What Happens When We Die by Echo Bodine

What Happens When We Die by Echo Bodine, Review by Cheryl Shainmark

There’s a lot of punch in this slim little book — real information about the soul, what it goes through while the body is dying, and tips on what to do and what not to do throughout the process. After so many years of being a healer and psychic, the author has seen it all and offers great anecdotes about the dying process, the funeral, and the afterlife.

What Happens When We Die offers practical tools for being with the dying (including what not to do), for grieving (through the poignant experience of her own mother’s passing as Bodine was writing this book), and for cultivating clear and inspiring communication with the deceased. Learning what happens when we die turns out to be inspiring, reassuring, and profoundly life changing.

“When a person is in their dying process, the soul spends much of its time out of the body, preparing for its new life on the other side. During this time, the soul visits with deceased loved ones quite often and reacquaints itself with its new (old) home, heaven. When the person physically dies on this side, they are being born into the other side, in a sense …. Animals have souls too. When my chocolate Lab Jessie died, I was very sad for days, but since his passing I’ve seen him several times running around the yard like he used to. Yes, our precious pets do have souls and do go to heaven. They are being cared for on the other side, and you will see them again.”

Echo Bodine is the bestselling author of Echoes of the Soul, The Gift, A Still, Small Voice, and most recently What Happens When We Die. She is a renowned spiritual healer, psychic, and teacher who lectures widely on intuition, spiritual healing, and life after death. She also has a monthly radio show and popular blog. Visit her online at echobodine.com.

Excerpted from the book What Happens When We Die ©2013 by Echo Bodine. Published with permission of New World Library http://www.newworldlibrary.com

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