The Caregiver’s Tao Te Ching: Compassionate Caring for Your Loved Ones and Yourself by William And Nancy Martin

The Caregiver's Tao Te Ching: Compassionate Caring for Your Loved Ones and Yourself by William And Nancy Martin “Those who care for the ailing, whether helping someone recover, grapple with a long-term disability, or face a terminal illness, often feel alone, overwhelmed, exhausted. William and Nancy Martin have worked as counselors, hospice trainers, and Zen guides – and as caregivers to Nancy’s late mother. With empathy and insight, they offer readers solace drawn from the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching. Like the original Chinese text, this book contains eighty-one chapters. Each chapter includes a poem for caregivers, evocative of the verses of the Tao Te Ching, followed by a reflection that presents practical guidance for navigating the emotional and physical hardships of caregiving. The resulting resource gently awakens readers to the grace, growth, and even joy possible at each step along their path.”


“Whether one is a caregiver by choice or obligation, Bill and Nancy Martin offer support, understanding, and the possibility of sustaining a healthy practice. If you feel stuck, frustrated, or especially challenged, The Caregiver’s Tao Te Ching shines a light on a path through difficult times.” – Richard Briggs, hospice educator “Whether you are caring for a family member or acting as a professional, the wisdom of Bill and Nancy Martin’s words shines through, illuminating the path for both the giver and receiver of care. They compassionately show us how caregiver and patient can be as one, moving gently together through a profound time in life. If taken to heart, their messages of peace and acceptance will help the caregiver find great meaning and fulfillment.” – Patricia Watters, RN, director, Paradise Hospice

For more information or to purchase the book, please click here.

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Evolver Intensives: Online Courses Presented by The Prophets Conference & Reality Sandwich

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“Using state-of-the-art video streaming technology, we will broadcast live lectures and discussions from around the world to your laptop. And you can participate in the discussion, ask questions to the course leaders, and share your thoughts with fellow students. All you need is a broadband connection and a web browser — you don’t have to download or install any software. If you can watch videos on YouTube, you can participate in an Evolver Intensives course.”

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Man-Made Monsters: Mankind as Supreme Creator? by Dr. Bob Curran

| by Dr. Bob Curran

“In an intriguing book, Dr. Bob Curran explores the concept of Mankind’s attempts to create life and the “scientific” struggle to bring the dead back to life. Along the way there are some fascinating insights into the early world of the evolving sciences…Covering the span of history from earliest times until modern scientific experimentation, the book examines both the lore and the actual experience of the quest to create life and the myriad fears that have surrounded it. It will appeal to those who are interested in the evolution of science, the development of the concept of monsters or indeed in our own deep‐seated fears.”

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January 2011 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! This month brings you articles by Robert Moss, Jocelyn Graef, Dr. Mercola, Triza Schultz, FAAN, Imre Vallyon, a DVD review of The Voice: A Film by David Sereda and more. Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter ! Also, take a look at the website of the month! Merlian News also wishes everyone a very Happy New Year 2011!

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Opening The Dream Door For Others, To Communion of Spirits by Robert Moss

| by Robert Moss

When we open the dream door for others, it can lead to a true communion of spirits. To play dream guide for another person, we need to know how to create a safe space where someone new to dream sharing can be helped to tell a dream, enter into a simple and focused discussion of that dream, receive helpful feedback and then be encouraged to take action to honor the dream and bring its energy into everyday life. I have invented a process that enables us to play dream guide in this way in just a few minutes. I call it the Lightning Dreamwork process, because it is meant to be quick, like lightning, and to focus energy, like a lightning bolt. The process is explained in several of my books, including The Three “Only” Things…”

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2011 – Dynamic Transition Through Kindness by Triza Schultz

| by Triza Schultz

“Welcome to a dynamic potential the Universe is presenting — all wrapped up in the new year of 2011! I’m particularly excited about this year because the energy that is the foundation of 2011 holds the ability to give us the power to creatively express balance within ourselves that can manifest in all physical aspects of our lives. We are being given a spiritual B-12 injection to shift our awareness and transform ourselves through all manner of inventive efforts.”

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Aspartame: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You by Dr. Mercola

Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the category of “chemical poison.” Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment of methanol states that methanol “is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid; both of these metabolites are toxic.” “

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Great Awakening: Part 2 by Jocelyn Graef

| by Jocelyn Graef

There are now many of you who were once Atlanteans, for this is a great opportunity to actively participate in the harmonizing in a time of cacophony. Last time, you see, there was an allowing of destruction through blindness on the part of society, or through lack of effort to re-direct the trend. It is your chosen task to resolve your karma by actively participating now to prevent the past outcome from repeating itself in a remarkably similar way. This heals not only in an individual way, but also serves the group.”

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Great Awakening: Part 1 by Jocelyn Graef

| by Jocelyn Graef

“If you are striving for a greater truth, stretching your perspective to encompass your life as an intrinsic part of all that is, going deeper within to find a greater truth, rather than temporary solutions to increasing problems, you will find yourself on solid ground both spiritually and in your daily life… Your spiritual and emotional, and in some cases physical, survival will depend on your internal response to what is given to you to experience. If you can pull yourself out of fear, you will be able to see a greater pattern beyond what you personally are experiencing and move forward spiritually to embrace with gratitude the opportunity for tremendous growth and development of true serenity based in a greater wisdom.

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John of God By Heather Cumming & Karen Leffler

| by Cheryl Shainmark

John of God will move you, inspire you, and bring you further along your own path of healing. Simply reading the book activates the heart — you will be swept along by the biography of John of God and captivated by the stories of miraculous healings he has affected. This is a book of HOPE — for you, for me, for all of mankind and the planet — it doesn’t get any better than this!

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