The Global Coherence Initiative by

The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace. This project has been launched by the Institute of HeartMath®, a nonprofit 501(c)(3), a recognized global leader in researching emotional physiology, heart-brain interactions and the physiology of optimal health and performance. The Global Coherence Initiative is designed to help individuals and groups work together, synchronistically and strategically to increase the impact of their efforts to create positive global change.

Together we will:

Increase personal coherence for the benefit of ourselves and the planet Help shift the planetary consciousness baseline from self-centeredness to wholeness care Increase connection and social harmony Empower our ability to navigate through global changes with less stress and more ease Empower environmental responsibility and stewardship of the planet

This project has been initiated because millions of people sense that this is an extraordinary time; that a paradigm shift of human consciousness is now under way; that we are at the crossroads of change and must move toward the healing of ourselves and our planet. Many people are feeling a strong desire to help change our present and future conditions and are looking for ways to use their heart, spirit-aligned wisdom and care to make a meaningful difference. The Global Coherence Initiative is one of many care and compassion initiatives taking place on the planet. Each year, an increasing number of groups and online communities are radiating compassion and care to the planet in these times of need. We and others feel that these collective heart-based initiatives, rather than being a trend, represent the proactive consciousness platform of the future, in which individuals and communities take responsibility for shaping a new world by increasing love, care and compassion for the global whole.

Heart Coherence

Institute of HeartmathMany people recognize that their meditations, prayers, affirmations and intentions can and do affect the world. Researchers suggest that these activities can have even more transformative and lasting impact by adding heart coherence to the process. Heart coherence is a distinct mode of synchronized psycho-physical functioning associated with sustained positive emotion. It is a state of energetic alignment and cooperation between heart, mind, body and spirit. In coherence, energy is accumulated, not wasted, leaving you more energy to manifest intention and harmonious outcomes. Adding heart coherence to meditation, prayer and intention practices is an important aspect of the Global Coherence Initiative. It adds order and increased effectiveness to whatever form of practice you are doing. The Global Coherence Initiative offers education and technology on how to increase individual heart coherence. As groups of people in the Global Coherence community intentionally send coherent love and care to the world, a more powerful heart-filled environment is created. This helps to build a reservoir of positive energy that benefits the planet. This reservoir can then be utilized to help bring balance and stabilization to people, thereby making it easier to find solutions to problems like climate change, the destruction of the rain forests, poverty, war, hunger and other global issues. In addition, by sending coherent heart energy to the planet, you benefit personally. Practicing coherence has a carryover effect that helps to cushion you through stressors and challenges that occur day to day.

Earth Monitoring

The Global Coherence Initiative will include an important scientific measurement component. Advanced sensing technology, now being developed at the Institute of HeartMath, will allow us to observe changes in the earth’s magnetic field and test the hypothesis that the earth’s field is affected by mass human emotion, positive or negative. The Global Coherence Monitoring System(GCMS) will consist of approximately 12 sensors strategically located around the world. This system will enable a new level of scientific inquiry into the relationship between the earth’s magnetic field, collective human emotions and behaviors, and planetary changes.

The GCMS will allow us to test the hypotheses that:

Strong collective human emotions are reflected in the earth’s field. Groups of people in heart coherence can affect the earth’s field. Changes in the earth’s field predict earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and similar planetary scale events, in order to give people advance warning.

Our long-term goal is to correlate the following: coherence-level data collected from the GCI community with changes in the earth’s magnetic field, along with changes in various social, environmental and health outcomes.

Community Building

This Web site will be the focal point for the GCI community. Here members will receive updates, instruction, audio and video communications and downloadable Webinars. To connect with others about GCI try GCI Facebook , GCI Twitter or GCI YouTube. We invite you to explore the other sections of the site to learn more about how you can participate, resources for increasing heart coherence, and our supporters, Advisory Board and Collaborations.

What You Can Do Now

You can start now by becoming a member and learning how to increase your heart coherence and tracking your progress. While the monitoring system continues to be developed and the GCI community and activities continue to grow, the world needs your participation. You can play an important part in building this community.

Global Coherence Initiative Summary:

Connects–people globally who are committed to making a difference by contributing coherent heart energy to planetary needs Educates–by providing resources for increasing individual and collective coherence Guides–through providing information and suggestions on when and where to focus your energetic contributions Monitors–by tracking coherence and measuring changes in the earth’s geomagnetic field and the potential effects of heart-coherent intentions on the field.

Earth is our responsibility, now is the time.

The HeartMath Solution By Doc Childre & Howard Martin with Donna Beech

For more information on The Institute of Heartmath visit


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