#What is Sound Healing

SoundHealingLyzCooper#What is Sound Healing? is a marvelous gem of a book, sure to inspire readers to hum, sing, chant, or drum their way to well-being. The second offering in a series from Watkins Publishing, this book combines intriguing case studies with simple exercises for practicing healing. Author Lyz Cooper has done a wonderful job of stockpiling a lot of information in a small book, and enlivened the topic with her own experiences in therapeutic sound healing.

Cooper traces the power of sound through history, from the ancient “Om” sound to modern chanting sessions, and explores various modalities and techniques. Having overcome her own medical challenges through her work with sound, the author went on to travel the world to learn and train in the field. In 2000 she founded the British Academy of Sound Training to teach and formally certify others in therapeutic sound healing.

For more information, go to www.watkinspublishing.com

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Roisin Fitzpatrick: The Artist of Light

| by Staff

RóisÍn Fitzpatrick is known as “The Artist of the Light.” Following a brain hemorrhage and near-death experience, Fitzpatrick turned this adversity into a positive life change. Integrating her passion for sharing the beauty of the eternal light, with her business skills from her former professional career (at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), she has become an internationally successful artist. She works with crystals sewn onto silk to create intricate geometric patterns and designs that are luminous, with colors that change according to the lighting.

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Astrology/Wellness Lecture with Lisa Karmen, June 13

On Monday, June 13th the Astrology and Wellness lecture will explore the dynamics of the approaching Summer Solstice (June 20) and its impact on our physical and psychological well being. The Summer Solstice is the point in the year when the Sun is closest to the earth archetypally representing the triumph of light over dark. This year’s Summer Solstice occurs 12 hours after a Full Moon which is also a time when the night sky is bathed in light. Where there is the greatest light there is also the greatest shadow…

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