It’s Time To Shine Light Into The Dark Places



OVER THE YEARS has presented the Prophets Conferences in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean, and the Great Rethinking Conferences in the U.K., considered by many to be significant events focusing on the bridging of new science and spirituality and inspiring spiritual activism. By bringing together some of the great minds of our time with similarly brilliant delegates, these kindred gatherings continue to stimulate many of us to look deeply into improving our personal lives and in turn becoming the catalysts for the creation of a workable society.THROUGH THIS DELVING INTO THE GREAT MYSTERY, intelligent conscious evolutionary fields are prompted into realization. As we join together in understanding our true nature as conscious creative beings, we begin to surpass much of our tired, stale and conditioned life scripts in favor of harmony, freedom and plentitude. Regardless of the weight of our personal and planetary folly, a rich brew is beginning to bubble beneath the surface of our discontent. A gradual growth of awareness is beginning to supplant with positive life enhancement that which is failing in workability.We at, after seeing the remarkable film “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”, were taken with how well the story of conscious responsibility and reality creation was conveyed in ways understandable to a broad audience. Out of this appreciation we decided to adopt this film as a vehicle to both show the scientific and spiritual workings of consciousness, and to encourage the next step of opening the door into maximum daily utilization of the principles portrayed.Throughout the ages many disciplines have shown us paths for realization of fundamental truths. But now, because of life’s unprecedented confusion and chaos, we find a great need to “fast track” ourselves into workable realizations of our conscious creativity. Like Dr. Emoto’s chaotic water crystals in the film, we are changing our thoughts and words and in so doing we become harmonious, coherent and powerful. Chaos is the birthing place of harmonious opportunity!IT’S TIME TO SHINE LIGHT INTO THE DARK PLACES AND IT’S TIME TO GET WISE!We invite you to join us in Santa Monica, California the weekend of February 4-6 for our first Prophets Conference taking us into the Bleep and good wishes,Cody Johnson and Robin Haines Johnson

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January 2005 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn José & Team

Introducing our new category Feng Shui!The commencement of a new year presents a threshold and moment in time where we may be inclined to reflect upon new directions or new paths to follow within the coming months.

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The Little Book of Bleeps by Betsy Chasse

The hit movie “What The Bleep Do We KNow?!” has spawned a new book entitled “The Little Book of Bleeps”, which is comprised of various statements and conclusions made by the movie’s scientists and spiritual leaders. “If you accept with every rudiment of your being that you will walk on water, will it happen? Yes, it will! But you know it’s like positive thinking. It’s a wonderful idea, positive thinking, but what it usually means is that I have a little smear of positive thinking covering a whole mass of negative thinking, so thinking positive is not really thinking positive, it’s just disguising the negative thinking that we have.” -Dr. Miceal Ledwith

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Oaxaca by Frances Kazan

| by Frances Kazan

Author Frances Kazan talks about her experiences in Mexico during the celebration of The Day of The Dead.

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Chakra Alighment Series: Intro & 1st Chakra

| by Ravi Singh and Ana Brett

Kundalini yoga experts Ravi Singh and Ana Brett introduce their “Special Chakra Alighment Series” which is an 8 part series on balancing the chakras. This month, they discuss the 1st chakra, known as the root chakra.

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The Elephant Sanctuary Begins the Largest Rescue of Needy Circus Elephants in US History

| by By The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee (Ele-diary excerpts, and all photos used with permission of the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee)

Having recently received three elephants from this herd, the Sanctuary will begin transferring the remaining 9 elephants in late December and plans to have completed the transfer by mid-January. As the single largest rescue of elephants in US history, this is an unprecedented event that could not have come too soon.

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