The Metta Institute and the Zen Hospice Project

The Metta Institute was developed as an outgrowth of the Zen Hospice Project (ZHP), nationally recognized as a pioneering model in the movement to improve end-of life care. From the website we read: METTA is an ancient Pali (Buddhist) term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, benevolence and non-violence. It is a strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others. We chose it as our name because we believe it expresses the essential human quality that is most beneficial in the lives of those who are dying and their caregivers.

The Director, Frank Ostaseski, helped form ZHP in 1987, and guided the program for 17 years. Those active or on the board over the years have included Buddhist leader Ram Dass, author and medical doctor Rachel Naomi Remen, and cultural anthropologist and spiritual author, Angeles Arrien.

While the Zen Hospice Project started in San Francisco, a growing movement toward more compassionate and spiritual end of life care has led to the development of other branches and resources across the country, including New York City. The Metta Institute offers an End-of-Life Practitioner Program, first developed in 2002,to establish a national network of educators, advocates and guides for those facing life-threatening illness and the individuals and systems that serve them.

Click here for a video of Angeles Arrien on The Four Fold Way

Click here for the New York Times Article “Zen and the Art of Dying Well”

Working with Spirit: Thoughts of Dorothy Davies

| by Dorthy Davies

There are many levels of spirit people: there is the guide who chose to walk with you from the moment you arrived on this earth plane, there is the guardian angel who has attached themselves to you to guard you and protect you…There is no better way of living a life. With their help I have grown wiser, more able to give to others on this side of life, more capable of sharing their wisdom with those who come to me for readings for advice. With their help I have learned to appreciate every day, no matter what it brings me.

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Merlian News Podcast With Barbara Weisberg

| by Merlian News

In this interview, Barbara talks with Merryn Jose about the Fox sisters; how they became mediums, spiritualism in the 19th century, her book, and more. Barbara Weisberg is the author of Talking to the Dead, which is about Kate & Maggie Fox and the rise of spiritualism . It is a nonfiction account of the lives and times of the two charismatic young sisters generally considered the founders of modern Spiritualism in the 19th century. Barbara Weisberg is a published poet and also the author of several children’s books, Weisberg first wrote about the Fox sisters for American Heritage magazine.

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Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine

| by Staff

As more and more people seek greater health and alternatives to drug therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine has experienced a resurgence of popularity. TCM focuses on several approaches to staying healthy, aging well, and preventing disease. These include acupuncture, acupressure, Qigong, classical herbal therapy, eating well and monitoring psychological or emotional health.

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Merlian News October 2015 Newsletter

The October Newsletter is out! Merlian News is now translated into over 50 languages. Just go to , upper right hand corner to Google Translate and use the drop down menu. Also, don’t forget to check us out on Facebook & Twitter and please take a look at our Website of the Month!

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Italy and Austria Opt Out of GMOs

| by Staff

Austria and Italy have joined the growing ranks of EU countries opting out of GM crops. After the announcement last week, the list now includes France, Ireland, Scotland, Greece, and Latvia. From the website we read: Austrian Health Minister Sabine Oberhauser and a number of Italian Ministries have confirmed that both countries are officially requesting an opt-out from growing the eight varieties of GM maize permitted or set to be permitted at the EU level, thus there will now be a full ban on GM crops in both countries under new EU regulations.

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