Leap of Faith: Meet John of God By Susan Casey – O, The Oprah Magazine

Photo: Courtesy of Susan Casey (Susan Casey & John of GodWe’re very pleased to note that John of God has been publicized on Oprah and 9 pages in O, The Oprah Magazine. It is a fitting notion for such a healer.

Susan Casey’s 9 page article on Medium João, otherwise known as John of God, details her experience as well as the wonderful souls who work closely with João.

Casey also writes about Heather Cumming:

“Heather’s connection to the Casa is a close one. A student of Reiki and shamanism, she had come to Abadiânia ten years ago as a spiritual seeker. During her visit, when the Entity invited her onstage to observe a physical surgery, she passed out cold. “I suddenly felt this surge of energy, very pleasant but very strong,” she recalled. “And then I woke up on a stretcher.” On another occasion she was moved to tears. “I was crying, and Medium João asked me why. I told him I had experienced unconditional love for the first time.” Now Abadiânia is Heather’s home. (She has also literally written the book on John of God, coauthoring the volume John of God: The Brazilian Healer Who’s Touched the Lives of Millions.)

If you haven’t read the article yet, I strongly recommend you do so!

Leap of Faith: Meet John of God By Susan Casey – O, The Oprah Magazine In Love, Light & Healing, Merryn Jose

John of God covered on CNN: http://cnn.com/video/?/video/health/2010/12/22/ac.john.of.god.cnn

Ultherapy: The Use of Ultrasound Technology As An Anti-Aging Cosmetic Procedure by Sara Goldstein

| by Sara Goldstein, www.24-7pressrelease.com

As seen on the Dr. Oz Show, “Ultherapy does not use a laser; it uses ultrasound. Ultrasound is a sound vibration that we humans cannot hear because it is higher than our sound range. Think of ultraviolet light, which we cannot see because its wavelength is shorter than the violet end of our visible spectrum. But UV rays can affect the skin dramatically and so can ultrasound… According to where on your face you had the treatment done, you will enjoy a tightening and lift of the brow line, more youthful, smooth skin on the cheeks or throat, more awake and alert-looking eyes, more even skin coloring, and more snugly-fitting facial skin…

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Just Ask Lakshmi by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

| by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

“Born of Indian heritage and worshipped by Hindu people in all corners of the globe, Lakshmi is also worshipped world-wide by adoring devotees and fans who take an interfaith or Goddess-based approach to religion and spirituality. Lakshmi is a Universal Goddess who can be called upon by anyone of any faith who chooses a spiritual focus for bringing more good fortune into their lives. In this powerful eBook, Just Ask Lakshmi, Rev. Laurie Sue recounts her personal and shares dozens of ways that you can get to know the Goddess of Fortune, too. Special Bonus Ebook : Transform Negativity by Embracing Lakshmi’s Dark Twin, Alakshmi…It is suggested that you read and study this bonus ebook before reading Just Ask Lakshmi.”

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The Heart’s Note: A Practical Guide For Sounding Love In Your Life By Stewart Pearce

| by Stewart Pearce

“The book THE HEART’S NOTE is a passionate declaration. It is a fifty-year search for love throughout the corners of the world. However, it is not an escapade in the throes of romantic love, rather it is a genuine search, looking into the eyes and hearts of millions of people around the Globe, to find the open-ness of heart that we all deeply desire and respect as utterly authentic. This ‘love’ declares the knowledge of an exquisite power, for if we can soul-surf this time of the dawning of Aquarius, if we can soul-stride this era of shifting paradigms by fully honouring the heart, an heroic act will occur.” Published by FINDHORN PRESS 2010

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November 2010 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to www.merliannews.com , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! This month brings new book reviews on titles by Dr. Raymond Moody and Stephen Sinatra, a DVD review of Wake Up, new articles by Marlo Thomas and many others! Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter ! Please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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Peaceful Warrior: The Graphic Novel by Dan Millman, Illustrated by Andrew Winegarner

| by New World Library

The book Way of the Peaceful Warrior, shared among friends and families, became a multimillion-copy worldwide bestseller, inspiring men and women of all ages. Now author Dan Millman and illustrator Andrew Winegarner meld the peaceful warrior story into the style and dynamism of the graphic novel. This fresh take on Millman’s saga of growth and enlightenment includes new scenes and elements not found in either the book or the Peaceful Warrior movie.

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Cancer Research: New Science on How to Prevent and Treat Cancer From TEDMED 2010 by Mark Hyman, M.D.

| by Mark Hyman, M.D.

“In the “war” on cancer, we are fighting a losing battle for one simple reason: We’re focusing on the wrong target. As a physician I was trained to focus on the tumor–to burn, poison or cut it out, and then wait, watch and pray for the cancer to stay at bay. Newer gene-targeted treatments will help to improve chemotherapy and improve survival rates, but they won’t prevent cancer in the first place or even prevent it from coming back once you’ve had it. Hope is not the only way to straddle the scary territory between remission and recurrence. There is a different way of thinking about how to treat the system, not just the cancer that holds promise for a proactive approach to helping both prevent occurrence as well as recurrence…”

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World Diabetes Day in NYC & World Wide: November 14th by Dena Ventrudo

In Manhattan, NY, major players in the diabetic community such as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Diabetes Association as well as newly developed charities like Diabetic Rockstar/Fight-It.org will be present at the United Nations to observe and voice their concerns about various pressing issues. Some organizations like JDRF and ADA are well seasoned veterans of World Diabetes Day events. However this will be a first for Diabetic Rockstar, or DR as its loyal and passionate members affectionately refer to it. DR is a unique charity that accrued over one thousand members in less than a year, and continues to grow, gaining new members everyday.

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Global Spirit on Link TV Present A Video Chat: The Shaman, The Spirit Healer & The Earth

| by Global Spirit - LinkTV.org

“Join host Phil Cousineau as he engages in conversation and practice with Flordemayo, a Mayan spirit healer and one of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and Angaangaq, an Eskimo-Kalaalit Shaman from Greenland. Meeting for the first time, these two indigenous guests share their ancient wisdom and knowledge about the human relationship to nature, as well as the profound sacredness of all life–including sacred healing practices from the world of spirits, animals and plants.”

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Alice Herz-Sommer: “Music, Yes Music Saved My Life”

| by www.nickreedent.com

“Alice Herz-Sommer is 106 years old. As well as being the second oldest person living in London, England – she is more significantly the world’s oldest survivor of Hitler’s holocaust…Yet despite all that has befallen her, Alice insists that she has never, ever hated the Nazis, and she never will…she has seen enough in her life to know all too well that hatred eats the soul of the hater, not the hated… Alice survived through music… Still today, she speaks with great pride and passion of playing more than 100 concerts inside the concentration camp and she likens that experience, both for the performers and their imprisoned audience as being close to the divine. Alice is unequivocal in stating that music preserved her sanity and her life — while bringing hope into the lives of countless others. To this day Alice never tires of saying; “Music saved my life and Music saves me still.” “

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