Monsanto Charged With War Crimes by Dr. Mercola

If you’re sick and tired of Monsanto’s scheming to monopolize the food supply with patented crops, and their insistence on poisoning your family and the planet as a matter of business, you’re far from alone.

Last month, the Center for Biological Diversity’s annual “Dodo Award” went to Monsanto for its reckless peddling of glyphosate, a carcinogen that’s driving loss of wildlife and diversity around the globe.

Earlier this year, dozens of food, farming, and environmental justice groups announced they will put Monsanto on trial for “crimes against nature and humanity” on October 16, 2016 (World Food Day), in The Hague, Netherlands.

As noted by Andre Leu, president of the International Foundation for Organic Agriculture (IFOAM):

“Monsanto is able to ignore the human and environmental damage caused by its products, and maintain its devastating activities through a strategy of systemic concealment:

By lobbying regulatory agencies and governments, by resorting to lying and corruption, by financing fraudulent scientific studies, by pressuring independent scientists, and by manipulating the press and media.

Monsanto’s history reads like a text-book case of impunity, benefiting transnational corporations and their executives, whose activities contribute to climate and biosphere crises and threaten the safety of the planet.”

To raise the €1 million needed to finance the trial, the Monsanto Tribunal Foundation is using online crowd funding. You can make a donation on’s website.

Click here for the complete article

Merlian News December 2015 Newsletter

Happy Holidays from everybody at Merlian News! The December Newsletter is out! Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages. Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu. Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter and please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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Why We Need To Work With Symbols by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

| by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

A symbol is not just an image, but is like a door into the inner world of the soul, through which we can access the energy and meaning that belongs to this sacred dimension of our self. However, a symbol will only reveal its magical nature if we approach it with the right attitude, if we have the correct quality of consciousness. Symbolic consciousness is a way of working with symbols that allows their meaning and energy into our consciousness. It is like a key that is needed to unlock the real potential, the energy of a symbol.”

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Global Intention Event for Peace & Healing on December 21st

| by Staff

Energy Medicine Exchange, in cooperation with 10 Billion Beats, present “A Global Intention Event for Peace & Healing” on December 21st. What a way to celebrate the solstice! As it says on the poster: “The need is great, the tribe is large. This is an effort to positively affect the Earth and her inhabitants through the power of collective intention. Peace TO Earth and Goodwill ON Living kind.”

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Omega Presents Jack Kornfield Dec 5th at the NY Ethical Society

| by Staff

Omega Institute Presents: The Essence of Buddhist Psychology A 1-Day Training for Meditators & Psychologists Jack Kornfield, PhD. December 5 at the New York Society for Ethical Culture* 9:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday. Learn from the transformative teachings and practices at the heart of Buddhist Psychology. Discover your inner capacity for wakefulness, joy, dignity, and compassion–your Buddha-nature.

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Ask Li Chen: Channeled Guidance for Your Deepest Questions

| by Jocelyn Graef

Jocelyn Graef is an experienced psychic, Reiki Master, trance channeler and medium. Li Chen, is one of her spirit guides who speaks through her in order that his wisdom, clarity and guidance may be received by any who seek him. Jocelyn teaches and offers both private sessions and public readings. She is the author of Great Awakenings, The Low Fat Herbivore and Honor the Mystery. See more at .

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Moving the Giants: A Film of One Man’s Inspired Quest to Save Ancient Trees

Twenty years ago, David Milarch, a northern Michigan nurseryman with a penchant for hard living, had a near-death experience. After this experience, angels let him know that the earth was in trouble. Its trees were dying, and without them, human life was in jeopardy. The solution, they told him, was to clone the champion trees of the world – the largest, the hardiest, the ones that had survived millennia and were most resilient to climate change – and create a kind of Noah’s ark of tree genetics…

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Retailers say NO to GMO Salmon

Late last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved AquAdvantage salmon–the first edible genetically engineered animal to earn such an approval…. But instead of U.S. retailers taking favorably to the historic news, more than 60 supermarket chains are refusing to sell it in their stores–Costco now included.

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Active Dreaming: The Essential Training with Robert Moss

| by Staff

Check out this 12-Week Online Program with Robert Moss on The Shift Network: N ew Live Training Starts Thursday, December 10. Active Dreaming offers a synthesis of contemporary dream work and ancient shamanic methods of journeying that allow you to be fully of this world while maintaining constant contact with “the world-behind-the-world,” where the deeper logic and purpose of your life is found. Active Dreaming is thus a way of remembering and embodying what the soul knows about essential things: who you are, where you come from and your sacred purpose in this life and beyond.

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Health and the Honey Bee by Charles Mraz

| review by C. Tallon

“For centuries, individuals stricken with some debilitating diseases, have been treated with bee stings in order to effectively treat their symptoms.” The life work of Charles Mraz, father of bee venom therapy.

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