Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories by Jim Harold

Jim Haroldʹs Campfire: True Ghost Stories Perfect for reading in the dark with a flashlight, Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories contains seventy toe‐curling, spine‐tingling tales.

Author Jim Harold has put together the most frightening stories that were told to him by some of the thousands of listeners of his “Paranormal Podcast” and “Jim Harold’s Campfire” podcasts. America’s most renowned paranormal podcaster, Harold’s internet programs at jimharold.com are ground zero for ghost phenomena, UFOs, psychic terrors, life after death and all things paranormal.

Having interviewed experts and listeners for years, Harold doesn’t dress up in alien costumes and has never purchased the Official Ghost Detector off late night TV, and yet, he has discovered that ordinary people are having extraordinary experiences.

Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories is a carefully chosen compendium of bloodcurdling, thought‐provoking, real‐life accounts:

A teenager “plays” with a Ouija board but soon the tables are turned and the joke is on her when the face of a devil appears in a most unusual place A deceased blues musician returns in a young woman’s dreams to demand that his final recording be finished A young wife makes an unreasonable demand due to an eerie premonition and ends up saving her life and that of her puzzled spouse A swarm of butterflies mysteriously appears to signify both an end and new beginning for a beloved grandfather who has passed on

Harold said, “I believe everyone has either experienced or knows someone who has experienced a brush with the supernatural. I describe the hair‐raising stories of normal people who just happened to have met a ghost, seen a UFO or maybe stumbled onto a monster.”

About the Author: In 2006, after more than a decade on the business side of media, Jim Harold dusted off his previous broadcast training and stepped back behind the microphone to host “The Paranormal Podcast”. He has subsequently added several podcasts including “Jim Harold’s Campfire” to his paranormal podcast network. A life‐long interest in the paranormal, combined with his love of broadcasting and technology, has resulted in the most successful podcasts of their type to date.

Author, Jim HaroldHarold has worked in radio, business to business media and has written, hosted and produced award‐winning video programming over the course of his career. He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Theory and Methodology and is accredited as a Certified Digital Media Consultant by the Radio Advertising Bureau.

Having reached as high as #5 on the iTunes podcast charts in the science category, Harold’s paranormal programs were downloaded 270,000+ times in May 2011 alone. Regularly among the Top iTunes Podcasts in their categories, the programs have been accessed millions of times by listeners from Japan, Australia and the UK, across the United States and around the globe.

Media Contact: Maggie Chenet


(707) 939‐9212



Project Earth by ProjectEarth.com

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