Merlian News Podcast Interview with Nancy Rosanoff, PhD.

Dr. Rosanoff’s enduring interest in life is living the principles of Intuitive Intelligence. She is the author of 3 books on intuition, works as an intuition coach and consultant, and is host and producer of the television show: “The Listening Place.” Her three books are: Intuition Workout, Making Money Through Intuition, and Knowing When It’s Right: an Intuitive Guide to Improving Relationships.

In this interview Merryn Jose talks to Dr. Nancy Rosanoff about intuition, how real it is, and how profoundly it affects our lives.

To listen to this Podcast, Click HERE !

Other Articles by Nancy Rosanoff Ph.D.:

Therapeutic Value of Intuition & Stop Fixing

For more information, please visit Dr. Rosanoff’s website at

The Only Dream Expert Is You By Robert Moss

You are the final authority on your dreams, and you should never give the power of your dreams away by handing them over to other people to interpret. Yes, our dreams can be confusing and opaque, and we gain greatly from other people’s insights, especially when those other people are “frequent flyers” who work closely with their own dreams and have developed a fine intuition about what may be going on in dreaming. So it’s okay to ask for help. More than that, we often need help because we are too close to our own issues, or too inhibited by self-limiting to see what may be obvious to a complete outsider.

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Journey to the Wild Divine: A Review

“There is such a mystical place where you will be taught to build bridges with your breath, juggle balls with laughter, open doors with the mind and focus through Zen archery… Combine this enchanted realm of seemingly endless possibilities with the scientifically proven effect of biofeedback. In addition you will be shown how to alter brain activity, lower blood pressure and release muscle tension.”

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Merlian News Podcasts Gene Krackehl, LLC

| by Merlian News

***image2*** In this podcast, Gene Krackehl talks with Merryn Jose about energy healing, his book, his journey as a healer, and more. Gene Krackehl, LLC is a Hands-on Energy Healer, Intuitive Spiritual Healer, Reiki-Master, Ordained Interfaith Minister and author who has been doing distance healing throughout his life. Formerly on staff at Northern Westchester Hospital’s Center for Health & Healing, he now devotes all of his time to his own healing practice in Katonah while collaborating with therapists, Hospitals, MD’s and other health care professionals on a wide range of clients and conditions. His workshops are being given in large corporations, organizations, colleges, holistic centers and in many Continuing Education programs throughout the Northeast.

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Build the Power Within …In Just Moments With “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series” on YouTube

Judith Orloff, M.D. is offering a special year long series of FREE video mini-courses on based on the materials in her bestselling books, Guide to Intuitive Healing, Positive Energy and Second Sight. In “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series,” the renowned psychiatrist and intuition expert will help you build the power within, offering expert information you can immediately put to use in your life!

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August 2007 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn Jose & Team

As the summer comes to a close, Merlian News brings you many new articles and podcasts! In this issue there are quite a few book reviews on titles such as, The 13th Step — A Global Journey in Search of our Cosmic Destiny by Jude Currivan, PhD., Shift Your Life by David L. Cunningham with Linda Lee Ratto, The Fourth Dimension by Rudolf Steiner, and Your Future in a Coffee Cup by Sahar Huneidi. Also included in this month’s newsletter, are Podcast interviews with Dr. Ervin Laszlo and Dirk Budka, Nancy Rosanoff’s launch of Sunnyside Productions, many articles on Well Being & Healing, and so much more!!

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“The 11th Hour” Produced by Leo DiCaprio: A Documentary On Global Warming & Sustainable Alternatives

| by Reviewer

“The 11th Hour” is the last moment when change is possible. The film explores how we’ve arrived at this moment — how we live, how we impact the earth’s ecosystems, and what we can do to change our course. Featuring ongoing dialogues of experts from all over the world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former head of the CIA R. James Woolsey and sustainable design experts William McDonough and Bruce Mau in addition to over 50 leading scientists, thinkers and leaders who discuss the most important issues that face our planet and people. Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio.”

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The Emotional Connection Between Animals And Their Human Companions By Susan A. Deren

| by Susan A. Deren

When I first became an animal communicator, my mission was to help animals. In essence, to help those that cannot speak for themselves. As my practice developed, I soon realized that it is also about the human companions that care for the animals. Sometimes, they too cannot help themselves. In these instances, I become the messenger in the animal’s quest to love and care for their human companions.

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READY MEALS and the dawn of food-corporatism By Dirk Budka

| by Dirk Budka

“Many pathogens survive or even multiply… or they produce high levels of biogenic amines and/or toxins and spread to humans. Of course food safety measures are trying to address infectious pathways, but all of a sudden the microbes appear somewhere else…even in places where they have never been detected before. This is the dawn of Food Corporatism : The power of the food industry (we have to include the pharmaceutical industry when talking about preservation, food modification, colouring, genes-manipulation) is enormous.”

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Your Future in a Coffee Cup by Sahar Huneidi

| by Cheryl Shainmark

For a slim book, there is a wealth of information and inspiration packed in Your Future in a Coffee Cup. The average reader will finish it and want to run out and start grinding their own coffee right away! And if, as the author says, there is power in the ability to foresee the future — to know what is coming or how to make different choices — then there is a great amount of power in this book that will get you there.

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