Awakenings- A Metaphysical Bookstore

If you happen to drive by the village of Katonah in Westchester County, please make it a must to drop in at Awakenings. The owner Linda Love is always gracious and helpful with anything you might need.

This store is a treasure trove of books, candles, crystals, tapes, jewelry, and many other delights!In addition to a number of yoga videos and feng shui crystals, there are an endless selection of both holistic and metaphysical books.

There is also a collection of books on tape, including the recorded works of Caroline Myss, Edgar Cayce, Ram    Dass and Deepak Chopra and numerous others. Among the great gifts available at Awakenings, is an array of beautiful handmade glass stars which are not only artistic, but light up a room. Awakenings is a perfect place for the purchasing of presents for every season. In fact, just perusing the store is a gift in itself. Enjoy!

Check out their website! Its beautifully peaceful colors and easy to navigate pages make your spiritual excursions that much more convenient. The store has a constantly updated list of events, practitioners, and speakers on their calendar. Call the store to confirm the schedule of any event you are interested in.

Mention this website and receive 10% off your purchase.

For more information on products, please visit

Store Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00-6:00 Sunday 12:00-5:00


215 Katonah Ave.

Katonah NY 10536

(914) 232-0382

Beyond the Olympics, There’s the Iron Nun

| by Cheryl Shainmark

The Olympics are over now but one doesn’t have to wait four years for another inspiring story of remarkable athleticism. Madonna Buder, also known as the Iron Nun, is a Catholic religious sister and Senior Olympian triathlete. In 2012, at the age of 82, Sister Buder became the oldest person to complete an Iron Man Triathlon, a record that still stands today.

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Your Home Sanctuary & Ancient Sacredness with Tim Walter

Your home sanctuary is directly connected to the sacred sites of ancient societies that still hold an attraction for visitors all over the world even after thousands of years. The essence of these places that archaeologists, historians, spiritual seekers and the vaguely interested call sacred sites is their atmosphere. It’s the enigmatic feeling that people are still there and a presence that is contradictory being intangible but also palpable as it hangs in the air and is felt even more strongly with the gentle laying of hand against age-worn stone.

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Overtones and Sound Healing with Jill Purce

| review by Cheryl Shainmark

Jill Purce is a voice teacher, therapist and developer of Sound Healing and Ancestral Healing movements, a system of using sound, chanting and overtones to effect healing. Jill is the author of The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul and has recorded CDs of her healing chants. Her work has helped people to recover from emotional and physical stresses as well as aiding expectant mothers to have smoother deliveries with less pain.

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Thrive Global: Arianna Huffington’s new venture

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Arianna Huffington announced last week that she was stepping down from running her digital news site, The Huffington Post. She said she’s planning to focus on a new company she has started, Thrive Global. Thrive Global is a health and well-being “platform,” designed to promote well-being and productivity in the workplace. As the press release stated, “It provides trainings, seminars, e-courses, coaching, and ongoing support based on the latest scientific findings from experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, productivity, sports, and sleep.”

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The Health Benefits of Lavender

I visited an organic lavender farm last summer. About a half a mile down the road before arriving I knew I was close as I could smell the fragrant aroma wafting through the air. The rolling hillside was full of the stunning silvery-green and purple lavender plants. While I’ve never been to France, I imagined this is what the French countryside must look and smell like. I felt immediately transported to a peaceful, relaxed state. How much was linked to the actual aromatic effects of lavender or the natural beauty of it in this lovely environment, I’ll never know. Either way, it was an experience to remember.

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42 Flowers You Can Eat by Melissa Breyer

| by Melissa Breyer, Writer / Brooklyn, New York

“The culinary use of flowers dates back thousands of years to the Chinese, Greek and Romans. Many cultures use flowers in their traditional cooking – think of squash blossoms in Italian food and rose petals in Indian food. Adding flowers to your food can be a nice way to add color, flavor and a little whimsy. Some are spicy, and some herbacious, while others are floral and fragrant. The range is surprising… It’s not uncommon to see flower petals used in salads, teas, and as garnish for desserts, but they inspire creative uses as well – roll spicy ones (like chive blossoms) into handmade pasta dough, incorporate floral ones into homemade ice cream… use them to make a floral simple syrup for use in lemonade or cocktails.

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Watch 5 Planets Align this Month

| by Cheryl Shainmark

If you cast your eye to the west and the setting sun this month, it is possible to see the alignment of five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Start your quest around dusk, as the various planets slip into view one by one. Don’t get fooled though – one of those shining beacons is likely to be the bright star, Antares, so you might want to consult a chart. The view culminates on August 27th, when Jupiter and Venus, the most visible of the planets, align.

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Merlian News August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is out, and we at Merlian News are very excited to announce that we’ve updated our website! Check out the new logo, great articles with a cleaner look, easier navigation, and incredible photos. We hope you all are as excited about the changes as we are! For now, enjoy our newsletter, check out the articles, and don’t forget to take a look at our Website of the Month.

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A cheap fix for insomnia, obesity and depression?

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Long after we turn them off, our screens may be keeping us awake. The blue screens on TVs, phones and laptops have been linked with decreased melatonin production in the body, a deficit that may take hours of tossing and turning in the dark to correct. The wavelength of the blue lights from screens mimics daylight, and that suppresses melatonin.

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