Mother Earth Needs Our Help!!

After reading the Ken Finn’s articles and his book review, it has come to my attention that the tragic destruction of our rainforests and wildlife is much worse than I could have imagined.

If you are as concerned as I am, and would like to help, please take a look at the links below. Not all of us can travel to the Amazon or Cambodia, but we can tap into the activist spirit and do our part in other ways. Please take a look and find out what you can do!



Global Witness

Other Rainforest links


Forest Stewardship Council

Friends of the Earth Good Wood Guide

Extracts From Ken Finn’s Book

Ken Finn’s Press Release

Vital Signs: Save the Brazilian Rainforest

My Journey With A Remarkable Tree by Ken Finn

My Journey With A Remarkable Tree by Ken Finn

| by Cheryl Shainmark

“My Journey With a Remarkable Tree stands up with the best “Rough Guide” style travelogues, and indeed should be a “must read” for any one headed for Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos — or any armchair traveler who wishes to understand better the indigenous tribes, the disturbing poverty, the role of the government and the level of corruption that is prevalent.”

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Living As God — Healing the Separation by P. Raymond Stewart

| by Cheryl Shainmark

” Living As God has a rhythm and pace to it that flows like a clear stream.”

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Love & Light To England

Merryn Jose sends her prayers out to all those touched by the terrorist attacks on England.

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What is Consciousness? by Psychic Sahar Huneidi

| by Sahar Huneidi

“What does our consciousness actually consist of? Sahar Huneidi did a deep meditation to find out.”

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Chakra Alignment Series: Eighth Chakra

| by Ravi Singh & Ana Brett

Ravi and Ana bring us the eighth part of their alignment series: the aura.

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Golden Temple : Kundalini Yoga in Katonah, NY by Dena Ventrudo

| by Dena Ventrudo

Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is a 5,000-year old system of yoga exercise and meditation that encourages health, happiness and awareness. Kundalini Yoga can be practiced by anyone. Golden Temple is not competitive and has a relaxed atmosphere.

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Sacred World Series: Animals by Jenny Smedley

| by Jenny Smedley

Badgers and dragons and bears, oh my! Jenny Smedley discusses the cultural and spiritual symbolisms of our animal friends.

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“I” Is For Intolerance by Nazia Hussain

| by Nazia Hussain

This article first appeared on PS Magazine last month. Our ‘traveling chef’ writes from Dubai about ‘What is food intolerance and how does it differ from an allergy?’ See inside for your guide to food intolerances and symptoms. This month’s recipe ‘Spinach Stir Fry’.

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July 2005 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn José & Team

Named for Julius Ceasar, July brings the United States’ Independence Day as well as many wonderful articles. Stay cool and read whats happening.

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