As She Is – A Film by Megan McFeely

Megan McFeely2“As She Is” is a wonderful exploration of the nature of feminine energy, and could not be more timely, coming as it does at a real crisis point in our world.  Produced and directed by Megan McFeely, this is her journey, her exploration, but it is ours, too – and what she learns has implications for healing our world that has been so damaged in the last hundred years by wars, domination, the plundering of resources, and turning a blind eye to suffering.

Ms. McFeely recounts a tale of learning to suppress her feminine, intuitive side as she grew up, because it was not valued. Instead she became competitive, was taught that everything was a zero sum game, and went on to great success in the corporate world, where the masculine qualities of aggressiveness, linear thinking, and action are rewarded. Overwork and a series of crises in her life precipitated a physical breakdown and a mental reckoning that caused her to re-evaluate her life. Megan realized that something was missing, something that she had lost touch with, and that was the feminine side of her nature.

But that led to the question, what is the feminine? Through a series of interviews with authors, philosophers, artists and spiritual teachers, Megan McFeely explores the attributes of feminine energy, and what reclaiming it could mean for women, for men, and for the world. By sharing her own journey of healing, McFeely illuminates the path toward wholeness for the rest of us. Beautifully filmed, “As She Is” is a quiet rallying call to meet our current personal and world crises with love and creativity.

Click here for more information or to get a copy of As She Is



Mindfulness as Medicine at Omega Institute

The Omega Institute is offering a “Mindfulness as Medicine” course August 14-19, 2016. Based on the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, the course is led by Sister Dang Nghiem, and other Plum Village Dharma teachers. From the Omega website we read: When we think about the past, we often feel yearning or regret. Mindfulness—sometimes referred to as meditation in action—helps us live in the present moment, where trauma, loss, and illness can be transformed with kindness and love.

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Remembering British Medium, Ronald Hearn

I was saddened to hear of the passing last month of a dear old friend, renowned medium, Ronald Hearn. Ronald was a kind and loving man with a tremendous gift. He was a natural psychic and medium who gave me invaluable readings over the course of many years. His accuracy was phenomenal and he was well respected in the spiritual community. He will be sorely missed.

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Developing Your Yogic Superpowers to Make the World a Better Place

| by James Connor

Anyone who casually skims the verses of The Yoga Sutra, the third century root text available in nearly every yoga studio, bumps into a most perplexing fact. The third chapter on Mystical Powers describes specific causes for supernormal abilities like mind reading, invisibility, and flying. So what exactly are the causes for superpowers? And how can we develop them within ourselves to make the world a better place?

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