Nurturing Positive Beliefs

Nurturing Positive Beliefs One day Rob Williams, a psychotherapist, was having one of those terrible where nothing was going right. He was trying to devise more effective forms of treatment for his patients and not getting very far. Calling out to God in frustration he cried, “What do you want me to do?” Williams was amazed to find that within moments he got detailed images, like a blueprint, for how to change self limiting beliefs in the subconscious.

We’ve all had the experience of trying to lose wieght, break an old pattern, or start a new good habit, only to have it fail. What Williams found was that making a conscious commitment wasn’t always enough to override the self-limiting subconscious beliefs that we all carry around. In his vision that day he saw what was to become PSYCH-K, a simple, direct method for overcoming self-sabotage.

That was about 25 years ago, and Williams has spent the time since then perfecting his system and training others to use it. Using a form of kinesiology to read muscle tension, Williams can tell what are the limiting beliefs and then devise a program to address them. He incorporates Chinese medicine to pinpoint the organs or parts of the body where these beliefs may reside in order to release them on a physical level as well.

Still, it’s changing the subconscious beliefs that really does it. Williams says, “PSYCH-K does not heal anything. It is the catalyst for the body to heal itself. The mind is the doctor. The pharmacy is in your head.” He has found that in about 80% of the cases the changes are lasting and long term.

Click here for a video of Rob Williams explaining why PSYCH-K works

Vitamins: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Vitamins: Too much of a Good Thing? If you’re like most people, you may think that when it comes to vitamins, minerals, and supplements, “If some is good, more would be better!” But recent studies suggest that when it comes to some vitamins and anti-oxidants, too much can be a bad thing.

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Foods for Heavy Metal Detoxification

| by Staff

Foods for Heavy Metal Detoxification Many metals and metal compounds can affect our health in the worst way. High levels of mercury, tin, lead, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic and even iron, have been linked to autism, Alzheimers, cancers, kidney disease and more. While trace amounts of some metals are necessary for good health, excess levels can have serious health consequences.

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James Van Praagh at Omega Institute

| by Staff

Cultivating Spirit Communication with James Van Praagh at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY James Van Praagh is one of the world’s most renowned and respected spiritual mediums working today. He is a remarkable teacher, author, producer, and unique intuitive. His specialty is connecting loved ones who have passed to their relatives and friends by conveying detailed messages between “worlds.”

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The Cosmic Hologram: Reconciling Science & Spirit with Dr. Jude Currivan

The Cosmic Hologram: Reconciling Science & Spirit with Dr. Jude Currivan An online web salon on June 27, 2013 The misperceived separation in our world-views between so-called evidence-based and faith-based perspectives has been damaging and dangerous to our relationships with each other and with Gaia. They are now though being reconciled into an empowering whole-worldview of a conscious, evolving and unified Cosmos where we are both creation and co-creators.

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The Joyous Cosmology: Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness

| by Alan W. Watts

Over 50 years after it’s initial release, The Joyous Cosmology, by Alan Watts, remains a classic of consciousness exploration, and a ripping good read. Watts, best known for introducing Eastern philosophy to a Western audience, was a spiritual philosopher and the author of more than 20 books. The Joyous Cosmology is full of insight into human consciousness, philosophy, and altered states of mind. Watt’s detailed descriptions of his experiences while using psychodelic drugs remain profoundly relevant today.

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My 100 Day Gong

| by Merryn Jose

Just recently I completed what is known in Qi Gong as a 100 day “gong” or practice of doing the same exercise, every day without fail. I had been doing Qi Gong off and on for a year or two, but a few months ago I decided that if I was going to gain the benefits of this practice, I really needed to do it every day. I had been reading and studying the online courses… and I finally I decided to make the commitment to a 100 day practice.

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Summer Events at the Wolf Center

| by Staff

Check out what’s happening at the Wolf Center: There’s Yoga, Campouts, Howling and more! July’s calendar is loaded with fun events for you and the family. There’s sunsets hikes, howling with the wolves, yoga classes, and “wolf camp” for kids. For more information, fees, or to register for events, go to

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EarthShare: Supporting the Environment

Looking to change the world? Consider EarthShare From researching climate change to cleaning the Hudson river, from assisting Hurricane Sandy recovery to helping the local Audobon Society, contributions to EarthShare go a long way to help our environment. Now it’s even easier to contribute directly, or through a workplace program.

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