IAN by Craig Junjulas

During times of great tribulation, messengers from the heavens have reached down to save humanity from falling into the pits of hell. This is one of those times. As we get to know Ian, the veil is lifted and we journey to the realms of these spiritual beings. Ian is considered a problem child because he claims to see energy, communicate with animals, and speak to spirits. He is a little boy who feels most comfortable when he is out of his clothes playing naked in the stream with the salamanders, but he is even more comfortable when out-of-body in the multidimensional realities where he becomes a powerful ethereal warrior; his credo — “What is the worth of a lightbearer who refuses to enter the dark?” He tries to adapt, and survive as a child, but his very existence on this planet has stirred the wrath of the oldest of demons. Excerpt from IAN: CHILDREN OF THE NEW AGE

You seek

The wisdom of our sayings

Mystic moments

Forgotten memories of oneness with the Creator

The healing power of our touch

Light of the sun and stars

You ask

Why are we eccentric, obvious, even strange?

Is conformity and practicality beyond our reach?

Are maturity and responsibility too great a request?

It is our bodies, minds, and spirits

Which are transformed by the journey

It is through our open hearts

That messages of love are etched into our souls

It is due to our meandering in the woods that wistful thoughts

Are transported to our inner minds by sunbeam and breeze

Whispered by the angels of wisdom

We answer to no man, woman or child

Only the quiet voice is our master

It is our high regard for what lies beyond time and space

Which inhibits the reign of temporal society

Our childish ways unlock the mysteries of life

Look to the clouds with our eyes and you will see the Glory of God

In the playful images chasing each other across the sky

Look into humanity and be prepared to mourn

We cry from a place so deep, you dare not go

Through our words you journey to comfort’s farthest edge

Alarm us awake,

Force us through schools of conformity

Extrude us into the work force

Seal us in day after day

Closed off from the earth and all her glory

And we will normalize

We will adopt a practical outlook

We will close our eyes once again

And sleep on the near side of the veil with you

And BE no more

by Craig Junjulas

For more information on Craig Junjulas, please visit www.higherselfdiscovery.com

Craig Junjulas: Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant, Author and Lecturer

SPIRITUAL GAMES: “My Guide Is Bigger Than Your Guide” by Craig Junjulas

August 2009 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

This August brings us more than just the humidity! Look for new articles by Ingrid Bacci, Heather Flournoy, and Beth Prins Leas as well as a book review of Dr. Frank Lipman’s new book Spent. Be sure to check out the new website of the month!

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The Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion: How Feelings Link the Brain, the Body, and the Sixth Sense by Michael A. Jawer with Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

| by Michael A. Jawer with Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

Based on differences in how each of us literally feels–our innate sensitivity–the more physical disturbances we are likely to have, from ailments such as migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and post-traumatic stress to anomalous perceptions such as apparitions and involuntary out-of-body experiences. Using the latest scientific research on immunity, sensation, stress, cognition, and emotional expression, the authors demonstrate that the way we process our feelings provides a key to who is most likely to experience these phenomena and why. They explain that emotion is a portal into the world of extraordinary perception, and they provide the studies that validate the science behind telepathic dreams, poltergeist disturbances, and ESP.” Foreword by Larry Dossey, M.D

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The Challenge of Your Transformation by Ingrid Bacci, PhD, CST

| by Ingrid Bacci, PhD, CST

Let yourself be adventuresome. Embrace the call of the next phase of your life. Take heart. A big heart is a courageous heart. The word courage comes from the French word “coeur” that means heart. Be in your heart. Own your life. Own your courage. Let yourself fall, so that you can find your new ground. That new ground will support you even as the old ground crumbles. Practice trusting that fact.”

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Crop Circles Call for New Attention by Suzanne Taylor

| by Suzanne Taylor

“Finding out we aren’t alone would be a huge deal. And, if that were established, there could be more. If they are visiting us, the technology possessed by “the other” would have to be more advanced than ours, and what they would be capable of perhaps could help us solve the environmental problems that threaten our very survival.”

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SPIRITUAL GAMES: “My Guide Is Bigger Than Your Guide” by Craig Junjulas

| by Craig Junjulas

One of the common spiritual games we play is the concept of having greater authority and righteousness because the spirit being speaking to and through us is to be respected. Be it a famous deceased person, transcended master, angel, god, or goddess…. let the value of a channeling be in the words and the works themselves, not in the authorship claimed. I have met enough people in this field to know that claiming to associate with lofty beings or a famous spirit does not guarantee wisdom and spirituality, or even normality and civility.

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Merlian News Podcasts Elizabeth Berkley Lauren

In this interview Elizabeth Berkley talks with Merryn Jose about vegetarianism and holistic foods as well as Elizabeth’s outreach program to young girls, called “Ask Elizabeth.” Recognized by The London Times as “a fearless and committed actress”, Elizabeth Berkley Lauren has clearly demonstrated her versatility and the range of her talents from comedy to drama, in a host of successful film, television, and stage performances. She is dedicated to the achievement of her professional goals as well as a personal commitment to philanthropy and charitable outreach.

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Quick Summer Soup Recipe with Heather Flournoy of Katonah Green

| by Heather Flourney

This time of year we have loads of fresh veggies available from gardens and farmer’s markets and local farms. I’d like to share a recipe for a quick soup I make at least once a week, often several times a week. It only takes about 20 minutes from start until it’s in your bowl. It’s easily adaptable to what you have on hand, hearty, yummy and incredibly healthy because it’s raw and therefore retains its enzyme activity and all of the nutrients of fresh vegetables.”

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Spent by Frank Lipman, M.D., with Mollie Doyle

| by Cheryl Shainmark

“The key here is your environment — the amount of physical, psychological and other stressors that are wearing you down– and Lipman has designed a simple, creative and easy to follow program for adding or removing the little things that are within your control. The beauty of this program is that its baby steps — 42 of them, or 6 weeks worth — but there’s nothing radical or overwhelming, and that’s what makes it so easy to follow. If you’ve been suffering from any of these symptoms, then Spent may be the jump start that you need to get back to wellness.

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