The Art of Healing by Bernie S. Siegel, MD

The Art of Healing is wise and warm, charged with powerful stories of love and healing. While the medical and scientific community continue to play catch up, Dr. Bernie Siegel still leads the pack in holistic healing. This latest effort ventures even further into empowering patients and teaching them to recognize their own intuitive ability to heal.

Using anecdotes, dream interpretation, drawings and more, Siegel illustrates the methods whereby one’s body may communicate the exact nature of one’s illness and how to correct it. Interpreting the information is really where the “art” in The Art of Healing comes in. The author explores the meaning behind various universal symbols, archetypes, and colors and how they may be used by the subconscious to alert the conscious about what is happening in the body.

There’s a lot to like in this book — a little science, a little Jung, a little Campbell — all tied together with a whole lot of wisdom and compassion. The Art of Healing is an inspiring guide to listening to our own very best doctor: ourselves.

For more information or to order the book, go to: or

Merlian News Podcasts with Lynne McTaggart on The Bond

| by Merlian News & Team

In this podcast, Lynne discusses the subjects explained in her book The Bond with Merryn Jose. Lynne McTaggart, one of the preeminent spokespersons on consciousness, the new physics and the science of spirituality, is the award-winning journalist and author of five books, including the worldwide bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment. Lynne’s latest book is entitled The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us.

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After the Fukushima Leaks: Is It Safe To Eat Pacific Fish?

Last week the Japanese revealed that Fukushima, the nuclear reactor devasted in the tsunami two years ago, was still leaking radiation into the Pacific ocean. In fact, it had never stopped. The news, long suspected by scholars, environmentalists and fishermen, has raised questions about the healthfulness of all fish harvested on both sides of the Pacific. Many species, including salmon, herring, and bluefin tuna, spend part of their migration in the waters off of Japan before being caught off of North America.

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Billions Rising: Empowering Self-Reliance

Check out this wonderful organization, Billions Rising, at . This organization is “dedicated to the idea that this abundant world has everything we need for each person on the planet to live in prosperity. We believe that poverty will be eliminated through education, action, innovation and collaboration. Each of us can make choices to become self-reliant ourselves and then reach out to help others do the same.” Billions Rising is all about giving a hand-up, not a hand-out, and empowering self-reliance.

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Everything You Need to Know: Harvest Moon 2013

| by Staff

Everything you need to know: Harvest Moon 2013 by Deborah Byrd at The Harvest Moon for 2013 falls on the night of September 18 or September 19, depending on your location on the globe. In North America, the crest of the moon’s full phase comes before sunrise September 19. at 11:13 UTC . That’s 6:13 a.m. central time in the U.S. on September 19, 2013. Translate UTC to your time zone. So the night of September 18-19 has the brightest, fullest moon for the Americas. For us, by the night of September 19-20, the moon will be waning.

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Merlian News September Newsletter

The September newsletter is out! Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages! Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu! Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter ! Please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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Sound Healing with Mingtong Gu – Lesson Two: Welcome & Teaching on Love

Sound Healing with Mingtong Gu – Lesson two: Welcome & Teaching Love If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that we here at Merlian News are just crazy for the Sound Healing Course from — Master Mingtong Gu and his staff at the Chi Center have put together a wonderful healing course that is available for online study at home. Whether you’re a professional looking for CEU credits, or an individual interested in healing and learning qi gong, this video/audio series is a must.

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Don’t be Fooled by Your “All Natural” Chicken

| by Cheryl Shainmark

The other day we bought what we thought was an organic chicken at our local natural food store. We’ve been shopping there for years and there’s never been any problem in taste or quality with their organic supplier. When we got this one home though, we thought it looked a little fatter than usual, and then when we cooked it we noticed that there was much more grease than usual in the pan and very little of the natural bone broth or gelatin that’s so vital to our health.

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Robert Moss: Way of the Dreamer Workshops

New “Way of the Dreamer” Workshops from Robert Moss. Robert Moss, author, dream teacher, blogger and creator of Active Dreaming has announced a new series of workshops. You can choose from California, France, Hawaii, and more. For more information click below, or go to

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