Body and Mind Are One: An Online Training Course in Mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh

Touch the Wonders of Life Available in the Here and Now

When your body and mind work together as one, you are fully and naturally present in the moment. This is the essence of mindfulness practice. Body and Mind Are One: An Online Training in Mindfulness brings you an unparalleled eight-week course with the venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, who has practiced, shared, and lived this profound wisdom for over seven decades.

Your Breath: The Bridge between Mind and Body

In our hectic modern world, many of us are caught racing from one to-do to the next, planning this or worrying about that. We are often completely consumed by thoughts and by unconscious habits that numb us to our true experience–and to the suffering we create for ourselves and for those around us.

Two thousand six hundred years ago, the Buddha offered clear instructions for breaking this cycle and coming back home to our bodies–and to the wonders of life found only in the present moment. Your breath is the key.

In Body and Mind Are One, Thich Nhat Hanh personally instructs you in every step of the Buddha’s specific exercises for using your breath mindfully to cease internal conflict, release tension and anxiety, and become aware of the conditions for happiness and freedom that are always readily available.

Join Thich Nhat Hanh on Retreat

Originally recorded during a six-day retreat in the beautiful Rocky Mountain village of Estes Park, Body and Mind Are One gives you the opportunity to study with Thich Nhat Hanh along with a community of monastics and lay practitioners. More than a training course in mindfulness, Body and Mind Are One is at once a living transmission of insight from this beloved Zen master and a practical teaching series covering fundamental Buddhist principles for a joyful life.

Body and Mind Are One invites you to learn more about:

The life-changing energies of mindfulness, concentration, and insight Your presence, the greatest gift you can offer the world Being there: the first aim of meditation A magic formula for instant happiness The profound teaching of “interbeing” The truth of impermanence Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths The meaning of emptiness Dharma as the practice of looking deeply Touching the Buddha nature within you Transcending discrimination, fear, anger, and other inner afflictions Karma as actions of thought, speech, and body Buddha’s seven exercises for mindful breathing How to nourish the seeds of compassion and lovingkindness within you The Five Mindfulness trainings–a tool for exploring the consequences of our actions

The Greatest of All Miracles

“Through mindfulness,” teaches Thich Nhat Hanh, “we can recognize the miracle of being alive, and that is the greatest of all miracles.” Body and Mind Are One welcomes you to experience the wise and healing presence of this unsurpassed teacher, as breath-by-breath you follow his simple guidance into what he calls “the Pure Land of the Buddha, the Kingdom of God, in the here and the now.”

What You Will Receive:

Seven hours of four-camera, high-definition video sessions with Thich Nhat Hanh, yours to download and enjoy as often as you like Two live sessions featuring audience Q&A with Sister Lang Nghiem and Brother Phap Hai, senior students of Thich Nhat Hanh Online Dharma Discussion groups to connect with other participants A private journal for reflecting on your experience Weekly recommended exercises and a handy practice tracker to support your training

Begins Apr 16, 2012

Attending Live Sessions

Body and Mind Are One Live Session Dates

LIVE interactive video session with Sister Lang Nghiem on April 26, 2012, 8—9 pm Eastern Time

LIVE interactive video session with Brother Phap Hai on May 24, 2012, 8—9 pm Eastern Time

Please note all times are in ET. To convert to your timezone, Convert Now

Can’t make a live session? Don’t worry! Recordings from live sessions will be available for download a few days after the session concludes.

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For more information on Body and Mind Are One, please click here.

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