Sound Healing Qi Gong with Mingtong Gu: Lessons 5 & 6

Sound Healing Qi Gong with Mingtong Gu: Lessons 5 & 6 All of us here at Merlian News were deeply moved by the story of Lindy’s Transition, in the fifth section of the online course, “Sound Healing.” In the opening moments we learn that an active member of the community has died: “A treasured member of the Wisdom Healing Qigong community, Lindy Bianchi, died shortly before the Advancing Weekend Workshop. She had attended many healing retreats and events and was an active, dedicated volunteer. Her journey of healing was woven into the fabric of our chi field, as is yours.” The resulting portion, part meditation and part prayer, resulted in a sensation of qi all around that was especially powerful.

Lesson 6 is where all of the good information and training really come together for the pay off. The Five Organ Healing exercise is profoundly powerful and effective, and seeing Master Mingtong Gu on this well made video is like attending a real class. One of our staff favorites for the last several years, this particular exercise has generated great physical and emotional release in everyone we know who has tried it. If you did nothing else but this portion for the rest of your life, you would be ahead of the game. The small activation exercises that follow are about moving energy through your body with various sounds and are fun to practice.

For more information go to

Click here for our podcast interview with Mingtong Gu

Click here for our review of Wisdom Healing (Zhineng) Qigong: Teachings by Master Mingtong Gu


How Dreams Wake Us Up

| by Robert Moss

Here’s an open secret about dreaming. It’s not fundamentally about sleeping. It’s really about waking up. In ancient Egypt, the word for dream, rswt, meant an “awakening.” Those Egyptians were onto something. For starters, dreams wake us up to what is going on inside our bodies and what we need to do to stay well or get well. Mary Agnes, a registered nurse in Baltimore, dreamed she traveled inside her body and found it was like a boiler room in danger of blowing up. Waking, she realized she had been given a tour of her digestive system. She went to a doctor and found she had an ulcer that needed treatment.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Priceless Treasure

Traditional Chinese Medicine – A Priceless Treasure from Traditional Chinese medicine includes herbs, acupuncture, qi energy and physiology, oriental medicine, and more

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Sound Healing with Mingtong Gu – Lesson Four: Sound Energetics

Sound Healing with Mingtong Gu – Lesson Four: Sound Energetics Listening to this portion of the online course, “Sound Healing,” all of us at Merlian News felt like this was one of the most important lessons in the course. It includes the basic instructions for chanting “Haola” and “Kai Hui” as well as how to work with the sounds in the most effective ways. As highlighted in the course material, the deep energetic benefits made possible by sound healing include emotional healing, and a deeper energetic connection with the organs, the energy gates and energy centers.

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Active Meditation: A Technique of the Future by Eliza Mada Dalian

| by Eliza Mada Dalian

“…Active Meditation is an evolutionary process of releasing our stress and pent up emotions from the body while simultaneously being engaged in witnessing and dis-identifying from our thoughts and emotions. There are several evolutionary Active Meditation techniques devised by the Indian mystic Osho for the contemporary man and woman. They have been practiced by millions of people around the globe since the mid 1970’s with outstanding results. These meditation techniques aid the modern-day seeker to experience inner silence and stillness a lot faster than what can be achieved through a long practice of passive sitting…”

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Thich Nat Hanh Online Event on Sounds True

| by Staff

You are invited to join one of the most respected teachers of our time in A Free Live Online Event with Thich Nhat Hanh: Refreshing Our Hearts: Touching the Wonders of Life. Streaming live from the historic Paramount Theatre in Oakland, California on Saturday, October 26 at 6 pm ET (GMT—4), this two-hour video program will illuminate how the practice of mindfulness can radically transform our lives and our world.

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Living In the Supermind

| by Maurie D. Pressman, MD

Living in the Supermind – From Personal Mind to Spiritual Mind by Maurie D. Pressman, M.D. Review by Cheryl Shainmark Living in the Supermind is a wonderful book, full of wisdom and authenticity. Dr. Pressman’s work with his patients, and his own personal experiences of opening to the spiritual, make for compelling reading. Using the touchstones of hypnosis and meditation the author explores the mysteries of the mind, accessing such topics as “higher learning,” time travel, and how to enter into the Supermind.

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Mystical Events and Meet-Ups

It’s October, the leaves are turning and the Halloween decorations are going up. So what better time to explore some of New York’s mystical events and meet-ups? Whether it’s a shamanic gathering or a lecture about The Gospel of Thomas, we found a variety of activities happening all over. For a full calendar, go to:

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Taking Care of Colds & Flu Naturally

| by Mitzi Adams

Taking Care of Colds and Flu–Naturally By Mitzi Adams, Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu ® Practitioner During this time of cold and flu season, we can get caught off-guard. I am sure many of you have gotten the flu shot, and that may or may not prevent you from getting the flu. Then, there are those of us who have chosen not to get the flu shot this year, and simply want to let our own immune systems do its job.

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Jodi Serota’s Channeled Newsletter October 2013

| by Jodi Serota

Jodi Serota’s Channeled Newsletter for Ocotber 2013 What “Appears” To Be Happening? It has been said that after this 26,000 year cycle, since Dec. 2012, that the Earth would be brought into a new alignment, and that the World & Humanity would finally make it through this time period, like never before in Earth’s history. We’ve been given the impression that this would bring great change for the better, and that an evolution and awakening of consciousness would occur, ushering in a Re-birth of enlightenment through love.

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