The Leap by Constance Kellough

The Leap is a phenomenal book, full of wisdom and hope for these chaotic times. If you are looking to break away from the patterns of “conditioned insanity” and human tragedy that define our current world, then this is the book for you. The Leap is all about making the shift to a higher conscious — an evolutionary leap — that will stop this madness and help to create the world that we desire.

There have been many books written along these lines — remembering our Oneness, letting go of the ego and the myth of separation and changing our perceptions — but this is one of the best. Ms. Kellough, as head of Namaste Publishing, has had years of exposure to some of the best authors in the field, and she has clearly been paying attention. One can detect the influences of Eckhart Tolle, Michael Brown, and A Course in Miracles among others — but make no mistake that The Leap is its own creation, filled with insight and inspiration. This is a book of distilled knowledge, getting stronger and purer with each iteration. One senses that it would have been impossible to write such a book twenty years ago, that The Leap necessarily builds upon those books that came before it.

The Leap is all about changing our perceptions and behaviors to build a new spiritual practice and a higher consciousness. Ms. Kellough is spot on in identifying the pitfalls of ego and how they manifest on both the individual and collective levels. There is something for everybody here when we recognize the parts of us that blame, judge, scapegoat or seek outside ourselves for fulfillment or acceptance. Ironically, there is even a bit about those who spend too much time on a spiritual quest of endless “self-improvement.” The first part of the book is explanation and guidance, the second part of the book is filled with great exercises for putting this wisdom into practice. The exercises are simple, easily do-able and extraordinary in their power to shift perception.

This is a book for these times, casting a spotlight on ego, victimhood, and fear based thinking in all its manifestations. You will recognize yourself and others on an individual level and come to understand terrorism, corporate greed and government war-mongering on a collective or global level. We need The Leap to a higher functioning, now more than ever — but as the author says there is more hope now and more positive signs of a higher consciousness at work than ever before. With The Leap it may be easier now than ever before, too.

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Dollars For Darfur

| by Dollars For Darfur

Darfur is an area about the size of Texas in western Sudan. The approximately 6 million inhabitants of Darfur are among the poorest in Africa with hardly any access to roads, ports, or even water sources. They exist largely on subsistence farming or nomadic herding. Even in good times, the Darfuri people live a difficult life; these are not good times in Darfur.The current crisis in Darfur began in 2003. After decades of neglect, drought and oppression, two rebel groups mounted an insurgency against Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir. President al-Bashir’s response was brutal. To defeat the rebel movements, he armed and supported several milititant groups, now collectively known as the Janjaweed. Here’s how everyone, especially school students, can HELP!!

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The Evolving Complexity of Being by Stephen Thomson

| by Stephen Thomson

As we evolve in our life approach and include active, spiritual thinking, the polarities come into focus in our consciousness. This happens though our willingness to be personally objective, taking a step back in our minds to observe our actions and their subsequent equal and opposite effects in our lives. Our goal is to develop our consciousness as an impartial observer. The ideal reaction to the constant joining and separating of the cosmic energies is to be unemotional and detached. In this way and by maintaining a sense of difference or distance, we begin to assimilate these forces and live a life in harmony with the creative cosmic energy that sustains our very lives.

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Keeping The Clutter Away by Christan Hummel

| by Christan Hummel

When we follow these cycles, we harness the Life energy of the planet begin to dance to the same beat of Life. So by paying attention to the cycles of Life, we begin to work with them to receive the gift of their energy. Now is a perfect time to let go of the past and release the old habits and holds we have on our “stuff” allowing a new energy to flow in its place. With some small investment on our part, we can dramatically change the energies of our environment making our homes a sanctuary to reflect our highest intentions and dreams.

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Your Personal Book of Love —A Road Map To Wedded Bliss Second Time Around By Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

| by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

The vows you speak at your wedding will tend to be romantic, and on the short side. Give the wedding vows you exchange a special page of honor in your manual and expand them into a longer definition of your intentions for marriage. You can add in all the things you thought of afterwards, or the things that were too personal to share in public. These are very personal statements the two of you can come up with together.

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Tom’s Table Tour: Veggie Fest 2007- Annual Festival for Vegetarian Living

The Veggie Fest has become a major, annual happening in Chicagoland — I attended the 2007 event in August. This fair meanders over about ten acres, obviously with numerous booths selling all variety of eats — hot & cold, cooked and raw, fast food favorites and ethnic specialties from around the world. The international food tents were a great adventure. An audience would gather in a tent (numerous choices — Indian, Cuban, Columbian, German….) for an ethnic cooking exhibition right on the spot. Then at the conclusion, we would all sample the creations. This went on all through the day. All for free. This event was created and sponsored by an all vegetarian organization called Science of Spirituality on their campus in Naperville, IL.

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China Tells Living Buddhas To Obtain Permission Before They Reincarnate

| by Dena Ventrudo (Reviewed by)

In china, the athiest government has banned reincarnation. Beginning next month, the State Administration for Religious Affairs will start establishing conditions regarding “the procedures by which one is to reincarnate.” It will be illegal “to identify the child reincarnation of the Dalai Lama” without the approval of Chinese authorities, according to the Washington Post. This action is aimed at limiting the influence of Tibet’s exiled Dalai Lama, and at restricting the reincarnation of the 72-year-old monk without approval from Beijing. This is one of many measures by the Communist authorities to tighten their grip over Tibet.”

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November 2007 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn Jose & Team

Hello and welcome to the November 2007 issue of the Merlian Newsletter! This month we have many Podcasts including Robert Moss, Barbara Weisberg, and Susan A. Deren. We also have a myriad of articles such as a new Merryn’s Musings on John of God, a review of Andean Awakening: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru by Jorge Luis Delgado, the latest from Sahar’s Spiritual Lifecoaching, an article by Judith Orloff, more on the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, Dogs For Diabetics, and the Katonah Paranormal Society! Be sure to check out this month’s newsletter, you don’t want to miss it!

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Merlian News Welcomes Another Podcast With Susan A. Deren

| by Merlian News

In this podcast Susan discusses with Merryn Jose what being an animal communicator entails, how you can better communicate with your pets, and what she’s learned in her line of work.Susan is an animal communicator with over thirty years of experience working with animals. She utilizes a technique she developed, Behavioral Intuitive Assessment®, to assess the problem and recommend a solution. Her clients span this country and abroad. Susan’s work with animals is an extension of the intuitive work she does with humans as a psychic and medium.

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Rev. Chad Varah, Anglican Priest Who Helped the Suicidal, Dies at 95 by Douglas Martin

| by Douglas Martin

Edward Chad Varah was born on November 12th, 1911, at Barton upon Humber, Lincolnshire, England, the eldest of nine children of Canon William Edward Varah, vicar of St. Chad’s Church there. He graduated from Oxford with a degree in politics, philosophy and economics, then from Lincoln Theological College. He served in a string of parishes before St. Stephen…Father Varah, who was said to be able to recite every poem he had ever heard, was more curious than concerned about death, because of his belief in reincarnation. His favorite three words of advice were intended to provide a sense of proportion: “It doesn’t matter.”

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