When Children Dream the Future by Robert Moss

Children don’t have to be told that we are all psychics in our dreams. They know this, because they have psychic experiences in their dreams all the time. They see into the future, they encounter the departed, they see things happening at a distance and behind doors that are supposedly locked to them. The problem is that very often the adults around them won’t listen, sometimes because they are afraid of what the child may be seeing.

Let’s talk here about how kids see into the future in dreams. Years ago, I led a series of dream classes for sixth-grade school children as part of a “talented and gifted” program in a school district in upstate New York. At the start of each class, one of the questions I put to the kids was, “Has anyone dreamed something that later happened?” On average, nine out of ten kids said they had had this experience. A tough young boy who looked like Rambo in the making shot up his arm, eager to tell his story. “We went on family vacation in Myrtle Beach. I dreamed the whole ride from the airport, turn by turn. I kept trying to tell Dad which way to go but he wouldn’t listen to me. So we spent an hour getting lost and doubling back, because Dad doesn’t believe in dreams.”

My friend Wanda Burch, the author of She Who Dreams, remembers what her son Evan saw in a dream when he was just three years old. Although this is a family of dreamers, the parents did not understand the dream until it began to play out in waking life – at which point the dream prompted the quick action that may have saved mother and child from serious injury. Here’s how Wanda tells the story:

“My son was just a bit over three years old and already sharing great dreams. He told me he had dreamed about “the dogs,” was terribly frightened of the dream but seemed unable to express why they terrified him so much. My husband was working very hard and was really exhausted on the evening of one of a board meeting, so I offered to drive him the fifteen miles from our home in the Mohawk Valley. “Just as we closed the door of the house, Evan began screaming “THE DOGS, THE DOGS!!!”, pulling on my hands. I had to pick him up to get him in the car and told him over and over again there were no dogs. He calmed down. When we dropped off my husband and prepared to drive home, Evan got agitated again, looking out the back window and telling me there were growling dogs. We spent a few minutes discussing nightmares and things he could do with the dream in order to work with it. I don’t recall what I told him at that time, but he was usually quite capable of dreaming his own solutions to his nightmares so I was surprised this one was scaring him so much.

“We drove back home. The same scenario began again. I had to carry Evan into the house. This time he was screaming so hysterically I could barely pick him up. He calmed down again in the house. Time to pick up my husband. This time, Evan was hysterical, thrashing around in a desperate attempt to avoid getting in the car.

“When we returned to our home with my husband, Evan started screaming.I was struggling to get him from the car to the house. When we were just feet away from the glassed enclosed porch I heard the most terrifying barking and growling. I turned in that instant to see a pack of wild dogs coming over a slight rise just yards away from the cottage. I literally threw Evan into the porch, screaming at my husband to close the door and stay in the car. I barely made it through the door to slam it against several of the dogs as their bodies lunged against the porch. Several crashed against the door and walls of the enclosed porch before they whirled around and ran off with the pack.

“If I had not been able to throw Evan into the porch and myself after him, we would have been in serious trouble. At this point, my son was completely calm, staring out the window at the dogs as they vanished into the creek bed. He looked at me and said, “The Dogs!” I said to him, “yes, I got it”

My son has shared his dreams, big and small, with me all his life – and still does, now he is in his late thirties. I turned to him in my darkest moments when I was experiencing doubts about my ability to heal from a life-threatening illness. I asked him, ‘Am I okay? What are you dreaming?” I’ll never forget his response: ‘You are fine. I am dreaming you into the future.'”

If you have any doubts about our ability to dream the future – and to use our night previews of possible future events to make better choices and change things for the better – listen to a young child telling his or her dreams.


Youtube- Present! – Dreaming with Robert Moss (part one)

Youtube- Present! – Dreaming with Robert Moss (part two)

For more information about Wanda Burch and her book She Who Dreams, please visit her website.


What’s Your Pooch Thinking? by Caroline H. Dworin, Newsweek

| by Caroline H. Dworin, Newsweek

Rebecca Johnson, director of the Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, works to facilitate healthy relationships between humans and animals. She understands communication across species in somewhat different terms. She speaks of “reading signals effectively,” and remaining alert to subtle cues: tension in an animal’s body, a lowering of its head, its ears going back.”

