The Voice: A Film by David Sereda

THE VOICE, A V.O.I.C.E. Entertainment Original Feature FilmDavid Sereda directs a new kind of film about spiritual physics, science consciousness and the search for authentic enlightenment. This is a story that has never been told in completion. What is our total human potential? What is the experience of true enlightenment? Why do people give up everything in their lives to find the answer? Why did Buddha realize that he didn’t have to give up anything in the end and still attain Nirvana when he found “the Middle Way?” From the auras of atoms, DNA, plants and humans we explode into the auras of planets, the great spheres, stars and the cosmic beyond all the way to the big sphere or field of God Consciousness. We explore how these great spheres actually exist in science and how consciousness accesses the fields to gain greater knowledge and transcend all suffering. We meet the great enlightened masters of the past and the masters of today to find out how to get our small limited aura to expand into these greater fields to gain true insight, knowledge and wisdom so that humanity can attain true success and evolution. Einstein said “the field is the only reality.” When he discovered “Spooky action at a distance,” he even found that the field is alive, that consciousness pervaded it. Artists, scientists, musicians, poets and all human beings can attain true success by gaining access to the greater fields and learning how to meditate; for it is in the fields that we get true knowledge for any question we have, including the cure for cancer and the answer to non-radioactive nuclear fusion. By deepening our understanding of reality in any given career or field, we can become more successful in our lives. This happens in everything from career, finance and to relationships. This is because we gain greater knowledge of how the universe and the physics of the soul works. Albert Einstein: “What humanity owes to personalities like Buddha, Moses, and Jesus ranks for me higher than all the achievements of the inquiring and constructive mind.” Dalai LamaWhen the Dalai Lama was asked if he is enlightened, he said “no.” This is because true enlightenment is like a supernova of Love, Ecstasy, Peace, Power, Beauty, Wisdom Knowledge and Grace that explodes from within and merges the small human aura into 9 potential cosmic fields of consciousness that go from the earth, solar system and the cosmos beyond. Nirvana begins at the 7th level of Heaven, Jnana or Samadhi, Super-consciousness. The Dalai Lama is an emanation of a Bodhisattva named Avaloketishvara. Bodhisattvas will intentionally withhold going from the 6th to the 7th to ensure service to all sentient begins. Once a person crosses the 7th veil, they do not return in another life, for they have attained a level of realization beyond the veil of humanity! From Enoch, to Moses, Krishna and Radha, Rama and Sita, Buddha and Yasodara, Jesus and Mary, Padma Sambhava the Buddha and Yeshe Sogyal, Dante Alighieri and Beatrice, Muhammad, and all the great sages, few have crossed the 7th veil. As all the great masters found their soul mate, we explore the physics of the soul and learn how we can find our own divine soul mate and life partner. Find out how the physics of the soul really works. Einstein said: “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man…In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive.” [Letter to a child who asked if scientist pray, January 24, 1936; pg. 152 Calaprice] This film will show you what the experience of enlightenment really is and how you can begin your journey or deepen your existing journey to your true self in the cosmos. The website also sells meditation cds instructed by David Sereda to show you how to learn to meditate, deepen your experience of your true self and gain access to the spheres of God Consciousness. Albert EinsteinEinstein said, “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.” That is what this film is about. Spirituality, religion and science are merging together into a single place! In this grand marriage of the two, we can hear the voice of a new kind of wisdom that will not threaten our view of God, but will only deepen our understanding.” To help us answer the deepest questions human beings face: What is consciousness? How does consciousness truly affect reality? How does mind over matter actually operate? To know the science of consciousness is to know how to reach a true and authentic enlightenment! Science also gives us a reliable model that we can use again and again that will never fail us. What is the experience of true enlightenment actually like? Find out what experiencers are actually telling us! Find out how you can experience the enlightenment of the ages now! From the ordinary people having extraordinary spiritual experiences, to the saints, the consciousness explorers, to the new scientists, the vision and experience of true and authentic enlightenment is upon us!

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To view trailers and purchase his D.V.D.s, please visit Bio Continued:

David SeredaDavid Sereda has studied Christian mysticism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga, Judaeism, Islam, Sufism, Pythagoras, for over 30 years. His practice and direct experience in meditation started with Hinduism, yoga, (Ashtanga including the 8-limb teachings – Asana, Pranayama, Kriya, etc.), Buddhism, Vippassana (Insight Meditation Levels I, II, & III), Rebirthing (breath therapy), OSHO’s (Dynamic, Chakra Breathing, Mandalla, Nadabhramma, Kundalini), Chanting MANTRAs, Christian Meditation and Prayer

He has met and studied with many meditation masters from the far East such as Baba Hari Das, Takar Sing, Swami Shyam, OSHO, Poonjaji, the Mother Meera, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Dalai Lama, Kalu Rinpoche (and many other Rinpoches), and Bhante Shibuya Subhutti, as well as Wallace Black Elk and many other native Indian teachers.His goal is to inspire and teach other people about how they can have their own mystical/religious experiences, and how they can use meditation and prayer to heal any mental challenges or personal struggles they might be experiencing.


