The Miracle Oil: Secrets of Edgar Cayce’s Palma Christi Revealed by David E. Kukor

Edgar CayceEdgar Cayce (1877-1945) also known as “the sleeping prophet’ literally gave thousands of readings over a period of 43 years on every subject imaginable, ranging from past lives to the secrets of the universe. When in a self induced deep state of trance Cayce was able to connect with the universal consciousness giving him the remarkable ability to answer any questions that were put to him. One of his particularly brilliant skills was that of a medical intuitive. He gave practical help on all healing matters but most often recommended was castor oil know also as the Palma Christi (Palm of Christ) to relieve a great variety of ailments. In this book David Kukor has taken the time to gather over 100 conditions where the use of castor oil has relieved or cured the problem completely. This book is definitely highly recommended for anyone interested in natural healing.

The Miracle Oil: Secrets of Edgar Cayce's Palma Christi Revealed by David E. Kukor“The Miracle Oil is a compilation of more than fifty years’ research on this amazing, all-natural remedy, part of Cayce’s CARE approach to wellness: Circulation, Assimilation, Relaxation, and Elimination. Using passages from Edgar Cayce’s readings and actual accounts of patients who have successfully used the oil for various treatments, this book is a thorough guide to the application of castor oil as a balm for skin problems, a soothing tonic for alleviating allergies, and the famous Cayce “castor oil pack” for relief problems- from abdominal pain to warts and everything in between- you’ll find more than 100 conditions listed along with their castor oil remedy.” The Miracle Oil by David E. Kukor

This book includes illustrations and instructions for making your own castor oil pack.

Inside this book you can find a story excerpt by Merryn Jose, under Rejuvenation, page 122.

For more information, visit the A.R.E. Bookstore online. > The Miracle of Castor Oil Packs by Merryn José

Sahar Interviews Intuitive & Writer Merryn Jose on the Use of Castor Oil Packs

Milton’s Secret by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S. Friedman Illustrated by Frank Riccio

| by Cheryl Shainmark

This could be a great stocking stuffer for any child on your holiday list this year. If you’re the kind of parent that has been venturing on your own spiritual journey, then consider what a leg up you’d have had if someone had explained these concepts to you when you were little. But even if you don’t have a child, do yourself the favor and read Milton’s Secret — the best secret about this book is that it’s going to be a hit with adults, too!

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Return from Ecuador by Lynn Twist

The Ecuadorian people under the leadership of President Rafael Correa, resoundingly approved a new constitution on September 28th. One of the most miraculous clauses gives LEGAL RIGHTS TO NATURE. No other country in the world has taken this bold stand. Indigenous people have always held that nature has rights. To see this worldview made manifest in constitutional law is a truly historic moment – and a profound legal precedent for the world.

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Awaken Higher Awareness Through Self-Observation by Guy Finley

There is no greater power for self-change than self-observation because this new inner-vision alone can provide you with true self-knowledge. Being self-liberated is the same as living fully from your Higher Nature. In this lofty state you enjoy the freedom that comes with having let go of your false self. This Higher Nature rests above you. Join it. Let it guide you all the way back to your true home within yourself.”

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Katonah Green with Heather Flournoy

| by Reviewer

Katonah Green is a website and blog with the who, what, when, why, and where on everything green in Katonah, NY area. Heather Flournoy has covered everything from geothermic heating to organic juice bars. She covers whats in the news locally as well as across the US.

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Light Limits Us To The Speed of Light: Part 3 by Laurel Botsford

| by Laurel Botsford

The science of Quantum Theory states that particles may be in multiple places simultaneously, the phenomena called superposition, which makes my ideas of imagining being someplace else while we are ‘physically’ on Earth, for example, completely real. Quantum theory also promotes the idea that either information travels at an infinite speed, ie, there is no speed of light speed limit for things other than ‘light’, or, it says, there is interconnectedness in the universe, the phenomena called entanglement. According to Quantum, since everything was created at the Big Bang, then everything in our entire universe is interconnected.

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November 2008 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

This month not only brings us turkey dinners and daylight savings time, it brings us new articles and podcasts from ! There’s a new podcast with Matthew Fox, articles by Eliza Mada Dalian and Stephen Thomas, book reviews of Jenny Smedley, Dr. Christane Northrup, and Echo Bodine, and more. Be sure to check the website of the month at the end of the newsletter!

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Vetraceuticals® Nutritional Pet Supplements for Cats & Dogs

“Developed by Veterinarian Dr. Christianne Schelling, working with experts in the field of enzymes and pet nutrition, Vetraceuticals products are designed to help pets live longer, happier and healthier lives. Vetraceuticals Canine and Feline Health Systems are powerful nutritional supplements you add to your pet’s regular food and provide your pet with vital nutrition that is typically missing from their regular diet. As humans we are becoming increasingly aware of the nutritional value of the foods we eat. Even with the freshest most nutritious food we are beginning to realize the importance of supplements.”

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Look For The Good And You’ll Find God: The Spiritual Journey of a Psychic and Healer by Echo Bodine

| by Kim Corbin, New World Library

Interspersed in her compelling personal stories are spooky ghost tales, Hollywood producers, guardian angels, reality television, past lives, barbers, and triumph over addictions. Her stories are funny and insightful, with a clear sense of Echo at her best, guiding and inspiring others. Each chapter also includes exercises and suggestions designed to help us build our own psychic awareness and spiritual connection.

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A.R.E. Headquarters: Virgina Beach, VA

| by Reviewer

A.R.E. has hosted a myriad of workshops and conferences, with speakers such as Dr. C. Norman Shealy, Whitley Strieber, Geoff Stray, Mitch Battros, Mayan elder Carlos Barrios, Mark Thurston, Dan Millman, John Van Auken, and many more. See inside for the schedule! With an international headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the A.R.E. community is a global network of individuals who offer conferences, educational activities, and fellowship around the world.

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