Have You Had Your Algae Today? The Many Benefits of Chlorella

Chlorella, also known as “sun chlorella” is a simple algae that offers a complex variety of benefits. The Japanese have been hip to chlorella for years, but it’s only caught on in the Western markets more recently. Chlorella is an excellent source of Vitamin B-12 (usually only found in proteins), B-1 and B-2, folic acid, and Vitamins C and K.

Now that the plant has grown in popularity there has been increased research into it’s effectiveness in treating a wide variety of ailments. Among the benefits researchers found that chlorella:

· Boosts antibodies in nursing mothers

· Helps the body to detox mercury and other heavy metals

· Helps to regulate high blood pressure

· Helps to regulate insulin levels in diabetics

· Lowers cholesterol

· Helps in the treatment of fibromyalgia

· Increase memory and focus

· Promotes growth and repair of tissues

On Dr. Mercola’s website, www.mercola.com , he writes:

“One of the reasons the Japanese value chlorella so highly is its natural detoxification abilities. Chlorella is a “green food,” a single-celled, micro-algae that is about two to ten microns in size. It’s very small. It is this small size combined with its unique properties that make it such a useful detoxification tool. Its molecular structure, allows it to bond to metals, chemicals and some pesticides.”

It is interesting to note that the chlorella molecules only bind to toxic metals and not to the minerals that are good for humans. Now, because of its powerful detoxification abilities and immune enhancing components, it is thought that regular use of chlorella may reduce the risk of all types of cancer.

Click here for the complete article on www.mercola.com

The Boy Who Died and Came Back by Robert Moss

| by Cheryl Shainmark

The Boy Who Died and Came Back by Robert Moss — Review by Cheryl Shainmark Part memory, part dream, and part invitation to another world, The Boy Who Died and Came Back is Robert Moss’ most autobiographical effort yet. Readers of Moss’ other books will recognize snippets of his story from earlier works but find new details in this book and an enriched understanding of how the inventor of Active Dreaming grew up and came to choose this career path.

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The Costs of War, Violence and Denial: An Omega Retreat for Veterans Living with PTSD

Many of us live with the after effects of war, known as post-traumatic stress. Symptoms can include explosive anger, depression, and flashbacks. The attempts of traditional counseling and therapy, although valuable, often leave our moral and spiritual wounds unaddressed. Without doing the work of healing spiritually, we only address symptoms, and this often does not support a change in our hearts and minds.

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GMO Science Takes A Blow As Studies Are Retracted by Dr. Mercola

GMO Science Takes A Blow As Studies Are Retracted by Dr. Mercola The pesticide producers are one of the most powerful industries on the planet, the influence they possess is enormous. You have probably heard that an Elsevier journal has retracted the Seralini study which showed evidence of harm to rats fed a GMO diet, despite admitting they found no fraud or errors in the study.

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Alternatives: For The Health-Conscious Individual – A Newsletter by Dr. David Williams

| by Merryn Jose

I highly recommend this newsletter! Dr. David Williams & Alternatives Newsletter continues to knock out ailments and diseases in every monthly issue. Dr. Williams continues to criss-cross the globe, finding out why the Japanese are winning the fight against cancer and how the Israelis are whipping the flu.”

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Crystal Healing Beds are a Powerful Portal for Healing

| by Staff

Crystal Healing Beds Are a Powerful Portal for Healing: Linda Gering Kreisberg, blessed by John of God, is now taking appointments for crystal bed sessions in Bedford, NY. This powerful healing modality rejuvenates, aligns and balances energy fields for spiritual and physical healing. A crystal bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel cut crystals that correspond to the chakras in the body. Using the crystal bed as a portal the entities that channel through John of God make their presence felt to those who seek healing.

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AS SHE IS: A New Film Project from Megan McFeely

AS SHE IS: A New Film Project from Megan McFeely

Megan McFeely is launching a film project called AS SHE IS about a personal and collective journey towards wholeness…to reclaim, value and live the feminine aspect of ourselves. What does this mean? Our culture is fast and loud and it seems we have forgotten the importance of listening and to value the qualities of compassion, gratitude and generosity which are feminine capacities –things that come from the inner aspect of life– which provide connection, sustenance and meaning.

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The Health Benefits of Onions

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The health benefits of onion are endless because of its powerful anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. The onion is a member of the lily family, a close relation of garlic. It is often called the “king of vegetables” because of its pungent taste. There are many varieties of the onion–white, yellow, red and green globes. They also differ in size, color and taste. The smaller onions come in many varieties such as the green onion, or scallion which includes chives, leeks and shallots. From www.juicing-for-health.com.

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Entangled Minds- Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality by Dean Radin

| review by Cheryl Shainmark

As Radin says, scientists have been aware of entanglement for years, but they’ve treated it as an abstract, theoretical concept with few real world repercussions. According to him, that view is changing now as more and more evidence comes in that this is happening on the “macro” level, not just on the “micro” atom level. Radin and his fellow researchers are in the vanguard of science because they are hypothesizing that entanglement may explain experiences of telepathy, intuition, distance healing, ESP and other “anomalies”.

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The Merlian News March Newsletter is Out!

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The February Newsletter is out! Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages. Just go to www.merliannews.com , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu. Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter and please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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