Crash: When UFO’s Fall From The Sky by Kevin D. Randle, PhD

San Francisco, CA (April 1, 2010) —— For over 30 years one of the foremost experts on UFOs, a decorated combat veteran and retired Lieutenant Colonel whose assistance is sought by government, news media and scientists, Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D. has written a new book, Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky, A History of Famous Incidents, Conspiracies, and Cover‐ups.

With about 100 books to his credit, including science fiction and historical fiction, and hundreds of magazine articles, Randle is best known for his works about UFOs and the Roswell story. He has lectured throughout the U.S. and Europe, and has appeared on hundreds of radio programs and TV documentaries and specials, including the Today Show, Good Morning America, 48 Hours, Larry King Live, and others.

Crash provides a complete update of the latest research into reports of alien spaceship crashes, including new insights into the older cases and hair‐raising revelations about recent reports, including:

 late‐breaking information on the controversial Roswell UFO crash

ï‚· exploration of 19th century UFO crashes

ï‚· the controversy surrounding the 1950 Del Rio UFO crash

ï‚· update of the Las Vegas UFO crash of April, 1962

ï‚· solutions for some of the more notorious UFO incidents

Randle’s blog, “A Different Perspective”, keeps his readers and fans up to date on the latest news in ufology (

Randle served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and the second Gulf War, piloting assault helicopters. Between the wars, he served in the Air Force as a public affairs officer, a general’s aide, and an intelligence officer; he completed his reserve duty as Captain and Director of Intelligence for an airlift group. After 9/11, he joined the Iowa National Guard as an intelligence officer and was deployed in Iraq in 2003. Randle was awarded a Combat Action Badge for his participation in several firefights in Iraq, and retired from the Guard as Lieutenant Colonel in 2009.

Among Randle’s many bestselling books are:

ï‚· The Gate

ï‚· Starship

ï‚· Operation Roswell

ï‚· Conspiracy of Silence

ï‚· Project Moondust

 Case MJ‐12: The True Story Behind the Governmentʹs UFO Conspiracies

ï‚· Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol

ï‚· and more ;

Title: Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky, A History of Famous Incidents, Conspiracies, and Cover‐ups

Pub Date: April 2010

Author: Kevin D. Randle, Ph.D.

Publisher: New Page Books, a division of Career Press

EAN: 978‐1‐60163‐100‐8

Format: Trade paperback, 320 pages, 6 x 9 inches

List Price: $16.99 (Can. $20.95)

Distributors: New Leaf, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Bookazine, Brodart, Nutri‐Books, Partners

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