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PML Disease: What is it? by Harmony Stalter

| by Harmony Stalter

You may be asking yourself what exactly it is. PML stands for Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy. The majority of the population carries the Polyomavirus JC, which is known as the JC virus, and it normally lays dormant until a person’s immune system becomes weakened. This disease can occur in organ transplant patients, people undergoing chronic corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy, and people that have certain cancers, such as Hodgkin’s disease, lymphoma, and sarcoidosis. PML Disease most commonly occurs in individuals that are HIV positive. This disease affects the central nervous system and brain, often causing a misdiagnosis.”

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The Natural State Of Meditation by Triza Schultz

| by Triza Schultz

“Like taking out the trash, our minds need to also be emptied of background noise and thoughts to connect to the core of who we are. Speaking on meditation, His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, who is the head of state and the spiritual leader of Tibet said, “If a person’s basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience. One the other hand, if someone is suffering from depression, anxiety, or any form of emotional distress, then even if he or she happens to be enjoying physical comforts, he will not really be able to experience the happiness that these could bring.” “

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July 2010 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to www.merliannews.com , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! This month we have a brand new podcast with Hale Clinic founder, Teresa Hale! Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter ! Please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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Merlian News Podcast with Eliza Mada Dalian

| by Merlian News

In this podcast, Eliza Mada Dalian speaks with Merryn Jose about the meaning of her book title. They discuss the Dalian Healing Method, thought forms, our ego’s false identity, meditation,consciousness, and more! Eliza Mada Dalian is a medical intuitive, mystic, oracle, hands-on healer, and spiritual guide, who after her awakening experience at age 33 has dedicated her life to helping others towards healing and spiritual transformation. Mada developed a groundbreaking new healing method — DHM (Dalian Healing Method). Mada’s book is entitled In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness.

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The Deja Vu Enigma by Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman

| by Simon Warwick Smith - warwickassociates.net

“A new book by the best‐selling author, Marie D. Jones, and paranormal researcher Larry Flaxman, lays out intriguing new theories about the phenomenon of “déjà vu”, a feeling that all of us experience thoughout our lives. The Déjà vu Enigma: A Journey Through the Anomalies of Mind, Memory and Time explores the eerie yet common sensation of “remembering” an experience or a situation that never occurred…The Déjà vu Enigma delves into scientific research as it relates to short‐term memory misfires, neurophysiological disorders, and theories suggesting the paranormal, such as glimpses into parallel realities. Now, how could Jones and Flaxman fans resist that?”

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China UFO Sightings, Back to Back, Alarm Residents by Craig Kanalley, Huffington Post

| by Craig Kanalley, Huffington Post

“A second China UFO sighting has residents on edge, just seven days after an unidentified flying object shut down a Chinese airport [for 4 hours]. The new UFO sighting took place in Chongqing in eastern China on July 15. Witnesses told Shanghai Daily they saw the same thing: “four lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape that hovered over the city’s Shaping Park for over an hour.” “

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I Know What I Saw, Produced by FCZ Media LLC for History

| by Cheryl Shainmark

“I Know What I Saw moves along at a good clip, spanning events around the globe and across the years since WWII. James Fox, the director and narrator, conducts many of the interviews and does a good job of getting witnesses and investigators to open up, as well as garnering details and supporting documentation. The cinematography is brisk, interspersing old photos and videos with the interviews and there are helpful animated reenactments. The real weight of the film however, comes from the mass of believable witnesses culled from around the world. Touchy subject or not, this is a film worth watching.”

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‘C’ is for Coriander by Nazia Hussain

| by Nazia Hussain

Nazia takes a look at coriander by writing about its history and medicinal purposes while introducing a simple and healthy recipe…” Coriander can often be mistaken for parsley as the leaves are very similar being bright green and shiny in colour. It grows well in warm and dry light soil. If the seeds are sown in April/May they take about 3 months to grow before cutting down.”

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