Join the Conversation at Talk Stream Spiritual Radio

Are you interested in joining in on a spiritual conversation? Check out Roland Comtois’s Roland, an internationally renowned channel and author of “And Then There Was Heaven,” interviews the most fascinating people for his talk show. He also shares life-affirming messages of hope and love on his Soul Stories radio show. You can tune in live to ask Roland your on-air questions!

Roland may be best known for his “Purple Papers,” the spiritual messages for the living that come to Roland from loved ones who have died. From his website, we read:

“Roland has daily conversations with people who have passed. Souls who hope Roland will give their personal messages of love, healing and hope to the people they left behind. So important are these messages that Roland takes notes on Purple Papers that he carries with him, day after day, month after month, year after year, as he tries to find the people for whom they are written. He has written thousands of Purple Paper messages. Each one is detailed with specific information that only the recipient — and their loved one — would know and understand. Each one, dated at the time it was written, tells a story of a life lived and lost. And each one is tangible evidence of life after life, irrefutable proof that there is another side.”

Check out Roland’s website to listen to archived broadcasts, for a list of local appearances, or to sign up for his newsletter. He has local events and book signings throughout the country, and in the fall he is hosting a trip to Italy:

A Personal Spiritual & Cultural Experience Co-Hosted by Simpatico, Italy’s Finest September 30th through October 9th, 2015

Celebrating the Harvest Festival Lammas on August 1st

| by Staff

The season of Lammas (also called Lughnasadh) begins on August 1st and continues until the end of September in the Northern Hemisphere (Feb 1st until the end of March in the Southern Hemisphere) marking the cross-quarter or midpoint in the Sun’s progress between Midsummer (Summer Solstice) and Mabon (Autumnal Equinox). Traditionally timed with the beginning of the grain harvest, it is the first of three Autumn Harvest festivals, and is associated with giving thanks, especially in the form of wheat or bread products.

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Gwyneth Paltrow’s campaign “Just Label It” to overturn the DARK Act

Gwyneth Paltrow has joined a growing list of celebrities and politicians urging Americans to act quickly to prevent passage of the DARK Act — “Denying American’s Right to Know” whether their food contains genetically modified products. The need to act is urgent: the bill has already passed the House and is due to come before the Senate on August 5th. Passage of this bill would overturn mandatory GMO labeling in the three states that already have it, and prevent new measures from being taken across the country.

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Merlian News July 2015 Newsletter

| by Staff

The July Newsletter is out! Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages. Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu. Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter and please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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Talk to Your Plants: They Really Are Listening

| by Cheryl Shainmark

How many of us talk to our plants? I know I do, pretty much as I would to a pet or a small child, only one that doesn’t follow me around. Well, it turns out that they really are listening. People have said for years that speaking nicely to your house plants or garden veggies can produce lusher, healthier growth, but scientists never understood the mechanisms for plant “hearing” until recently. More importantly, scientists weren’t clear on why a plant would need to “listen” at all.

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“Proof” and “Sense8”: New Shows That Explore Consciousness and Evolution

| by Cheryl Shainmark

I’m always up for a good show that investigates consciousness, the paranormal, or mankind’s possible evolution of greater mental powers, i.e, ESP, psychism, bending spoons, etc. Whether it’s Scully and Mulder outwitting Cancerman in their search for the truth, those hunky brothers who hunt for bad demons, or the young autistic boy who can predict events by focusing on numbers, I’m there with a bag of popcorn and the hope that this time, maybe, the show will have legs and maybe even offer, well — something new.

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Why You Dont Need Dairy for Calcium

There’s been a lot of controversy over the last several years about calcium in our diet, especially about the amount required to prevent bone loss and whether calcium supplements are necessary. Calcium levels become especially critical when you take away meat and dairy. There is a myth prevalent that you must have milk in your diet in order to fulfill your body’s requirements. Addressing this myth, Rosane Oliveira, DVM, PhD, writes, “The subject of calcium is a hotly debated one. One of the biggest controversies is whether or not we can really get enough calcium following a whole-food, plant-based diet that excludes dairy.” From

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