CEM Productions

CEM PRODUCTIONS is a film and video production and consultation group, which brings extensive, national and international experience to the design and production of award-winning films, television programs and television series for US, European and other international distribution outlets. Since 1983, CEM PRODUCTIONS (Cultural & Educational Media, a non profit 501c3 media organization) has been using film, video and television technologies to promote new understandings, awareness and tolerance between peoples, cultures, nations and faiths.

Lunch with BokaraHost-Bokara LegendreAvailable on DVD

Welcome to Lunch With Bokara – an exciting new television series that explores the frontiers of religion and metaphysics, of science and spirituality.

Join host Bokara Legendre as she brings together an engaging group of well-known scientists, thinkers, and spiritual teachers from around the world. Join a unique, spontaneous conversation as fascinating guests who have never met are brought together for the first time to share their insights, knowledge and wisdom.

Some Programs from the Series Include:

MEDITATION, EMOTIONS & BODY LANGUAGEwith Jack Kornfield and Paul EkmanFOOD FOR THE SOULwith Huston Smith and Ram DassHEALING FAMILY & COMMUNITYwith Sobonfu Some and Rachel Naomi Remen THE MONK & THE RABBIwith Brother David Steindl-Rast and Rabbi Larry KushnerTRANSFORMATION AND MINDFULNESSwith Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn and Michael MurphyFor more programs visit http://www.cemproductions.org/bokara/

SOUND OF THE SOUL is a glorious homage to the remarkable Fez Festival of World Sacred Music in Morocco, which brings together a unique array of musicians from Muslim, Christian and Jewish backgrounds. –All connected through their artistry by profound expressions of love and longing. In a world increasingly polarized by religious conflicts and fundamentalist forces, SOUND OF THE SOUL is a timely and profound experiential journey, reverberating with unity, understanding and most of all, hope. Read More

OUR HOUSE IN HAVANA follows the emotionally charged return trip of Silvia Morini, a vivacious 68 year old Cuban, who after 38 years living in the U.S.A., decides to return to Cuba to search for the house, the neighborhood and the faded remains of her once-opulent, privileged life. Silvia’s pilgrimage is full of discoveries engaging interactions, and personal confrontations, which carry her from exhilaration to depression, and, ultimately, in a surprising twist, to an astounding personal transformation.

OUR HOUSE IN HAVANA is an intimate, thought-provoking cinematic journey, seasoned with Cuban history, culture, music and passion. http://www.cemproductions.org/havana/

Last Images of War

Last Images of War is the compelling and tragic story of four photojournalists covering the Afghan-Soviet war, who felt an intense commitment to provide the world with the dramatic images it craved, and who were ultimately consumed by the story and the conflict they reported on. This unforgettable, Emmy-Award winning film explores the motivation and ideals which carried these three men (one English, one American and one Russian) and one Japanese woman to their deaths in this Holy War or “Jihad” against the Soviet Union.

Last Images of War is a story told from different perspectives, using compelling original footage and photographs, journal notes and interviews with the four photographers themselves, their families, friends and colleagues. The fifth voice of the film is the poetic, tragic voice of the Afghan nation itself. This is a story about frontline photojournalists, about war, Afghan culture, Islam, grief, families, friendship and the intense personal and professional commitment to tell a story that needed to be told. More information coming soon.

For more information on CEM Productions please visit their website at www.cemproductions.org

The Tibetan Community School of New York & New Jersey

Founded in 1996, Tibetan Culture and Language School is the most successful initiative undertaken by the organization. Tibetan children attend classes during the weekends to learn Tibetan language, culture and performing arts. At present there are 140 students attending school from the tri-state are, and we have 12 volunteer teacher – nine teachers who teach Tibetan language and three who teach Tibetan music and dance.

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Dreamways of the Iroquois by Robert Moss

Between healing and soul remembering, Robert goes into great detail about his personal dreams and their relationship to his or others waking lives. He mentions spirit guides and animal guides that also have helped him. Most dreams are mentioned in the books to help him to create a pre-dream preparation for you as a reader to experience and appreciate the wealth available to you in your dreams…

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Spiritual Cinema Recommended Items

| by Reviewer

Many of us belong to an extended family of like-minded people who are committed to making the world a better place. As we move along our own spiritual paths, we may find that the people and things that influence our thinking and behavior often come through a personal recommendation. The team at The Spiritual Cinema Circle is excited to inform you about some new books, audios and products they think are great.

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The Yogis of Tibet

This film has been around for a few years and is well worth watching at any time. It is a reminder for us all to develop more love and compassion in our lives. Take a look at this facinating film, “The Yogis of Tibet”.

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Tom’s Table Tour – The Bamboo Garden; Seattle, WA

“The Bamboo Garden is a masterwork among vegetarian restaurants anywhere, and a landmark in Seattle — a veritable must do for sincere eaters. The charm of their story is as extraordinary as the veggie wonderland they spread.” Tom Park brings us another mouth watering review!

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Therapeutic Value of Intuition by Nancy Rosanoff

| by Nancy Rosanoff

“Intuition is the capacity to perceive the intelligence of life.” Everyone is born with intuition, so this article is for anyone. Intuition can bring wholeness and wholeness brings clarity.

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Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life by Robert Moss

| by Donna Baker Church

Moss gives us the tools to dream and live our lives with intention. It is not enough to decide what your dream means, you need to do something to bring the energy and insight of the dream into your waking life and to honor the source from which it comes. Conscious Dreaming teaches how to use dreaming to develop a powerful guidance system for living a more successful and more soul-full life. For all dreamers, this book deserves a place right next to your bed.

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Hurricanes’ Effects on Wildlife by Dena Ventrudo

| by Dena Ventrudo

What we experience as human beings is being experienced by a vast number of lifeforms, most of which *do not* have a voice. Their extinction, their loss, will echo through us to those darkest corners of Mother Earth, and we will *all* feel it. We rely on them as much as they rely on us to survive on this planet. Without them, we wouldn’t have much of a planet, just a barren, smokey rock orbiting the sun. We must work together against global warming. We have no other choice- lest we wish to have our future washed away with category 5 hurricane.

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Kundalini Focused Stretch

| by Ravi Singh & Ana Brett

When you are too busy for an entire practice, or just don’t feel pumped enough for your regular routine, it is a great time to work on the basics of a powerful practice: concentration, alignment, flexibility, and commitment. Whether you are a beginning or advanced yogi, runner, rock star, or raver, everyone needs to release the same major muscle groups, strengthen their core, and develop fierce focus for peak performance.

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