Podcasting and PS Magazine

UK Columnist, Sahar Huneidi, Launches Her Second Free Podcasting Service

www.Podcasts4life.com – The Sound of Inspiration

UK Columnist, intuitive Life Coach, and editor of the holistic online resource PS-Magazine.com, Sahar Huneidi has helped thousands of people to take charge of their lives. Recently, she has launched what is probably the first free podcasting service concerned with raising awareness, wellbeing, and inspirational self-development, www.podcasts4life.com. “My objective is to inspire and empower” says Sahar. “Increasingly, we live in an age of information where time is a precious commodity. Present technology makes it possible to have information on ‘demand’. There should be no reason for an individual to get stuck or loose motivation because they cannot find the information they need. Using digital media, Podcasts4Life.com gives them access to the resources they need via interviews with inspiring people. “My intention is to help people develop the insights they need for their well-being and self-development as they journey their life”.

Born in Cairo, Egypt; raised in the Middle East and educated in the USA, UK and France, Sahar studied Civil Engineering and Business Administration and is a also creative writer having had her poetry published since 1987. Sahar receives extensive media reviews in the UK, and is a regular guest on LBC radio in London (UK), BBC World Service and also helped present special edition of the Daily Politics programme on BBC2 Television. Her international audience continues to grow each day, as listeners tune in form around the world. She already has thousands of subscribers to her podcasting services, listeners who download the sound of inspirational news and interviews she provides to their iPods. Sahar says “It is my personal belief that the more easily we can access inspirational information and guidance, the sooner we can create the life we desire for ourselves. People need to be aware of the tools that are available in order to change their lives”

“Information you provide is like candles that keep lighting up my life. I am so grateful”

Sahar receives regular feed back from listeners around the world. One listener, from Kuwait, wrote recently: “I’m having so much fun with all those rich and informative articles and interviews I always find on your web site. They inspire me to ‘survive’ and to discover many things about my inner self. The change within me continues as I read PS-magazine.com articles and listen to your podcasts. Your Podcast service is amazing! I no longer feel time drags on. .. Information you provide is like candles that keep lighting up my life. I am so grateful”

In the past six months, her online PS-Magazine.com enjoyed 450,000 unique visitors and more than 600,000 page views. “We have had visitors from 130 countries and even from Belarus, Bhutan and Kyrgyzstan” Sahar explains “what my online Ps-Magazine does is to give people choices. Information provides knowledge. Knowledge can help us make informed decisions; as a result we can individually create the life style that suits us; and life becomes more enjoyable and fulfilling. This is why all this new Internet driven technology excites me. I have also found that many people use my new RSS feed service to access all the new articles on the magazine”

“… You opened a powerful portal”

With the BBC promoting both podcasting and RSS news feed services, ‘on-demand’ media is quickly becoming main stream. Sahar Huneidi is using the cutting edge of technology too, to provide information to her audience. Sahar’s guests are also excited by this new and dedicated service. Author, Master of Voice & Sound Alchemist, Stewart Pearce says“it has become a joy reading national and international emails from people I do not know, concerning how they have found “The Alchemy of Voice”. However, this is the first as a result of the PODCAST interviews. WELL DONE YOU~ you opened a powerful portal.”

Latest Podcasts include:

Michael’s poetry and essays are posted well over 1000 web sites, Journals and Magazines, including PS-Magazine.com. He is a renowned guest speaker on Finance, Wellness and Inspiration, and has appeared on TV in the USA and UK and hundreds of radio stations throughout the world. His web site, Pointoflife.com, is number one on Google, when searched under “Inspirational books”. Michael says “The guiding force has always been the Spirit of the Universe.” In this interview, Michaels talks candidly about his experiences of the Spirit of The Universe, the reason we all exist on earth, and of course, the point of life. I hope you enjoy listening to it.Interview with Louka Samy Pacha: Sahar interviews Louka and discusses time and the fact that leading design companies like Locman are now producing jewellery which focuses on an individual’s “soul number”.

Interview with naturopath Karen Clickner on personalized natural treatments: Karen discusses holistic approaches to treatment and the differences between individuals. Karen has taught at the Reese Institute, the Wood Hygienic Institute, The Florida Institute of Massage Therapy, Massage Institute of New England and the Palmer School of Massage Therapy.

