Improving Your Brain Health

Jim Kwik is the founder of Kwik Learning. He’s taught memory improvement, speed-reading, and accelerated learning skills for almost two decades. He recently spoke with Shawn Stevenson at about how to improve one’s ability to remember or locate anything.

Latest scientific research has shown that lifestyle and certain exercises can improve the health of your brain , no matter what age you are! This is due to neuroplasticity which allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to change their connection to compensate for injury or disease, and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.

The amazing thing about this discovery is that our brain health is now completely in our hands. Outside a nutritious diet there are exercises you can do to strengthen and rework your neural connections. Imagine being able to improve your memory with certain simple techniques.

Click here to listen to the podcast interview with Jim Kwik and Shawn Stevenson, or for the full article, go to

Thoreau – America’s First Environmentalist

| by Carol Spenard LaRusso, editor

In this age of materialism, global shortages and increased concern over sustainability, Thoreau’s insights are still timely: “A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.” And while he really may be called “America’s First Environmentalist” he had other subjects to comment on as well.

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How Safe Is Your Shampoo?

| by Priscilla E. Warshowsky

HOW SAFE IS YOUR SHAMPOO? How many skin and hair products do you think you use each day? Priscilla Warshowsky says, “ The figure may shock you. On average, women use twelve products a day comprising 168 different ingredients, and men use six products equaling 85 ingredients!” Aside from constantly subsidizing big cosmetic companies, what are the dangers of using all these products? Read more…

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The Need for GMO Labeling

| by Reviewer

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| by Deepak Chopra

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Avocado and Broccoli Salad by Abby’s Recipe Kitchen of Easy and Simple Recipes

| by

Quick and easy Avocado and Broccoli Salad recipe from Abby’s Kitchen. Did you know that avocados can help consumers meet the dietary guidelines of the American Heart Association, which are to eat a diet that is low to moderate in fat? The fats should be primarily unsaturated and low in saturated fat and cholesterol. The avocado is virtually the only fruit that has monounsaturated fat.

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Involuntary Simplicity: Spontaneous Evolution From the Inside Out

| by Steve Bhaerman

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Mind, Meditation, & Science

I’m in the middle of reading “The Mind’s Own Physician – A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on the Healing Power of Meditation,” and I can’t recommend it strongly enough…. Having been a regular meditator for years, I’ve watched with great interest as the scientific community has studied, and ultimately endorsed, this age old ancient healing practice.

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On The Road Again

| by Cheryl Shainmark

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