Sugar Free Me…An Inspirational Book for Diabetic Teens and Their Loved Ones by Naomi Kingery

Sugar Free Me by Naomi KingeryLONGWOOD, FL–Journey into the heart, mind, and strategies of diabetic teen Naomi Kingery in Sugar Free Me…An Inspirational Book for Diabetic Teens and Their Loved Ones ($13.99, paperback, 978-1-60477-849-6). Born in Bangalore, India, as a missionary kid, Kingery was diagnosed with diabetes at 12. At the tender age of 15, the author began to write the book she wished she could read in her hospital bed, a book about the emotions of a type-one teen. Now a self-published author, her must-read book shares stories and tips about her journey as a diabetic and has quotes from other teens just like her.

Says Kingery, “My book is important for the diabetic community. It talks about faith, health, experiences, and growth as a teenager with a fragile body. I’m eager to get it into the hands of the people who need it: diabetic teens and their loved ones. I was diagnosed almost seven years ago and tracked my experiences as time went on. I learned more with each page that I added to this book and was open and vulnerable [about] how it feels to live a sugar-free life.”

At 18, Kingery is embarking on one of the greatest adventures of her life with the publication of her new book. She hopes it will fill a much-needed niche in the literary world and serve as a stepping-stone to enrich the diabetic community. “As we learn and grow with one another, we can fight against the bitterness of this disease with hope and joy,” she says.

Xulon Press, a part of Salem Communications Corporation, is the world’s largest Christian publisher, with more than 5,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order Sugar Free Me through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. Salem Communications is the country’s leading Christian communications company with interests in radio, Internet, and magazine publishing.


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7 Holistic Steps For Diabetics & The Health Conscious by Dena Ventrudo

July 2009 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

As you many of you enjoy your summer holiday, be sure to check out what’s new at Merlian News! This month we have a podcast with Dr. John Lerma, articles with Jerry Wills and Dr. Judith Orloff, book reviews of Hope…From The Heart of Horses: How Horses Teach Us About Presence, Strength, and Awareness By Kathy Pike, and The Compassionate Life: Walking the Path of Kindness by Marc Ian Barasch, a new website of the month, and much more!

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Eckhart Tolle TV Officially Launched!

| by Eckhart Tolle Newsletter

Eckhart Teachings teamed up with Sounds True and Live Dreaming Productions to bring to you a new online subscription service, Eckhart Tolle TV. Eckhart Tolle TV will be available as a three-tiered subscription service. Benefits of membership include access to streaming video lectures with Eckhart Tolle, participation in an online community to discuss the teachings, the option to submit questions directly to Eckhart, live group meditations, and more. Now launched!

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Dr. David Williams: Clinician, Researcher, World Traveler, Entrepreneur, Author, and Publisher

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Motivated by his philosophy that the body’s innate healing capabilities need to be supported with sound natural therapies, Dr. Williams travels the globe in search of highly effective herbal cures and treatments that have been used in remote parts of the world for centuries. Dr. Williams writes for an audience of more than 300,000 subscribers about the most promising new therapies he’s uncovered. He provides clear guidelines for using those therapies safely, and reliable sources to obtain them.

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Craig Junjulas: Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant, Author and Lecturer

When you allow your consciousness to expand, your physical reality will gradually become transparent, thereby revealing the energy flowing through its core. Craig will discuss techniques for connecting to a higher source, seeing from your own higher self, and sensing and healing the human aura. You will learn to relax your body so your ‘extra senses’ can reveal the energy system that surrounds your body and the spiritual force that is available to you for your protection and healing. Question and answer session to follow the discussion.

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Eco-Friendly Theater Opening on Broadway: Henry Miller’s Theater Reopens LEED Certified by Lesley Almeida

| by Lesley Almeida

At Henry Miller’s Theater, they achieved this certification by locally sourcing 25 percent of materials and replacing 45 percent of the foundation’s cement with blast furnace slag, which will significantly reduce CO2 emissions . In addition, 85 percent of all demolition debris was recycled, and an under-slab drainage system was installed to capture groundwater and recycle it into the building’s water system.”

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Dr. John Lerma Answers Questions from Readers

| by Dr. John Lerma

In this article, Dr. Lerma answers questions about death and dying, his experiences working with Hospice, and life after death. “I believe that humanity as a whole has reached the “fork in the road”, if you will. The patient’s messages are in essence, as they put it, a direct revelation from Heaven to guide us in these challenging and troubling times, to nudge us to the Higher Path. No matter how dire our circumstances might be, there is always hope and opportunity. I believe that is why the book has been embraced by so many. I am just a simple witness to their testament. I believe there is a much Higher Purpose than I can ever imagine to these messages.”

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Healer, Jerry Wills

| by Dena Marie Kelly

“In 1999 Jerry unintentionally became known to the public… FOX TV (youtube clip) ran a story and aired a segment about his assistance to a man near death and comatose, during the winter of 1998. The medical community had completely exhausted their attempts to help this man, and before Jerry Wills arrived, gave him a 10% chance of survival…that man is alive and well today…”

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Star Visions Plays Host To Today’s Visionaries

| by Merlian News

With a private practice as a Bio-energetic healer and Spiritual coach, Helen Escoffier, by establishing of Star Visions in 1990, is creating a bridge between the world of the Ancient Spiritual Tradition, Wisdom, and Practice and Contemporary “Main stream” Thought and Practice. Star Visions has hosted workshops by Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf, Jorge Luis Delgado, Heather Cumming, Dr. Jude Currivan, Roland M. Comtois, David L. Cunningham, and many more!

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Bolt Leads To Key Moment by Jake Palmateer

| by Jake Palmateer

“Before a rehearsal at Goodrich Theater at SUCO in 2008, Cicoria recalled the lightning strike and his brush with death. After seeing his body lying on the ground and his family rushing to him, Cicoria was surrounded by a bluish-white light, the 55-year-old orthopedic surgeon said. He began drifting up and away from his body and entered a state of bliss, Cicoria said.”

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