2012 – A New Vantage Point by Triza Schultz

Welcome 2012 —looking at the world from a new vantage point as we continue to align ourselves within our awakening! We are no doubt earning the rewards from the lessons of discovery, staking our personal claim on the practice of balance and harmony inside our individual lives. It’s a bitter-sweet process to let go of so much and take up residence within more space of the heart. A Buddhist saying sums it up: “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.” Even though there are battles raging in places around the world for the liberty to exist as free diverse individuals, these battles come from deep within each heart and residence of the soul. These battles are born from a spiritual and humane awakening when people step outside their homes and join together for a higher symbolic purpose. As we reflect, we find we’ve discovered what we’re truly made of, and we move forward empowered with a visible understanding from past experience that we create each day. And no matter what enters our lives from the outside, we can choose how to respond to it. We are compassionately removing that which does not serve nor support us, more whole within ourselves, and ever more united and free within our humanity as a global family. Welcome our deeper awakening! Welcome our continued transformation into peace out of chaos. It’s not easy. I haven’t heard anyone say that 2011 was the best year ever. 2011 was a pivotal year in the continued struggle for balance and harmony in every aspect of life, pouring across the globe with a spiritual awareness that’s been blossoming inside each of us individually for years — where it all begins in the first place. We’ve witnessed and participated in a greater understanding of what freedom means to us socially and personally. Humanity is focusing on the exploration of who we are as spiritual beings, and questioning how our diversity doesn’t separate us, but instead blend to compassionately unite us as a whole going forward. One of the most compelling episodes of human history! We are no longer settling for generations of negative behavior programs or classifications from someone else’s agendas because our internal discomfort is no longer appeased by scraps of denial. In order to be free to the truest ounce, those dark caves within each one of us have been continuously receiving infusions of light as we do our healing work. No wonder I felt so adamant that 2011 was a transitional year where one of the best ingredients in the midst of our evolution was to consciously practice acts of loving kindness for ourselves and others to help us navigate through overwhelming times of change. It’s refreshing to realize that apathy is exhausting and gets us nowhere. We’re figuring it out that change doesn’t come from the couch shaking our fists at the TV, fighting, complaining, and always blaming someone else. Active Positive Change Active positive change: Three words taking us through the door into 2012 is our inner angel’s trumpet call. Action can be a change in thinking and beliefs, a positive change in health with food nutrition, to a change in how we work, or our active place in the community. One of the broader questions we can ask of ourselves now is, “How can I see this diverse world from a new vantage point?” Let this question seriously infuse the mind for a while. Don’t be hasty to answer. Let the answers come as that quiet voice of internal knowing through the heart of intuition. Because we are literally changing from the inside out, it’s time to practice bringing it all together by consciously expanding our new reality. Two Questions and Suggestions Two more questions that keep sounding out are ones that can help free us up to be true to ourselves and include our development for a wider foundation of harmony as a community: The first question is: “What do I (secretly) want to remove from my life?” Consider the people, places and things that unduly strap us down — especially those where we’ve spent so much time “trying” (many try for years!) to make something work for us. The truth is that it’s NOT working and it will NEVER work because we know it doesn’t, so kindly give ourselves permission to compassionately, and if applicable, forgivingly, let go. Stop twisting ourselves in a pretzel! Allow the gift of freedom to move on in life with the priceless reward of peace that follows. The second question is: “What do I want to include in my life to achieve collective harmony?” Here’s an adventure of exploration with the opportunity to gain knowledge while eliminating ignorance and instead, generate that fusion of community harmony: Visit or tour different places of faith. It’s no fallacy that diverse spiritual traditions and practices lead to the same destination — the desire for spiritual connection is universal, rich, and beautiful. Everyone admires the student of life who genuinely seeks knowledge to better themselves and their place in the community. No door is ever shut on the guest who lovingly enters in search of knowledge. All are welcome. Some of the most beautiful architecture, spiritual and cultural art, and gardens and landscape on the planet are found at cathedrals, temples, synagogues, and ashrams. Call and attend a service or meditation, take a tour, ask questions, gather literature, and become a student and member of the universal community of life! Triza SchultzVolunteer work plays a critical role in bringing community together. The reward of giving time to help and support others nourishes the soul and educates us on the needs of our community. The ideas for helping are endless. Our personal internal world and our external collective world continue to rapidly change. As we align within the safety of our inner truth, we find the strength in internal harmony and can then reach out to the world. Forever students of life, get out there and find sweet bliss in unity and support others in doing the same. Celebrate our diverse life! Affirmation for this month — Knowledge Today, I open the lens of my mind to see new information and different perspectives. I am a seeker of knowledge and delighted to recognize that learning has no boundaries, wisdom is endless, and I align with the heart of my inner truth. Live in beauty and be well – Triza Schultz

Copyright © 2012 — All rights reserved. Permission by author to copy articles in their entirety only

To view the original article or for more information, please visit http://womanofthewind.blogspot.com

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by Triza Schultz
"I ended a 26 year corporate HR consulting career in 1997 to follow my path as a spiritual guide, writer, and artist. During that transition, I published my book, “The Fear Standard — A Guide And Personal Journey to Regain Our Intuitive Spirit.” In 2005, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I view this challenge as a gift and the medium from which deeply emotional, spiritual, and physical healings and insights are distilled. I realized that the greatest pain one can endure is also the point of departure to the greatest love. Fear in all its many facets is truly a spiritual matter - and love has the final word."