Spirit Heals: Core Teachings & Practices (CD) by Meredith Young-Sowers

In today’s busy and distracting world, women often loose themselves in attempts to be all things to all people – the husband/partner, the kids, the boss, the church, the aging parents, the volunteer groups…the list goes on and on. This tendency to care for others first and foremost often times causes women to ignore their own healthcare needs….

As the rates for heart attacks and reproductive health issues for women escalate, it is increasingly more important for women to be in tune with the mind-body connection. A beloved, well-known healer and teacher, Meredith Young-Sowers’s warm and soothing voice provides listeners with universal healing principles to create an amazing journey and an enlightening new approach to healing and health.

“Wise, compassionate, and beautifully crafted…informed by both ancient wisdom and modern insights into the integration of body, mind, and spirit.”

– Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

“Reminds us about what is important in life and what is necessary for wholeness.”

– Mimi Guarneri, MD, author of The Heart Speaks

Meredith Young-Sowers

Spirit Heals: Core Teachings & Practices (CD) by Meredith Young-Sowers (Audio Book)

A Talk With Meredith Young-Sowers, author of Spirit Heals: Awakening a Woman’s Inner Knowing for Self-Healing

Loss, Grief, and Grace: The Path to Healing By Meredith L. Young-Sowers

Please Don’t Top Trees! by Molly Rice

It is a given and well known fact that trees are vital to our world’s survival. Trees produce oxygen which all humans require to live; trees cleanse and purify the air we breathe. There is a growing concern for the de-foresting of many third world countries. Yet every year Joe Homeowner and Martha General Public continue to “top” trees in their very own back yards. The continued practice of “topping trees”, which is also known as; “heading cuts”,”hat-racking”, and “rounding over”, is only a death sentence for trees. I have had many conversations with fellow Arborists who remark the owner of the tree wants the tree topped. WHY?

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The Emotional Lives of Animals by Marc Bekoff

Any dog owner knows that her own pet has feelings, but what evidence exists beyond the anecdotal, and what does this evidence teach us? Bekoff, professor emeritus of biology at the University of Colorado, pores through decades of animal research-behavioral, neurochemical, psychological and environmental- to answer that question, compelling readers to accept both the existence and significance of animal emotions. Demonstrating the far-reaching implications for readers’ relationships with any number of living beings, Bekoff’s book is profound, thought-provoking and even touching.

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Energy Journeys & A Healing Journey by Gene Krackehl

| by Reviewer

Energy Journeys is a guided visualization C.D. with six wonderful tracks totalling 63 minutes of healing sound. This C.D. is absolutely worth investing time into! A Healing Journey: Words, Music, & Sounds to Help You to Healis another great C.D.! Krackehl uses a “unique combination of instruments, specific sounds, keys and notes that correspond to the chakra system and auric fields that surround the body.” When these are clogged, “they impede on the body’s immune system.” Leave stress and despair behind and find relief, joy and hope!

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The Life of Ronald Hearn by Donna Baker Church

| by Donna Baker Church

Ronald Hearn is one of Britain’s best known clairvoyants and trance mediums. A descendant of British royalty, including Alfred the Great and William the Conqueror, Hearn discovered his psychic talents in the early 1950’s. His communications with discarnate spirits are transmitted through tape recordings, a technique he pioneered. These sittings are often lengthy, detailed, and amazingly accurate.In the 1990’s, Hearn authored The Little Dutch Boy, an account of one of his most detailed cases involving communications from a deceased 10-year-old boy from the Netherlands. His latest book, the Little Boy that Listened: Portrait of a Medium is a biography of Arthur Molinary , one of Britain’s foremost psychics. Hearn is currently writing his own autobiography.

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Garden Cafe On The Green: Woodstock, NY by Merryn Jose

| by Merryn Jose

You won’t miss chicken or beef here when you’re reading entrees like pecan tempeh with Tuscan farro pilaf, roasted root vegetables, a sugar dumpling squash wedge and sauteed greens, or butternut squash risotto cakes with sage and pine nuts sauce, garlic and rosemary white beans, roasted cauliflower and vegetables, and so many more mouth watering dishes! Using local produce and farm products, you can also find delicious desserts such as dairy free ice cream made from cashews, seasonal pies sweetened with maple syrup, and more! Everything is fresh and organic!

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Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist by David Willey BBC News, Rome

| by David Willey, BBC News, Rome

“Writing in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space. Father Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, is a respected scientist who collaborates with universities around the world. The search for forms of extraterrestrial life, he says, does not contradict belief in God.”

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May 2008 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merryn Jose & Team

This month spring is in full swing and so is Merlian News! We have a podcast with Sri Swami Vishwanada, three book reviews, an article on medium Arthur Molinary, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a review on Tell Me A Story 2: Animal Magic, and much more! Be sure to check this months newsletter and don’t miss the website of the month!

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Fiddlehead Ferns Inspire Forager’s Culinary Fever by Heather Flournoy

| by Heather Flournoy

The fiddlehead fern is a unique delicacy from the Northeast. They are one of the first green vegetables in the early spring, are around for only a few weeks, and give New England and New York foragers that tell-tale spring culinary fever…So named because they resemble the carved wood on a violin, fiddleheads are the unfurled shoots of the ostrich fern. Once they open and start to grow, they become inedible; the best are tightly wrapped and dark green. They have a delicious intense flavor resembling asparagus, but but with a slightly spicy crunch. There are two regional edible varietes; the ostrich fern and the cinnamon fern. Do not eat bracken ferns.

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Sounds True Catalog by Merryn Jose

| by Merryn Jose

Sounds True has a lot of wonderful learning programs with many renowned teachers as well as testing new technologies to aid spiritual awareness and growth. It offers opportunities of learning and discovery from many different perspectives, including over 600 listings on their website. I highly recommend this catalog for anyone who wishes to accelerate their spiritual journey.

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