I Am Boundlessness

I Am Boundlessness by Ilie Cioara

Review by Cheryl Shainmark

This slim book just captivates me — I could re-read I Am Boundlessness once a month for a year, and still find new pearls of wisdom. To say that these poems “activate” the reader, while true, would be an understatement — instead imagine the energy like a very real presence surrounding you as you read. I didn’t feel activated so much as lifted up and carted away.

Readers of Mr Cioara’s other books, such as Life Is Eternal Newness, or The Silence of the Mind, will be familiar with the main theme of directing one’s attention to still the mind and create change. The idea of using a spontaneous, ego-less form of attention to encounter one’s thoughts is powerful, and leads to self-knowledge. Self knowledge leads to self healing, and healing leads to enlightenment. While many of these concepts will sound familiar to the reader, Ilie Cioara’s books are remarkably free of cant and refreshing.

Alan Jacobs, the President of the Ramana Maharashi Foundation in the UK wrote, “This distinguished author broadly follows the teachings of the great Sage, Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, and also has affinities with Eckhart Tolle and J. Krishnamurti. I would strongly recommend this precious book to all those aspirants who are interested in and working for Self Realisation.” Like Tolle, or the poet Kahlil Gibran, Cioara writes with a striking simplicity that really reaches out to the reader and pulls him in. I think it’s fair to say that you will find yourself returning to this book over and over again.

For more information, or to order the book, go to


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