Merlian Newsletter February 2016

This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:MerlianNewslogofrontpageSm

Merryn’s Musings
Sunshine, Meditation & Good Eats
My husband and I just returned from a wonderful two-week long vacation in Sarasota, FL. After some initial sunshine that favored long walks on the beach, the weather turned cold and windy.  Instead of sitting outdoors we found we spent more time visiting friends and dining inside at local restaurants and cafes.   After my husband Julian did a bit of research online, two of the local eateries, Ionie Retreat & Café, and The Green Zebra Cafe, quickly became our “go to” places for ambience and amazing vegetarian food.

Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
Tell Me A Story: Stirring Up Cellular Memories with Meditation
I have been meditating for over fifteen years now and find it an essential part of my life. Many have written about the substantial physical and emotional benefits, and while I’ve certainly found that to be the case, too, I’ve also noticed that there is a component of releasing “cellular memories” that is rarely addressed. People shy away from phenomena that are not so easily explained, but whether you call it “cellular memories,” “past lives,” or releasing “old patterns,” I have found that there is something extraordinary happening that also brings welcome relief to the body and the spirit.

Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut & Pioneer of Consciousness 
Early this month we were saddened to hear of the death of Edgar Mitchell, renowned astronaut, and one of only 12 people to ever walk on the moon.   What many do not realize, however, was that because of that experience, Edgar Mitchell went on to become a global leader in promoting consciousness research and was the founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Wellbeing & Healing
SunRaven and The Slow Medicine Foundation
Have you checked out SunRaven lately? The beautiful healing center, located in Bedford, NY, is home to a wealth of services including integrative medicine, psycho-spiritual healing, and more. Husband and wife team, Michael Finkelstein, MD, and Robin Queen Finkelstein, have turned the grounds into an oasis of healing for the community. In addition to their individual consultations, workshops, and men’s and women’s groups, they have recently launched a new nonprofit program called “Slow Medicine.”

Qi Gong
Using Chi Gong to Treat Cancer
All over Shanghai there were people getting together every morning, hundreds of people in dozens of places, to practice these seemingly simple forms of exercise to fight their cancer. These groups were run solely by cancer survivors who had used this form of exercise. In Shanghai alone, there were almost 3,000 people in these cancer recovery clubs, and besides the exercise they also scheduled group trips, met for yearly anniversaries for the members survival, and generally supported each other in their fight.

Environmental Awareness
Monsanto Linked Pesticide, Not Zika Virus, May Be Cause of Birth Defects
In a shocking new development, reports have come in that chemicals, not the Zika virus, may be responsible for the birth defects reported among pregnant women in South and Central America. As seen on the report, written by the Argentine group Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns (PCST), suspects that pyriproxyfen—a larvicide added to drinking water to stop the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks—has caused the birth defects. The authors said that the pesticide, known by its commercial name SumiLarv, is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, a Japanese subsidiary of Monsanto.

#What Is a Near Death Experience by Dr. Penny Sartori
#What Is a Near Death Experience? Is a wonderfully informative new book by Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near Death Experiences. It is part of the new series, #WhatIs, from Watkins Publishing. Written in a Q and A format, and loaded with case studies, this latest volume is densely packed with research about the incidence and types of NDEs, as well as thoughtful reflections about what they may mean for each individual, their families and for the world.

MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a method of using meditation and yoga to cultivate awareness and reduce stress. Of course, many of us having been doing this for years, but did you know it had a name? First developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR is based on the ancient practice of mindfulness, which is about waking up and being present in the richness of each moment of our lives. By doing this we gain access to our deepest inner resources for living, healing, and coping with stress.


Media/People The Path to Higher Consciousness by Mary O’Malley

Mary O’Malley writes, “The healing you long for doesn’t come from changing anything. It comes from the ability to see and be with what is, for who you are is awareness. You are the space that your storyteller is happening in. As awareness, you can see the spells (limiting beliefs), feelings and sensations that pass through you all day long rather than being lost in the stories they generate….”

Thank you once more, for your positive feed back and support! Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher

Sunshine, Meditation & Good Eats

My husband and I just returned from a wonderful two-week long vacation in Sarasota, FL. After some initial sunshine that favored long walks on the beach, the weather turned cold and windy. Instead of sitting outdoors we found we spent more time visiting friends and dining inside at local restaurants and cafes. After my husband Julian did a bit of research online, two of the local eateries, Ionie Retreat & Café, and The Green Zebra Cafe, quickly became our “go to” places for ambience and amazing vegetarian food.

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Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut & Pioneer of Consciousness

Early this month we were saddened to hear of the death of Edgar Mitchell, renowned astronaut, and one of only 12 people to ever walk on the moon. What many do not realize, however, was that because of that experience, Edgar Mitchell went on to become a global leader in promoting consciousness research and was the founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

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Monsanto Linked Pesticide, Not Zika Virus, May Be Cause of Birth Defects

| by Cheryl Shainmark

In a shocking new development, reports have come in that chemicals, not the Zika virus, may be responsible for the birth defects reported among pregnant women in South and Central America. As seen on the report, written by the Argentine group Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns (PCST), suspects that pyriproxyfen–a larvicide added to drinking water to stop the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks–has caused the birth defects. The authors said that the pesticide, known by its commercial name SumiLarv, is manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, a Japanese subsidiary of Monsanto.

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#What Is a Near Death Experience by Dr. Penny Sartori

| review by Cheryl Shainmark

#What Is a Near Death Experience? Is a wonderfully informative new book by Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near Death Experiences. It is part of the new series, #WhatIs, from Watkins Publishing. Written in a Q and A format, and loaded with case studies, this latest volume is densely packed with research about the incidence and types of NDEs, as well as thoughtful reflections about what they may mean for each individual, their families and for the world.

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Merlian News Podcast With Master Stephen Co

| by Merlian News & Team

In this podcast, Merryn Jose discusses with Master Stephen Co in depth, Pranic Healing , as well as Super Brain Yoga, internal & external chi qong, healing phobias & addictions, healing emotions, meditation, the importance of breathing, cleansing, removing blocks, and SuperBrain Yoga .Master Stephen Co is a world renowned Master Pranic Healer and the senior disciple of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. He is co-author (with Dr. Eric Robins) of the extraordinary book “Your Hands Can Heal You.” Master Co has taught at Kaiser Permanente (Harbor City), Cedars Sinai Medical Center (Beverly Hills), and Barnes Jewish Hospital. He serves as senior facilitator of the United States Pranic Healing Mission and has many thousands of graduates from all walks of life.

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The Hidden Life of Trees

As reported in The New York Times, Peter Wohlleben’s book, a surprise hit titled “The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries From a Secret World,” has verified what many nature enthusiasts, and virtually all native peoples have believed for years: that plants, in this case trees, have feelings too. Since the publication in 1973 of “The Secret Life of Plants,” by Peter Tompkins, enormous research has shown that plants hear, feel, and communicate in a variety of ways.

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Sound Healing with Mingtong Gu – Lesson One: Setting the Chi Field

Sound Healing with Master Mingtong Gu – Lesson One: “Setting the Chi Field” Here at Merlian News, some of the staff have been enjoying the online Home Study course “Sound Healing” from . What we’ve found is that the first lesson, “Setting the Chi Field” is critical for gaining the most from your Qi Gong practice. Do it right and each session is deeper and more profound, do it wrong and you may feel better than not having done it at all, but you won’t get the best healing and benefit that you could.

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