Oprah Winfrey & Eckhart Tolle Teach Free Seminar, Live & Online!

Merlian News is always looking for websites that improve the lives of others. We were thrilled to see that Oprah Winfrey has been addressing the mind, body, and spirit aspects of life on her website. Oprah has experienced what she calls an “Aha! Moment”. She has brought her personal journey and growth to her show by educating millions of viewers on the spiritual and holistic side of life. After reading Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, Oprah was so impressed with it that she decided to do the first world teaching seminar, free of charge, on the internet!!

We the audience, can join Oprah and Eckhart Tolle as they teach A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, chapter by chapter for ten weeks. This will be broadcast live Monday nights on Oprah.com. This is the first time a mainstream show with a mainstream icon has reached out and shared a book like this, as well as going so far as to host a free class! “Get ready to be awakened.” Starting March 3rd at 9/8 pm central.

A New Earth — Awakening to You Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

“The key to more joy and purpose is by living in the present moment. Rather, “being” in the present moment. How do you do that? According to Mr. Tolle, it comes by a slow dismantling of the ego, and it’s endless attachment to the world of “form”. A New Earth is, very simply, one of the best offerings in the field of personal growth and spirituality to come out in years. No matter how near or how far you are along your own spiritual path, you can benefit (and save some steps!) from reading this book. Like his last book, this one is all about finding more joy and purpose in your life right now, and who doesn’t need that?”

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February 2008 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn Jose & Team

This month we bring you the review of Oprah Winfrey’s new book club pick, A New Earth- Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle, Part two of Jorge Luis Delgado’s podcast, A podcast with Marie- France Hankinson, the review of Gregg Braden’s new book, The Divine Matrix- Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief, an article by Dr. Jude Currivan as well as an article by Dr. Steven E. Hodes, and much more!

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A Talk With Drs. Janae and Barry Weinhold, authors of The Flight from Intimacy and Breaking Free of the Co-Dependency Trap

| by Monique Muhlenkamp, New World Library

Co-dependency was first associated with addictions and alcoholism. Now it is recognized as a cultural issue that is interfering with our ability to address global issues such as climate change, peak oil, economic and political instability and the over-consumption of the earth’s resources. Co-dependency makes people afraid of changing their beliefs about who they are, about how the world operates and encourages them to hang on to their “things” as a way of feeling safe during times of crisis or rapid change.

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Merlian News Podcasts With Jorge Luis Delgado: Part 2

| by Merlian News

In this podcast, Jorge Luis Delgado discusses in depth with Merryn Jose the Apukunas (Mountain Light Beings), Andean priests and healers, Lake Titicaca, the feminine polarity of Earth, and much more. Jorge Luis Delgado received training with Shamans in the region northeast of Lake Titicaca and studied with the Qero (key-air-o) Elders of the Cusco region, the last remaining spiritual descendants of the Incas. Jorge is known as a leading authority on Inca culture and spiritual practices. He serves as a teacher, guide to the Sacred Valley and other Andean sacred sites and is the author of Andean Awakenings: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru. Jorge recently gave a workshop at Star Visions in NY!

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The 8th Chakra and Heart-Centred Soul Healing by Dr. Jude Currivan

| by Dr. Jude Currivan

Science and spiritual wisdom is becoming more and more entwined as the growing awareness of a wholly interconnected, conscious and holographic universe has radical implications for each of us. It reveals that in the Cosmos, consciousness is primary to the creation of the physical world and that these momentous times are the wave front of a global shift of consciousness. One of the most profound harbingers of this Shift is that we are individually and collectively able to directly access newly available cosmic energies that transcend our personal sense of self. Our liberated perception assists us in healing and releasing old patterns and limitations. And as we free ourselves, we are empowered to consciously co-create a new way of being in the world.

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The Divine Matrix — Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief by Gregg Braden

| by Cheryl Shainmark

I would recommend this book to anyone who desires a change — in their own lives, their relationships, their job, or in the larger world around them. Whether your focus is finding the love of your life, stopping destructive patterns, or ending war and violence in our world, this book has something to offer. Braden cites an interesting statistic in his book — that less than one percent of any population (actually the square root of one percent) can change the reality around them, and that for the entire world to change all that is required is for 8,000 to focus on it. I find that an amazingly hopeful figure, and while I’d like to think that many of that 8,000 are already on the job and improving our world, I would be satisfied if I thought the rest were coming as a result of reading The Divine Matrix.

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Seeking Meaning and Credibility in the Extraordinary Experiences of Others–The Fuel for the Metaphysical Journey by Dr. Steven E. Hodes

| by Steven E. Hodes, M.D.

This experience, and these stories, have changed my life. To come to this powerful awareness can dispel much of the fear of death and loneliness that afflicts many of us. No longer afraid of death, we can embrace life. No longer plagued by feelings of loneliness and worthlessness, we can be comforted by the knowledge that we are never alone. We find ourselves more secure, content and whole. This is an essential component to any notion of healing.

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