Merlian News Podcasts With Heather Cumming: Part 2

Heather Cumming is a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master/teacher, and certified Qi Gong practitioner. Heather works with John of God, also known as Medium Joao, as his translator and acts as his liaison for healing trips to the United States. She is an official Casa Tour Guide in Brazil. Heather is also multi-lingual and translator for visitors who come to the Casa. She is author of the book, John of God published by Beyond Words Publishing /Atria Books.

In this interview, Heather Cumming elaborates more on the entities: their names, stories, personalities, such as the patron saint of the Casa, St. Ignatious of Loyola. You will hear how to synchronize your meditations with John of God’s healing sessions, while the mediums are holding the energy of the ‘current’ at the Casa in Abadiania, Brazil…

To download and listen to part 2 of the podcast, CLICK HERE . Please give it a few moments to load.

For our viewers interested in Orbs , please take a close look at the upper right side of Heather in the photo pictured above.

John of God will be at Omega in Rhinebeck, NY on October 1st-3rd, 2007

For more information on this event, please visit

You can also see Heather Cumming on Nancy Rosanoff’s The Listening Place as

Merlian News Podcasts With Heather Cumming – Part 1

John of God By Heather Cumming & Karen Leffler

For more information, please visit Heather’s website,

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