The Passing of Dr. Hans Holzer
My dear friend Hans Holzer died on Sunday April 26th peacefully at home in Manhattan. We were good friends for nearly thirty five years. I cherish the last visits we had together and will miss his physical presence in my life enormously but know he is with me in spirit. My condolences go to his loving family.
Dr. Hans Holzer, PhD, authored over 145 titles including Murder At Amityville, which was the basis for the 1982 film Amityville II: The Possession. Having earned his PhD from the London College of Applied Science, he spent over five decades traveling the world to obtain first hand accounts of paranormal experiences, interviewing expert researchers, and developing parapsychological protocols and terminology such as ‘sensitive’ and ‘beings of light’. Holzer had hundreds of national and regional talk show appearances, co-hosting/hosting programs such as Ghost Hunter on Boston’s Channel 2, NBC’s In Search Of with Leonard Nemoy (an Alan Landsburg productions), Murder in Amityville, Beyond The Five Senses in Louisville, KY, Explorations with Brownville Productions in Ohio, Radio including a continuous segment with New York City’s WOR with famed radio personality Joe Franklin who is still a family friend.
To listen to a podcast interview with Dr. Holzer, please click here: Merlian News Podcast Interview with The Leading Authority In the Paranormal, Dr. Hans Holzer
Merlian News Interviews Professor Hans Holzer, Ph.D., Author & Parapsychologist