Evolver: A Social Network For Conscious Collaboration

What is Evolver.net?

Evolver is a new social network for conscious collaboration. It provides a platform for individuals, communities, and organizations to discover and share the new tools, initiatives, and ideas that will improve our lives and change the world. Are you an evolver? Evolvers are hope fiends and utopian pragmatists. We see the creative chaos of this time as a great gift and opportunity to rethink, reconnect, and reinvent. Evolvers appreciate pristine mountains, open source economics, and the precocious laughter of small children. Evolvers belong to the regenerative culture of the future, being born here and now.

Did you ever think:

Humanity has potential beyond our imagining? We are a part of nature and not the bosses of it? We could make a world that works for everyone? We could collaborate instead of compete? If so, you are an evolver already. If not, maybe you should give it a try? Why Evolver.net? Because we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Because it’s our world to change. Because the universe is deeply mysterious, displays an extraordinary sense of humor, and has a great dance beat. Maybe you don’t like social networks. Maybe you use too many already. Maybe you are sick of being IM’d and pinged, poked and stroked, prodded and friendstered. Evolver is different. Evolver.net brings together a global community that shares similar interests and values. It provides a platform that helps us find the resources, peers, news and information that makes a difference. Evolver.net is collaboratively filtered and professionally curated so that the best material gets disseminated widely.

On Evolver.net you can:

– Express yourself to your peers. – Find inspiring news and helpful information. – Share resources and swap services. – Connect with pioneering groups and organizations. – Find the collaborators you need to help you realize your vision. – Meet the community off-line — at regular Evolver “Spores” featuring regional film screenings, parties, events, and projects.

Evolver Spores connect with other evolvers through our 40+ regional Spore chapters in the US and abroad, or jumpstart your own Spore. Together we are building an international network for an emerging planetary culture based on ecological values and creative collaboration.

Here’s how to get involved:

As a critical component of the Evolver Social Movement , the Spores serve as hubs of cultural incubation and environmental activation that bring together diverse individuals and groups to share their gifts, wisdom, talents, resources, and visions to manifest tangible changes in their communities.

Every third Wednesday of the month, the Spores host convergence events based on themes like food, alternative health, shamanism, and water. Below, you’ll find a map of our growing network, or find your local Spore by zip code . Make sure to join the regional group to receive announcements and email the group host if you’d like to help Sporeganize. If there’s not a Spore in your town, we invite you to start one by emailing remi@evolver.net.

For more information, please visit www.evolver.net

My Personal Journey into the Evolver Social Movement

Free Healthcare Clinics & The Doctor Oz Show

| by www.DoctorOz.com

“An estimated 47 million Americans are without some form of health insurance. Free clinics historically have provided care to those who lack insurance, but have grown in size in recent months. Recently the largest free clinic on record was held in Los Angeles at the Staples Center over several days with thousands of patients served, making national headline news and bringing the problem into public consciousness. That clinic included dental and optometry services, and though hundreds showed up on the first day, Saturday’s event at the Reliant Center exceed any single day attendance anywhere and only offered acute basic primary medical services.” See inside for links to find a free clinic near you.

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PETITION: Please Reunite Tarra the Elephant with her friend, Carol Buckley by ThePetitionSite.com

| by Care2 ThePetitionSite.com

“Due to insider conflicts, the Board Of Directors of The Elephant Sanctuary voted Carol out, forced her to leave her own organization and have now prevented her from being with Tarra. Carol and Tarra were close friends for over 30 years. .. The Board of Directors have insisted that they are doing everything possible to comfort Tarra during this sad time but they are not allowing Carol to visit… This is where YOU come in. Please sign this petition AND WRITE to CEO Rob Atkinson and the Board of Directors . Urge them to allow Carol to have access to the elephant she raised and rescued,in the organization that would never have come to be without her hard work and altruism…”

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Schizophrenic Idealism by Bernardo Kastrup

| by Bernardo Kastrup

“…Ultimately, the dichotomy idealism-versus-realism may be no dualism at all. To say that everything is a construct within a mind is not to deny any of the qualities of experience: the concreteness, solidity, or continuity of things. This form of monistic idealism does not deny physics insofar as the latter entails models for predicting how things behave empirically; it only denies some of our ontological assumptions about how our experience of such behaviors comes into being…”

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Apologies To My (Sweet) Body (From A Head-Tripper In Transition) by Jeff Brown

| by Jeff Brown

“… I am grateful for the so many ways that you kept me going even when my waking consciousness was completely alienated from you. If I had been ruled by my thoughts alone, I would be long dead, bouncing as I was from one heady tree-top to another. But you never failed me, never forgot me, never lost sight of where I really lived. You kept breathing me when I acted against you, when I shamed you, when I disowned you. You kept loving me, calling me back, keeping me afloat until I could meet myself. Such devotion. Deep bows…”

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I Am Privileged to Call Carol Buckley My Friend by Kate Elliott

| by Kate Elliott

“I am privileged to call Carol Buckley my friend, and I was also honored to work for several years as the Managing Director of The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. After being fired from the Sanctuary in 2010, Carol continues to improve the lives of captive elephants worldwide by founding Elephant Aid International and traveling throughout Asia in her mission of helping one elephant at a time… Carol was and IS one of the few people who are aware of the depths of animal suffering. I watched her for over three years, live, breathe and feel for not only the elephants in her care, but the other elephants still held captive.

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November 2011 Merlian Newsletter

| by Merlian News & Team

Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to www.merliannews.com , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter! Also, take a look at the website of the month!

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Elephants, Trauma and the Ego by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

| by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

“… What I loved about this sanctuary is that it was the opposite of a zoo. Not only did the elephants have woods and streams and ponds and rivers to wander through (more than 2000 acres!), the public was not cordially invited to gape and throw popcorn at the elephants (but observation cameras allowed people to view online the real lives of real elephants). They lived, for animals not in their own environment, as close to a natural life as we can ever expect to see. It was truly an inspiration. The sanctuary was for the elephants, not for us…”

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When Things Fall Apart You Don’t Have To by Don Mordasini

| by Don Mordasini

“Wall Street is in protest, Job loss, housing foreclosure, family relocation, loss of savings and major disruption of families’ lives is touching everyone we know. Why is this happening? The European Central banks need 7 trillion dollars to shore up their economies — they may not make it. These challenges are global in dimension — yet they affect us individually. Every one of us knows someone who has suffered because of these challenges. A blade of grass doesn’t grow or a bird falls from its nest without a Consciousness that oversees an integrated/interwoven web where the smallest to the largest occurrence in the universe is not interconnected. When Things Fall Apart — You Don’t Have to!”

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SaharStore.com: Life Readings, Coffee Readings, Tools4 Life, Master Classes & More!

| by SaharStore.com

“Welcome to my new store! Life readings & Self Awareness Tools to chart your life’s journey…The intention of my Life Readings, Short Reading, and Mini Readings is to provide you with help and guidance from a spiritual or soul level; that is to offer you a bird’s eye view of your life. My readings are therefore not restricted or limited to having a predictive nature. The focus is on assisting you, in the journey of your life, as much as I can. In this way you will have the power to co-create the future you desire by unfolding and focusing on your spiritual development, or awareness.”

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