Apple Cider Vinegar and Blood Sugar Health by Healthy Living

| by Healthy Living Magazine

“…In this clinical study, “two teaspoons of vinegar (10 grams) reduced the postprandial glucose (PPG or after diner glucose) levels; this effect was most pronounced when vinegar was ingested during mealtime as compared to five hours before the meal. Levels were lowered by a significant 20 percent,” said lead researcher Carol Johnston, PhD.” As seen on The Oprah Winfrey Show with Dr. Oz.

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Planetary Transformation: The Age of Sounding-Light by Imre Vallyon

| by Imre Vallyon, author of Heavens and Hells of the Mind

“…The real life‐and‐death issue for this planet is the descent of the Spirit from the Inner Dimensions. We call it Sounding‐Light (because the Spirit manifests itself through Sound and Light), and it is pressing down from the Nirvanic World onto the Buddhic World and from there onto the Causal World, then the Mental World, the Astral World and finally the Physical World. In the past, during the Lemurian Age and the Atlantean Age and again in the time of Buddha and the time of Christ, there were opportunities for the descent of the Spirit to transform the planet and literally lift it up to a higher reality, a higher frequency of vibration…”

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December 2010 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! This month brings you articles by Susan Casey of Oprah Magazine on John of God, Robert Moss, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee as well as articles on Ultherapy as seen on the Dr. Oz show, The Bach Centre, and book reviews on authors Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway and Stewart Pearce! Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter! Do take a look at the websites of the month! Lastly, but not least- Happy Holidays !!

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Urban Zen Center: NYC

“The Urban Zen Foundation creates, connects, and collaborates to raise awareness and inspire change in the areas of well-being, preserving cultures, and empowering children. We design forums, partner with existing organizations and bring together experts to define solutions and implement action. The Urban Zen Foundation was founded by Donna Karan.”

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109-Year Old Raw Foodist Bernardo LaPallo

Raw foodist and author Bernardo LaPallo just celebrated his 109th birthday on August 17, 2010. Bernardo looks younger than most people in their 70s and 80s. He is very active and very aware. He walks a mile and a half every morning, without the aide of a walker or cane. His brain is firing, he is passionate and energetic. Bernardo is the author of a recent book about health and longevity called Age Less, Live More. In addition, he is actively pursued as a consultant by those wishing to maintain their own high levels of health from around the world. He gives lectures and does interviews quite often.”

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Dogs And The Women Who Love Them: Extraordinary True Stories of Love, Healing, and Inspiration by Allen & Linda Anderson

| by Monique Muhlenkamp, New World Library

“When the nurturing nature of women meets the loyalty and unguarded affection of dogs, remarkable connections ensue. You’ll be entertained, inspired, and moved by shelter dogs, police K-9s, dogs rescued from hurricanes and dog fighting, service dogs helping returning veterans, prison inmates who train service dogs, and everyday mutts who transform lives just by providing an exuberant welcome at the end of the day.”

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The Power of Ginger by Dr. Stephen Sinatra

| by Dr. Stephen Sinatra

“Clinically, ginger is a great aide for treating the nausea that accompanies certain types of heart attacks–usually those involving the inferior wall of the left ventricle (the part of the heart that is fed by the right coronary artery). During a heart attack , the weakened heart struggles to maintain blood pressure . Stress hormones spike, and patients experience dread, anxiety, and fear–all of which stirs up severe nausea in about half the cases.”

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Spiritual Ecology: The Solution to Our Climate Change Crisis? by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

| by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

“This week’s United Nations Climate Change Conference at Cancun, Mexico is a global forum in response to a global crisis. As well as considering cutting carbon emissions, the conference hopes among other issues to advance green technologies and fund safeguards to prevent further deforestation of the Amazon… Spiritual Ecology is an exploration of the spiritual dimension of our present ecological crisis. At the core of Spiritual Ecology is an understanding that our present outer ecological crisis is a reflection of an inner spiritual crisis… We cannot redeem our physical environment without restoring our relationship to the sacred.” The United Nations Climate Change Conference is taking place in Cancun, Mexico, from 29 November to 10 December 2010.

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Shamanic Lucid Dreaming by Robert Moss

“Through dreaming, we have access to a source that is infinitely wiser and deeper than the everyday ego, and we want to be available to that source. I am in favor of learning to choose where we go and what we do in dreams, as in waking life, but that requires discernment, not the fantasy of control… the easiest way to become a lucid or conscious dreamer is to start out lucid and stay that way: in other words, to enter conscious dreaming from a waking or semi-wakeful state.

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