Interview with naturopath Karen Clickner on infertility and natural treatment: Karen discusses adrenal fatigue and causes and herbal treatment of common problems in men and women. Karen’s articles have been featured in various publications including AMTA Journals. Karen is currently owner of I.S.I.S. in Brookline, MA and maintains a private practice in Geneva, Switzerland and London, UK.Podcast interview on Dream Project: Alex Stewart and Claire Munday, student from Greenwich University in the United Kingdom, came to video interview me regarding my work with dreams and dream interpretation for their university project. I took this opportunity to find out why they were also interested in dream interpretation!

Interview with Dr P M H Atwater about her latest book “Beyond the Indigo Children The New Children and the Coming of the Fifth World”. Dr Atwater is one of the original researchers of the near-death phenomenon, having begun her work in 1978 after experiencing 3 NDEs herself the previous year. Her contribution to the field of near-death studies is considered on par with those of Raymond Moody, author of the world famous book Life After Life. Her first two books, Coming Back to Life and Beyond the Light, are considered the bibles of near-death experiences. In this interview, we also discuss recent findings, that were not included at time of publishing in her latest book about the The Indigo Children, she refers to as The New Children.

2nd Podcast Interview with Stewart Pearce on The Use of Voice Our voices are at the core of our identity. When we speak, Stewart explains, we create matter and manifest our ideas through our voices. Stewart’s clients have included Maria Aitkin, Minnie Driver, Kathryn Hunter, Josie Lawrence, Julia Ormond, Vanessa Redgrave, Simon Callow, Jack Davenport, Jerome Flynn and Mark Rylance. In this podcast we discuss everything from Ancient Egypt to current marriage rituals in Africa! Stewart talks to us about how we develop different ‘voice problems’ according to what jobs we have, diagnosing somebody’s voice can reveal their blue print, and when speakers are authentic. You do not have to be a celebrity nor a politician to be coached by Stewart; he explains here too how he helps people to ‘tune into’ their true identify enabling them to have a better and fulfilled life. Enjoy! Interview with Khalid Bazzi, IT excecutive, discussing the “Human Given Course”, a holistic course for self-development, while persuing his full time job too. Imagination, dream analysis, mythology, mental wellbeing, and other aspects of the human psyche are discussed. This is an Certificate Training Programme leading to becomming a certified practitioner in Counselling.

Interview with Stewart Pearce – Master of Voice We are delighted to bring you this interview with Stewart Pearce – Master of Voice. Stewart is a consultant to the international corporate market as a Master of Presentation, his clients have included: L`Oreal, BT, ITN World News, McKinsey & Co, Merrill Lynch, WPP Programmes and the LONDON 2012 Olympic bid. Since 1998 Stewart has been the Resident Master of Voice at ‘Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre’ and in 2001 became the Head of Voice at the ‘Drama Centre London’. He facilitates Master Class processes internationally and has taught in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark and extensively throughout the USA. His book – ‘The Alchemy of Voice‘ was published in 2005. Stewart’s humanity and wisdom pervade this interview.

subscribe to Sahar’s FREE podcasts:

Podcasts 4 Life

Psychic Podcast

Meditation…without the mystery by Donna Baker Church

| by Donna Baker Church

I suspect there are a lot of us who find the idea of meditation very appealing, but the act incredibly mysterious. It seems nearly impossible to be still long enough in this busy, hectic world to achieve any kind of tranquility. That seems to be accessible only to those who are already calm and relaxed.”

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Living Awareness, by Sahar Huneidi

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Guided by the Moon: Living in Harmony with the Lunar Cycles by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe

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Interview With Psychic Sahar Huneidi: Neither Flowing Robes Nor Crystal Balls

| by Nahla Al-Angeli, Freelance journalist, based in London.

Journalist, Nahla Al Angeli, found neither flowing robes nor crystal balls; but a healer with a positive outlook on life. “Sahar definitely defies any clichéd image we may have of a psychic or healer. She manages to demystify all the ambiguity we may feel or think about her work; and although the cynic in us may not want to believe that our future can be foretold or that a stranger can heal our hurt and pain, a small voice inside welcomes a short cut to it all.”

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God Among Us by Caroline Cory

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Unicorn Books and Spiritual Resource Center in Boston

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