World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day – April 27th

World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day – April 27th, 2013 Each year, on the last Saturday of April, thousands of people congregate in dozens of countries to celebrate and practice Tai Chi or Qi Gong. This year that means Saturday, April 27th, is the day! Join a worldwide moving meditation that starts in New Zealand in the morning and moves across time zones, culminating in Hawaii nearly a day later.

In addition to promoting awareness of the great health benefits of tai chi and qi gong, members gather together to share a healing vision for the world and to breathe that vision together. In fact, the theme of this year’s event is “One World… One Breath.” Participants hope to “Provide a global vision of cooperation for health & healing purposes across geopolitical boundaries, and also an appeal to people worldwide to embrace wisdom from all the cultures of the world.”

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, tai chi and qi gong are methods for balancing life energy, or chi, through exercise, regulated breathing and rhythmic movements. This in turn can alleviate illness and restore good health. Both practices are rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and martial arts and are now used in many alternative medicine settings.

Click here for more information or to find local events

Photo credit: Qigong photos; tai chi photo

Smart Fruit Flies Choose Organic

Smart Fruit Flies Choose Organic Produce A 16 year old student designed a research study to answer the question, “Which is better for you, organic food or regular industrially grown food?” Using fruit flies, Ria Chhabra has proven that a diet of organic fare led to measurably improved health over that of flies fed conventional fare. This comes as good news to those of us who were upset with the Stanford University research reported several months ago…

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Do Not Go Quietly, A Guide To Living Consciously and Aging Wisely For People Who Weren’t Born Yesterday

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The Food Revolution Summit 2013

The Food Revolution Summit 2013 From April 27 – May 4, 2013 The father and son duo, John and Ocean Robbins, have gathered together some of the top names in food health and food revolution for the second annual Food Revolution Summit. This year’s speakers include: Mark Bittman from the New York Times, author Kathy Freston, the Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, and more.

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The Wheatgrass Miracle

| by Staff

The Wheatgrass Miracle: Wheatgrass has long been known as an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and chlorophyl. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses wheatgrass to strengthen the kidneys and blood (and reverse gray hair!), linking the loss of pigmentation to weak kidney function rather than old age. Modern medicine has proven wheatgrass to be a natural immune enhancer, detoxifier, and blood booster.

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Celebrate Earth Day With a Meteor Light Show!

Celebrate Earth Day With a Meteor Light Show! Monday, April 22nd, is Earth Day and it coincides this year with the Lyrid Meteor showers, one of the most impressive displays in the sky. The Lyrid showers can feature as many as 20-100 meteors per hour, with higher bursts of activity, called “meteor storms,” and viewings of the rarer, large “Fireballs” possible.

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The Apple of Fate – Dreams from Robert Moss

The Apple of Fate by Robert Moss from I am at work and often at play in the deep mines of my old journals, excavating promising nuggets and buried treasures for a new book. I am fascinated to see how very much of the really good stuff came to me in states of hypnagogia, in the liminal zone that Tinker Bell called “the place between sleep and awake.” Over several decades, this has very often been the launch pad for soul travel and lucid dreams…

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Collecting For Carnivores – Wolf Center’s New Recycling Program

| by Staff

Collecting For Carnivores: Check out what’s new at the Wolf Conservation Center The Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) just launched a new recycling campaign that doubles as a fundraiser!

Atka recycles – Do you?

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Feng Shui And How It Works by Dr. Oksana Cheh

| by Dr. Oksana Cheh

What is the basis of Feng Shui? Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy . This universal energy is the energy that permeates everything around us, including our bodies. The ancient Chinese believed that the land’s energy could either make or break the happiness.

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Ashwagandha – The “Go To” Ayurvedic Herb

Ashwagandha the “Go To” Ayurvedic Herb Ashwagandha, a plant native to India and Asia, is an adaptogenic herb that supports the body’s ability to maintain physical effort and adapt to various types of stress. Also known as an aphrodisiac, (the name Ashwagandha means “Smell of the horse”, implying stallion like virility) Ashwagandha can increase fertility or enhance sexual function. It contains properties that help increase the body’s ability to resist and recover from stress, boost energy, and providing an enhanced feeling of overall well-being.

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