David Eagleman: Time, Perception and Synesthesia

David Eagleman is an American neuroscientist and writer at Baylor College of Medicine, where he directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action and the Initiative on Neuroscience and Law. He is best known for his work on time perception, synesthesia, and neuro-law. After a close brush with death as a child, Eagleman began to question his assumptions about time and the brain. His experience, of time slowing down during a life threatening accident, left him feeling like Alice falling down the rabbit hole and went on to inform his life’s work.

His most recent book, the New York Times bestseller Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain, explores the neuroscience “under the hood” of the conscious mind–in other words, all the aspects of neural function to which we have no awareness or access.

Eagleman is founder of the company BrainCheck , the scientific advisor for the television drama Perception, and has been profiled on the Colbert Report, NOVA Science Now, the New Yorker, CNN’s Next List, and many other venues. He appears regularly on radio and television to discuss literature and science and you can catch his TEDx talk, “The Future of Reality.”

Ask Li Chen: Does the Soul Enter the Body at Conception?

| by Jocelyn Graef

Q: Li Chen, does a soul enter the body at the instant of conception, and is it the same for everyone? A: A very deep and thoughtful question, Dear One. Each soul chooses its own time to enter the new body. It is different for everyone. Speaking purely on the factual aspects, a soul will rarely enter a body at the time of conception, but generally wait until later in the pregnancy up to several months after the child is born. Most commonly, the soul attaches to the body in the last few months of pregnancy.

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Hidden Science, Punk Science and The Paradigm Revolution

Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton, the author of Punk Science and The Genius Groove , has a lot of interesting theories about the universe: that black holes are the creative force behind galaxies, and that they exist in outer space and within our bodies as well. That “paranormal” events aren’t strange at all when you look at the cutting edge science that can explain them. Dr Laughton is the person presenting Hidden Science on David Icke’s People’s Voice Channel. She will be appearing on The People’s Voice (link below) at 2.15 GMT today. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.tv/ These are just a few of the ideas explored on her website, www.paradigmrevolution.com and on her blog.

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To Spleen or Not To Spleen – Body Harmony Through Jin Shin Jyutsu® by Mitzi Adams

| by Mitzi Adams

The importance of the Spleen in achieving harmony for the whole body, by using Jin Shin Jyutsu®, an ancient healing art form that uses the life force of the body to promote healing. The spleen energy can come to the rescue on many occasions. The spleen is an earth organ and harmonizer of the nervous system. It helps us with the attitude of worry and is a total body regulator. It aids the body in transforming food into energy, and is the forerunner to every effort in the body. When it is in harmony, it brings sunshine to our bodies.

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Altered Genes Twisted Truth by Steven Druker

| by Dr. Mercola

In his latest newsletter, Dr. Mercola interviews Steven Druker, author of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, a fascinating new book describing how GMOs came into being and have been allowed to permeate our food supply through illegal means and without legally required safety testing. From the article on www.mercola.com , “On January 24, a statement signed by 300 scientists, researchers, physicians and scholars was published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europe, 1 asserting that there is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs. Moreover, the paper… states that the claim of scientific consensus on GMO safety is in actuality ‘an artificial construct that has been falsely perpetuated.’ The paper also notes that such a claim ‘is misleading and misrepresents or outright ignores the currently available scientific evidence and the broad diversity of scientific opinions among scientists on this issue.'”

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Merlian News March 2015 Newsletter

The March Newsletter is out! Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages. Just go to www.merliannews.com , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu. Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter and please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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The Making of a Mystic by Paddy Fievet, PhD

| by Staff

In an excerpt from her fascinating new book, The Making of a Mystic, author Paddy Fievet writes: “Just as I walked beyond the base of the Mary Magdalene Tower, I noticed the plethora of blooming wildflowers in front of me. Most of them were of a light shade of purple splattered with touches of the color of an early morning sunrise. Each stalk had many flowers upon it, bending and swaying slightly in the easy spring breeze flowing up and down the mountainside. Meandering slightly off my path, I eased down among those wildflowers. For a while, I just sat there, noticing intricate details about each leaf, each stone in the walls, and each flower stalk….”

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Circus to Phase Out Elephant Acts

Earlier this week Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus announced that they would phase out using elephants in its circuses. The elephant, an iconic symbol of the American circus, also has long been a symbol for the cruelty and mistreatment of all circus and other performance animals. Citing changing public attitudes and financial concerns, the parent company, Feld Entertainment, said the animals would be phased out and retired to farms by 2018.

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The God Search is Over by Don Mordasini

| by Don Mordasini

Imagine for a moment you are hurtling through space at 30,000 miles an hour. You look out a window and see a sliver of the moon, planets, stars, and in the distance earth. You are completely surrounded by a dark emptiness punctuated by these celestial bodies…. You gaze out the window again and you realize the tiniest speck of matter, let alone the earth, the sun, the celestial bodies, everything you see, is being sustained by something more than chance. You intuit that the cosmos is in harmony. Some unknown intelligence is orchestrating the universe.

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