Numerology: The Explosive Month of May by Elizabeth Summers

The Magical World of Numbers:

The Explosive Month of May

by Elizabeth Summers

As we move into the fifth month of our calendar year, all of Nature seems to be taking off its spandex and bursting into the joy of freedom. The Number Five exudes this very energy no matter where it appears in a personal chart. Perhaps many reading this article are too young to have experienced the erratic energy of the toy called a “Mexican Jumping Bean.” This fun capsule jumps around in the palm of one’s hand in response to the “heat of the moment.” Never staying in one position too long, this bean impulsively moves in all directions. Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month enjoy this same quick, resourceful and versatile reputation.

Unique, unconventional and a seeker of the latest and greatest, Number Five individuals could easily wander off to far-away lands-mentally or physically-to find the answers to their questions in life. Number Five loves change, travel, variety and, above all, personal freedoms.

Life is never dull for those that are the companions of the Number Five. The marriage mate of a Five needs to understand their mate’s need for an unrestricted lifestyle and dislike for handling responsibility. Number Five has difficulty committing to anything, because it basically does not trust itself. The subconscious knows that its motto is “Don’t fence me in” and the structure of married life seems like a big “fence.” Paradoxically, the very thing the Number Five needs is structure. It isn’t uncommon to see a young Number Five enlist in the military or marry early.

Number Five people are verbal and mentally high-strung, choosing to live on their nerves and create adventures that satisfy their craving for excitement. With a genuine dislike for hard manual labor, occupations that utilize quick paced and mental dexterity suit them best. Patience in thought, word and deed is not Number Five’s strong point! This is not to say that Number Five would be a “couch potato.” As long as the experience has excitement, challenges or adventure, patient perseverance to accomplish is paramount.

The five energies of the senses vibrate to the Number Five personality. Therefore, sports, exercise and sex play a big part in their lives. This spirited experimenter and thrill seeker must be on guard against over-indulgence in drugs, sexual affairs and gambling especially. Gambling plays to their love of risk-taking. When the Number Five is in play in a personal transit chart, major changes abound. Changes in location, lifestyle, career, even partners must be taken into consideration. Some modifications in lifestyle can be experienced involuntarily, presenting uncertainty as to what to do next! Expressed as the Hierophant Card in Tarot, the inner teacher will guide the Number Five, if it will only listen and follow through.

Mercury, the planet of communication, rules over this rather loquacious energy. Talking, selling, teaching, traveling, exploring and bubbling over with excitement allows everyone and everything to remain totally energized. To hold life loosely, to patiently allow life to unfold and to live in moderation are key lessons the energy of Number Five needs to learn. Open to life, with a willingness to try almost anything, this “bundle of energy” called Number Five, learns all its lessons in life through experiencing them, choosing not to follow advice from wiser wisdom givers. Thus, many a “mud puddle” has been splashed around in by Number Fives. However, their wonderful elasticity of character allows them to rebound quickly from the heaviest blows. Nothing seems to affect them for very long.

This mercurial Number Five, with its disdain for the monotonous, thrives under stress and in crisis conditions. It adapts to sudden changes while remaining centered in the moment. Their lucky days are Wednesdays and Fridays, when perhaps this “Mexican Jumping bean” vibration should decide to make its next leaps!

Elizabeth Summers , Esoteric Numerologist

Esoteric Numerologist Elizabeth Summers is adept at combining Numerology, an ancient system of codes based on the Western Pythagorean System, with astrology and the Chaldean/Quabala interpretations of the Tarot to decode an individual’s temperament and personality, their attitude towards life, emotional reactions, best career choice, deepest desires, and the general issue they are meant to deal with in this life. To enjoy a personal reading with Elizabeth, please email:

or call 303-702-5420

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