themselves healers?

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Metaphysics in Manhattan

Author, Tim Shea, discovers a small metaphysical treasure in the heart of the Village run by students of spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen.

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All You Need is Love by Jewelle St. James

Author Jewelle St. James discovers she once shared a past life with former Beatle, John Lennon.

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Fireworks by Jill Wellington and Edna Mae Holm

| by Clarissa Tallon

Review of Fireworks, a murder mystery with a twist, as it combines the art of classic sleuthing with the ideas of New Age spirituality.

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Monthly Channeled Essay by Asandra: The Path of Awakening

A channeled essay where the author discusses the existence of the new Golden Age and the continual choice one has of rising up to a higher consciousness.

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Meaningful Coincidences – How You can Tap into the Magic of Synchronicity

| by Jill Wellington

Former television news reporter, Jill Wellington describes the phenomena of synchronicity and how she’s embraced it in her own life.

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Stonehenge: Part 1 by Peter Quiller

| by Peter Quiller

The author, Peter Quiller, discusses the mystery of Stonehenge and his quest to find any possible association it may have with the Legend of King Arthur. This is the first of a three part article series.

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