Merlian News Podcasts with Robert Moss on The Secret History of Dreaming

Robert Moss, is a lifelong dream explorer who survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanic techniques for empowerment and healing. He is a former university professor of ancient history at the Australian National University, also a bestselling novelist, shamanic counselor, and the author of five books on dreaming, his most recent title The Secret History of Dreaming, published by New World Library.

In this interview, Robert Moss discusses with Merryn Jose:

The one thing people should know about the role dreams have played in history “Dream archeology” and what skills and resources are required to practice it The most important thing about Robert’s new book, The Secret History of Dreaming The dreams of the Founding Fathers Harriet Tubman’s dreams and visions Freud, tragically, may have missed an early dream diagnosis of the mouth cancer that killed him many years later How young Sam Clemens could not find Brazil and instead became Mark Twain >

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Other Podcast Interviews:

Merlian News Podcasts with Robert Moss About Coincidences & Synchronicities Merlian News Podcast Interviews Robert Moss On His Most Recent Book Merlian News Welcomes Back Robert Moss For A Second Podcast Interview Robert Moss Podcasts with Merlian News!

You can view Robert’s website at

Book Reviews of Robert Moss: The Secret History of Dreaming by Robert Moss The Three “Only” Things — tapping the power of Dreams, Coincidence & Imagination by Robert Moss Dreamways of the Iroquois by Robert Moss Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life by Robert Moss Dreaming True By Robert Moss

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February 2009 Merlian Newsletter

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| by Monique Muhlenkamp, New World Library

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| by Monique Muhlenkamp, New World Library

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