Dreamgates – Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death by Robert Moss

Dreamgates - Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond Death by Robert MossDreamgates may be more of a treasure map than a book — in the world of dream navigation, think “X” marks the spot for one jewel after another. Anything from Robert Moss is good, but this is one of his best. Originally published in 1998, and now newly reissued, Dreamgates is already a classic that rewards re-reading and greater study.

New readers are in for a major treat. This is the guide book for anyone who is interested in dream work and soul exploration. There are a variety of techniques, exercises and meditations for getting to different states or to achieve specific outcomes, and they are all spot on. You can use these exercises to heal yourself and others, communicate with loved ones who have passed over, gain insight from your spirit guides, increase creativity, and more.

“Techniques and exercises” sounds far too dry to describe this amazing material. Interspersed with the instructions, the author recounts fascinating examples of each type of journey, from his own work and that of his workshop participants. Moss includes important must-read information about navigating safely, when to be cautious, and how to avoid “the bad areas of town.”

Even better are the author’s illustrations of how dream work becomes meaningful in the waking state — and highlighting the relevance of this work to our waking world today may be more important now than when the book was originally published. Dreamgates may offer readers a critical navigational tool at a time when many are confused and foundering.

For more information, please visit www.mossdreams.com or www.newworldlibrary.com

Youtube- Present! – Dreaming with Robert Moss (part one)

Youtube- Present! – Dreaming with Robert Moss (part two)

More From Robert Moss on Merlian News:

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Merlian News Welcomes Back Robert Moss For A Second Podcast Interview

Robert Moss Podcasts with Merlian News!

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