Merlian News December 2017 Newsletter

Happy Holidays from Merlian News!   We thank you for your support, and wish you and your loved ones a season of warmth, joy, and good tidings!

This Month’s Recommended Merlian News Articles:


Merryn’s Musings

The Great Mysteries: Believing, Knowing & Proving

Growing up, I never thought twice about whether there was an afterlife, or if it was possible to see into the past or the future, or how one could see things and events at a remote distance. My mother was a psychic, as was her mother and her mother’s mother before her. I knew as a child that I had inherited the “second sight”…. As a result, when people asked me whether I believed in things such as life after death, the paranormal, distance healing, or the mind’s ability to affect matter, I would tell them, “I don’t believe it, I know it.”

Liminal Moments by Cheryl Shainmark
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

I just finished reading “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It,” by Kamal Ravikant. I have to say that this slim volume completely jumpstarted a whole new spiritual practice for me. I don’t usually rave (in print, at least)… but this is one of the most accessible, transformative books I have ever read — and at 57 pages, you’d have to be in a coma not to get through it. Actually, if you are in a coma I will come and sit by your side and read it to you, because I want “Love Yourself” to be the earworm that gets stuck in your head. You’ll thank me later.

Consciousness is Intrinsic in the Universe by Paul Mulliner
It’s easy, during our everyday life in the world, to forget how extravagantly remarkable a human being actually is. Several trillion complex biochemical reactions, all in sync with one another, are occurring throughout our human body every second. Across trillions of synapses in our brain, coherent and orchestrated neural processing generates the impression of a three dimensional world around us, using information from our senses of sight, hearing and touch. For many people, however this extraordinary reality is unknown.

Q&A with Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, Author of Perceptual Intelligence

A talk with Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, author of Perceptual Intelligence: The Brain’s Secret to Seeing Past Illusion, Misperception, and Self-Deception. Brian is the world’s leading authority on keratoconus, refractive surgery, and creator of the revolutionary I-Brite® Eye Whitening procedure. He has devoted his career to the field of vision correction. For two decades, he has been a pioneering doctor with a thriving career in clinical, academic, and laboratory settings.

Merlian News Podcast with Master Stephen Co: Part 1

In Part 1 of this interview, Master Co talks with Merryn Jose about pranic healing. Stephen Co is a master of the Life Force energy. The “miracles” that Master Co performs are nature’s certain response to the conscious direction of our life force energy ( Chi or Prana ). This subtle knowledge has evolved in the Orient over thousands of years. These ancient mysteries have been organized into a clear-cut science by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, and are taught in the West by his senior disciple, Master Stephen Co. This system is called Pranic Healing.

Website of the Month

Animal World

Meet Dawn Hayman: Animal Commuicator & Spiritual Intuitive

Spring Farm CARES is an Animal and Nature Sanctuary located in the scenic Mohawk Valley of Central New York. From their website we read: We are home to an average of 250-300 animals including horses, donkeys, goats, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and poultry. We also have a Nature Sanctuary of over 250 acres of forest, wetland, and grassland with several miles of trails open by appointment and for tours. We are also home to Animal Communicator/Spiritual Intuitive Dawn Hayman.

Merryn Jose – Editor In Chief & Publisher
Cheryl Shainmark – Senior Editor

Excerpt from The Eagle’s View: Five Steps to Modern Mysticism by Paddy Fievet, PhD

As I mentioned before, I kept exploring the information that turned into this book because my initial Christian theology did not answer the many questions that plagued me for years. I had questions about awakening, questions relating to discovering who I was and what I was supposed to be doing on this earth. I had questions about my sense of intuition and why it was so dreadfully hard to explain it to friends and family in my younger years.

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Consciousness is Intrinsic in the Universe by Paul Mulliner

It’s easy, during our everyday life in the world, to forget how extravagantly remarkable a human being actually is. Several trillion complex biochemical reactions, all in sync with one another, are occurring throughout our human body every second. Across trillions of synapses in our brain, coherent and orchestrated neural processing generates the impression of a three dimensional world around us, using information from our senses of sight, hearing and touch. For many people, however this extraordinary reality is unknown.

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The Power of Meditation by Tim Walter

The power of meditation can no longer be in any doubt by even the most sceptical of sceptics. Details of a scientific experiment conducted at the Max Plank Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig Germany were published recently…. The experiment looked at how three meditation techniques affected the brains and bodies of more than 300 volunteers over nine months.

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Merlian News October 2017 Newsletter

Dear Readers: This year has been an exciting one so far, with new research and developments coming through almost daily in the fields of consciousness, science, spirituality, nutrition, activism, the environment, and more. We look forward to presenting our readers with up to date news and information, and we thank you for your support.

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Changing Lives: Sharing Our Transformative Experiences

A few weeks ago I wrote about a New York Times interview with Barbara Ehrenreich, author of several books including “Nickel and Dimed.” The interview focused on her most recent book, “Living With a Wild God,” a memoir detailing the author’s transformative experiences when she was in her teens. Having had numerous experiences myself, I found that her account caught my interest. In the last few years I have noted an increase in the number of people stepping forward to tell their sometimes other-worldly stories of wonder, enlightenment, and awe…

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Reality Sandwich: Evolving Consciousness, Bite by Bite

Recently a friend introduced us to the work of Ken Jordan, co-founder of, a truly outstanding resource for articles, podcasts and more. From their website we read: “Reality Sandwich is a magazine of ideas for the transformational community. We cover subjects like shamanism, non-local consciousness, visionary art, alternative economics, psychedelics, permaculture, transformational festivals, meditation, democratic engagement, near death experiences, and tantra, to name but a few.

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Moved By Mountains

| by Cheryl Shainmark

Moved By Mountains – Several years ago I dreamed I flew as a hawk, high above seared mountains, gazing down on granite soil marked only by occasional stunted evergreens. In my dream I soared and twisted, riding the air currents until I actually felt dizzy and then, as soon as I thought, “This is too much!” I woke up in my bed. I remembered the details vividly, though I had never seen those vistas in real life. Last week I saw the mountains of my dreams, that is, the dry stretch of the Rockies where the rain does not fall.

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The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart

You may know Lynne as the author of books like The Field, The Intention Experiment, and now her newest book, The Power of Eight. An award-winning journalist and international bestselling author, Lynne wanted to learn more about the healing power of thought. Was it really occurring, or are the anecdotal stories we hear no more than the subjective experience of a few individuals? She didn’t expect a close, scientific look to reveal enough hard evidence to support people’s assertions.

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Mindfulness For Children On the Rise

| by Merlian News

Mindfulness Matters! For celebrities, for kids, and for you! In a recent article for AARP, Goldie Hawn discussed how mindfulness and meditation, (something she’s been practicing since the 70’s), have impacted her life. She writes: “In 2003, I established the Hawn Foundation to help children create greater brain health through mindfulness practices… . Through our MindUP program in schools, we’ve demonstrated that if students take two minutes for a brain break three times a day, optimism in the classroom goes up almost 80 percent. On the playground, aggression goes down about 30 percent.”

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