Wisdom Of The Peaceful Warrior Deck: Inspiration Cards by Dan Millman

Over the years since Dan Millman wrote his fantastically successful first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, thousands of readers have written to him asking for clarifications about the often cryptic spiritual truths found in it’s pages. In response, he wrote the 2007 follow-up, Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior, which articulates more clearly the philosophies and wisdom conveyed in the earlier book.

Now, he refines that wisdom even further, with a fifty-two card deck showcasing the essence of his spiritual philosphy in bite sized morsels. Written in Dan’s clear, playful style the aphorisms embody spiritual philosophies old and new and offer prescriptive, practical lessons that readers can apply directly to their lives. Readers may wish to meditate on one card a day, or one a week, or one for an entire year, using the pop-up frame to display an individual card on a desk, altar, or other special spot in their home.

Samples include:

Sometimes dead ends reveal hidden doorways, leading us to bigger questions and a search for higher truths Your body lives in this present moment. So whenever your attention begins to wander to past regrets or future anxieties, come back to the body and remember: Here and now. Breathe and relax. Once you make a decision, follow it with all your spirit. When you sit, sit. When you stand, stand. Whatever you do, don’t wobble.

For more information, please visit www.newworldlibrary.com or www.danmillman.com Peaceful Warrior >

John of God: The Story of a Modern Pilgrimage

| by Celeste Allegrea Adams

John of God is a trance medium. He is both like and unlike Edgar Cayce…he perhaps is best known for his psychic surgeries and self sacrifices. Celeste Allegrea Adams made a pilgrimage to Brazil, where John of God was born, and received a calling. This is her story.

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Large Hadron Collider Down Until 2009 by Betsy Mason

“It’s time to find something else to blame for all the recent strange occurrences in your life: The Large Hadron Collider, which had become a favorite culprit for everything from lost keys to lost jobs, will remain shut down until spring… The warm-up period and ensuing investigations will bump up against the LHC’s “obligatory winter maintenance period,” according to a statement today from CERN. This brings us into early spring before commissioning can restart.”

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The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Third Edition, by Joseph Campbell

| by New World Library

As relevant today as when it was first published, Hero continues to find new audiences among students and professors in fields ranging from anthropology and the history of religion to literature and film studies. The book has also profoundly influenced creative artists, including authors, songwriters, game designers, and filmmakers- George Lucas cites it as the inspiration for Star Wars – and continues to inspire all those interested in the inherent human need to tell stories.

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Merlian News Podcast with Dr. Jude Currivan On Her Latest Book,CosMos (A Co-creator’s Guide To The Whole World): Part 2

In this podcast, Dr. Jude Currivan discusses with Merryn Jose the importance of 2012, discarnate beings such as Thoth, 8 cosmic principles, Dr. Currivan’s understanding of our ‘cosmic destiny’, what the signs of the Shift are, how we can become more conscious co-creators, and much more! Dr. Currivan is a scientist, healer, sensitive and cosmic geomancer with a lifetime’s study of consciousness and metaphysics. She holds a PhD in Archaeology, researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics, studying quantum physics and cosmology. Dr. Currivan has also worked with and learned from the elders and shamans of many wisdom traditions and is the author of three books The Wave, The 8th Chakra, The 13th Step, and co-author with Dr. Ervin Laszlo of CosMos (A Co-creator’s Guide To The Whole World), published by Hay House August 2008.

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A Mystic’s View About The Universe: Part 1 – The Absolute: Our Original Home by Eliza Mada Dalian

| by Eliza Mada Dalian

Whatever the level of consciousness or unconsciousness within us, and within anything in existence, everything revolves around the unmoving center of the Absolute. Stillness and rest are necessary after each moment of destruction for the seed of creation to germinate. Living the ongoing cycle of life and death, stillness and creation, consciousness and unconsciousness, is the essence of existence.”

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Being Upbeat in a Down Market: 12 Conscious Actions to Restore Abundance By Jackie Lapin

| by Jackie Lapin

You are the key to keeping the flow of abundance open, and restoring people’s confidence in the future. If you take “right actions” to keep your energy directed toward conscious living and business practices, provide visionary leadership to all you know and actively focus on the positive (instead of the negative) aspects of everything, you can be a force for guiding yourself, your family and the world at large back to experiencing balance, abundance and prosperity. You are the person who can create and direct the united flow of energy toward manifesting and consciously creating the future.”

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Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True by Gay Hendricks – Audio Book

| by Monique Muhlenkcamp, New World Library

When he was in his thirties, Gay Hendricks was asked one simple questions that changed the course of his life; now he gives readers of all ages and backgrounds that same simple questions, and shows how answering it can lead to wealth, wisdom, and a joyful, fulfilled life. Trapped at a cocktail party he didn’t want to be, author Gay Hendricks met a stranger. Deciding that they both hated small talk, they jumped right into life’s deeper questions. This perfect stranger asked Gay to imagine that when his is on his deathbed, five years from now or fifty years from now, the man would come by and ask him, “Was your life a complete success?” Gay would either say yes or no… A chance meeting. Deep questions and a little prodding from a friend Neale Donald Walsch have produced a short, suprisingly simple process that readers can use to jumpstart the power within.

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Election 2008- The Candidates – Planetary Influences by Regine Urbach

In astrology each sign is associated with a specific house. The sign of Leo, prominent in Obama’s chart, rules the 5th house, where we experience our creative self expression, and see ourselves reflected in the eyes of others. The sign of Virgo, prominent in McCain’s chart, rules the 6th house, where we come up against our limitations in the form of health, daily chores, work, service, etc. McCain’s POW experience, where his teeth and bones were broken, is indicated by his 12th house Venus opposite his 6th house Saturn.

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Tom’s Table Tour: The Dallas Duo

The foremost retreat in Dallas has to be the Cosmic Café Restaurant. The culture, the atmosphere of this landmark for the enlightened is notable even on a national scale… Second to the Café, but almost as fascinating is Kalachandji’s. This restaurant is located inside the Hare Krishna Temple in Dallas. If you’re a meditator and appreciate Indian culture, the environment alone is worth the stop.

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