2012 — 2021, The Dawn of the Sixth Sun – The Path of Quetzalcoatl.

2012-2021 The Dawn of the Sixth Sun is not just a book — it’s an instruction manual, a warning, a blessing, and a message from the ancients for how to get through the next ten years. While the whole world sits and wonders what will happen after December 21, 2012, the Mexica/Aztec oral traditions, now written down, may hold the answer. This may be the most important book you will read all year, if not all decade.

People have speculated for years about the upcoming end of the Mayan calendar on December 21st, 2012. Some apocalyptic doomsayers have predicted that the world, and mankind, will end in a variety of awful ways. Others, more “New Age” in outlook, have envisioned a reign of peace and high vibrations where all problems completely disappear. It turns out that none of those visions are right — but they’re not all entirely wrong, either. It turns out that the true ancient meaning of the calendar and the old knowledge have been misinterpreted by outsiders and distorted over time. What is actually happening is both simple and huge: the pace and rhythm of the earth and the universe are changing as they move through space, and mankind needs to change at the same rate if he wants to keep up and be in harmony with the cosmos.

According to the author, and the Toltec/Aztec teachings that he has sworn to share with the world, the next nine years are critical for humanity, as the influences of the old Fifth Sun (or Wheel or Cycle as they are sometimes known) dies out and the Sixth Sun finally dominates. He points out that there is no cut and dried line from one age to the other. Instead, the new Sixth Sun that officially dawns on December 21st has already been influencing our world since 1991, and the old Fifth Sun will continue to exert some effect until 2021. From 2021 onward, the Sixth Sun will fully reign and be the major influence of the Cosmos.

As Mr Magana narrates, the ancients understood the workings of the cosmos, and how it interacts with daily life. They designed exercises and modes of living that would protect their people and maintain harmony with all of nature, the Earth, the Moon and the universe. For thousands of years this knowledge was passed down through oral tradition, temple art and statues, and later with codices. With the invasion by, and eventual ascendency of the Spanish conquerors, codices were hidden and the knowledge went underground, passed on secretly from master to student.

The author, whose Nahuatl name is Ocelocoyotl, or Jaguar Coyote, was raised and trained in that ancient tradition, an unbroken lineage of oral wisdom . He has come forward because the original keepers of the Wheel, or Sun, knew that this knowledge would be needed now. 2012-2021 The Dawn of the Sixth Sun is the distillation of hundreds of years of teachings. The author explains the astrology, the calendars, the sacred mathematics that influence human life, and then sets down in the book the exercises that are designed to get people into harmony with the universe while these rapid changes are happening. Not to put too fine a point to it, but those who fail to get into rhythm with the Cosmos are not going to have an easy time of it in the next several years, and may not survive at all. One almost can’t emphasize enough: this book needs to be not just read, but taken to heart, studied, and mastered.

For more information go to www. sergiomagana.com

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