The Passing of Dr. Hans Holzer

My dear friend Hans Holzer died on Sunday April 26th peacefully at home in Manhattan. We were good friends for nearly thirty five years. I cherish the last visits we had together and will miss his physical presence in my life enormously but know he is with me in spirit. My condolences go to his loving family.

Dr. Hans HolzerDr. Hans Holzer, PhD, authored over 145 titles including Murder At Amityville, which was the basis for the 1982 film Amityville II: The Possession. Having earned his PhD from the London College of Applied Science, he spent over five decades traveling the world to obtain first hand accounts of paranormal experiences, interviewing expert researchers, and developing parapsychological protocols and terminology such as ‘sensitive’ and ‘beings of light’. Holzer had hundreds of national and regional talk show appearances, co-hosting/hosting programs such as Ghost Hunter on Boston’s Channel 2, NBC’s In Search Of with Leonard Nemoy (an Alan Landsburg productions), Murder in Amityville, Beyond The Five Senses in Louisville, KY, Explorations with Brownville Productions in Ohio, Radio including a continuous segment with New York City’s WOR with famed radio personality Joe Franklin who is still a family friend.

To listen to a podcast interview with Dr. Holzer, please click here: Merlian News Podcast Interview with The Leading Authority In the Paranormal, Dr. Hans Holzer

Merlian News Interviews Professor Hans Holzer, Ph.D., Author & Parapsychologist

Merlian News Podcast with Alexandra Holzer

Growing Up Haunted by Alexandra Holzer

The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process — Transcend Your Toughest Times by David Berceli

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Holding the initial reaction of fear, contraction, freezing or numbing can lead to depression, chronic pain or fatigue, insomnia and a variety of other ailments. Berceli’s exercises are uniquely designed to trigger the muscle release that is necessary in order for our bodies and psyches to heal. The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process may offer tremendous comfort to almost everybody who tries it.

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Are You Emotionally Free? by Dr. Judith Orloff

| by Dr. Judith Orloff

Emotional Freedom offers the answer to reclaiming your happiness and heart. What is emotional freedom? It means increasing your ability to love by cultivating positive emotions and compassionately witnessing and transforming negative ones. It means keeping your center without absorbing the negativity of others. These fundamental living skills liberate you from fear and let you navigate adversity without attacking, losing your cool, or being derailed by it. A first step towards achieving emotional freedom is to know where you currently stand. Read this article to take the test!

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April 2009 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

This month brings us Passover, Easter and more great articles from Merlian News as well as a new website of the month! Make sure you don’t miss new podcasts with Dr. John L. Turner and Dr. Jude Currivan as well as articles by Ingrid Bacci, Robert Schwartz, and Mitzi & Don Adams. There’s also book reviews, a Merryn’s Musings and more!

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Do You Viv? Learn How You Can Help The Planet This Earth Day & Every Day!

Viv is an incredibly simple way for you to help your local businesses become more green. It doesn’t cost you a thing and you don’t have to make trade-offs on what you buy.We are about empowering consumers. We are about empowering businesses. We are about real green change. Simply put, we want to put sustainability on steroids and enable you to drive the change. The beauty of it is that it is not that hard to do, but we need a lot of people and organizations to join us as partners to pull it off. We have a vision that everyone can embrace. It’s super simple, it’s really real, and it does a lot of green. Strap in and join us for the adventure.”

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Merlian News Podcasts with Dr. Jude Currivan on The Bigger Picture: Part 3

| by Merlian News

In this podcast, Dr. Jude Currivan discusses with Merryn Jose how understanding the bigger picture helps us in the day to day experiences of our own lives, practices she suggests to help us, empowerment, and how we can best make a difference. Dr. Jude Currivan PhD is a sensitive, scientist, healer and cosmic geomancer, who has directly experienced multidimensional realities and guidance from an early age. She holds a PhD in Archaeology, researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics, studying quantum physics and cosmology. Jude is the author of The Wave, The 8th Chakra, The 13th Step, and co-author with Dr. Ervin Laszlo of CosMos (A Co-creator’s Guide To The Whole World), published by Hay House.

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Limitless You: The Infinite Possibilities of a Balanced Brain By Lee Gerdes

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Limitless You is an amazing book, all about an intriguing new technique for balancing the brain and adjusting old neural patterns. Also known as “Brain State Conditioning,” the author, Lee Gerdes, has found new methods for diagnosing and healing old imbalances that may be leftover from traumatic moments in the past. According to Gerdes, getting back in balance may be the key to overcoming a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual problems as well as leading to increased performance and flexibility in every facet of life.

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Horse Rescue, Relief and Retirement Fund, Inc.

| by Reviewer

Their primary goal is to save the horses. They do rescues at all times, but particularly in times of despair and crisis. Their organization is made up of volunteers with a mission to stop horses from being sent to slaughter or abuse. With that in mind, they have made the commitment that any horse sent there will not be sold or sent to slaughter.

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Frank Advice From Cancer Memoir: Elizabeth Bayer’s Inspiring Legacy Continues In Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book

| by Press Release, Stephanie Mayabb

Chicken Soup for the Soul has made Elizabeth’s poignant true story, It’s Just a Word: Reclaiming Your Life Through Cancer — Beautifully, available to the public in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book. As a book within a book, It’s Just a Word is an inspirational, frank memoir that brings forth a distinct viewpoint — the powerful 45-page handbook was written to help others embrace life with cancer as Elizabeth did.

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You The Smart Patient by Mehmet C. Oz, M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D.

| by Donna Baker Church

“No matter where you are in the mix, navigating through the health care system can be a complicated process. This book helps give power back where it belongs” to the patient. It encourages questioning, investigating and challenging to become informed. Make no mistake – while the tone of this book is often irreverent, the message is important: being a smart patient empowers you to receive the best health care possible. This is a must have reference book for every one of us.”

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